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Kudzu in Australia

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    Kudzu in Australia

    I am getting the stuff together to start the program which seems to me to be the most positive I have researched.
    Can any Aussies tell me if Kudzu is available in Australia and if not is it ok to bring it in from an overseas source?
    Here's hoping I can win the battle as many of you are.

    Kudzu in Australia

    Hi, I'm in Australia and ordered my Kudzu from this site. The packaged had been "checked by customs" but other than that was delivered okay. It took about a week and a half to arrive.

    Best of luck


      Kudzu in Australia

      I ordered original supps from large US vit chain. Took 6 weeks to arrive.
      Have since ordered from the MWO site. Arrived within 2 weeks. Seems ok quality.
      No probs with customs and arrived in "Anon" packaging


        Kudzu in Australia

        Yep, I ordered stuff from all over the place.. got Kudzu from american site.. took about 4 weeks to come. Since then I get stuff from MWO cause it takes only about 5 days to arrive, way cheaper in shipping, and i think it's better quality & fresher than what I've had before.

        Am getting up an aussie website to get all of us clued in about who to hassle to get topa, all-one, etc. I'm personally having a hard time getting all-one.. almost 9 weeks & no sign of it. They are very nice & we keep in touch via email.. but my stuf's obviously held up by customs.

        Website's still under construction and too messy, so can't tell you the address.. but should be up in a few days i hope?
        (been saying that for a few weeks) Guess it's more complicated than i thought.

        Anyway, will post a new thread as soon as it's up. I figure the more of us phoning people and telling them to support the program cause it works, the sooner we'll have many more happy healthy members. Been working with RJ on this and she's pleased & happy for us to be getting organised here.

        All the supps on MWO are great.. and arrive within about 5 days! Or that is my experience, so i've decided to keep ordering from MWO.

        I'm still working on all-one & topa.

        By the way, as I see it the tendancy to drink is often hereditary.. so whatever work we do today on our selves.. could help one of our children tomorrow. Kinda adds incentive doesn't it?



          Kudzu in Australia

          Way to go Martian! All those from OZ take notice, we have a force to be reckoned with here! The more that MFM can get organized, the better off you all will be! Big smooch, MFM! Keep up the good work!

          Love, Kathy:rollin

