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Afraid of asking doc for Topomax

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    Afraid of asking doc for Topomax

    I'm going to start a new topic here because I think this is so important.

    I've been here about 6 weeks now and I've seen this come up so often and been especially moved (maybe outraged) by Trish's experience with her doctor: this whole "can I get Topomax" deal.

    First, let me share my experience with you. Like all of you, I was a little apprehensive. Unlike most of you, my doc (FNP) is a close personal friend who I vacation with, share dinners with, ect., and I work with her husband (who is my best friend). They had no idea I had a drinking problem. So it was a real struggle for me to consider whether or not she'd be the one I'd seek for the Topomax. Anyway, after much personal debate, I though, who better?

    Well, in I went, gave her the spiel, she said she would IF I would go to AA. I said NO WAY!! LOL.. I told her My Way Out was the way I intended to deal with my drinking problem and she could be the one to help me or I would keep looking until someone else did. She reviewed the program and wasn't skeptical, actually was very excited. She just knew AA had a track record.. I told her I'd never do AA. I told her I'd let her monitor my progress as much as she'd like. After seeing the results and seeing that there were ZERO withdrawls, she was amazed. She's been sharing the program with collegues and has put 4 patients on it (MYO) in the last month with results similar to mine.

    This is cutting edge stuff and real medical people recognize it for what it is. Don't be afraid to take it to your doctors. If you get rejected, don't be afraid to take it to another doctor. Medical professionals are scientists and most likely they'll be interested when you hand them this research. Even more likely, they'll already know about it. So, relax, go to your doctor to get healed from this disease as you would from any other. Another thing to keep in mind is that YOU pay THEM. They work for you. If you don't like their service, take your business elsewhere, just the same as you would with your auto mechanic.

    Hope this helps. No reason to order your topa offshore. Get the script.

    Afraid of asking doc for Topomax

    Right on Marty! The times they are a changin'! The shame of alcoholism debilitates us, but we are not powerless with our physicians. Many are eager to learn about new treatment protocols, especially ones that work. Recently, after starting on topa the right way, but before seeing how well it could really work, he was talking about maybe referring me to an addictions specialist if the topa didn't work, and I told him, "I have a relationship with you! I am more than willing to be your guinea pig. You aren't getting rid of me so easily!" He smiled and agreed easily. It's a learning experience for both of us. Needless to say, he is thrilled with how well I am currently doing.

    Thanks for posting Marty!


      Afraid of asking doc for Topomax

      that should encourage sooo many people. Thank you for posting.


        Afraid of asking doc for Topomax



          Afraid of asking doc for Topomax

          Maybe some compassionate person out here can help me.

          I have no health insurance and have fallen on some hard financial times. Thus, I cannot afford to go and see a doctor about getting a prescription for topamax.

          I went to a free clinic today and explained in detail about my alcohol abuse over the last ten years and my desire to try topamax -- brought hard copy articles on the drug with me to bolster my case -- and was adamantly refused.

          My aunt who wants me to get help is willing to pay for a prescription to topamax as well as the entire program if I can find a way to get a hold of the drug without a prescription. She too does not have a lot of money but is willing to pay.

          I see a bunch of websites out there offering such services but, of course, I'm sure most of them are corrupt, since most of them do not even have contact information. I'm not that stupid.

          I am hoping someone out there can help me. Even Ms. Jewell said she was able to find a way in through a "back door."

          About me: I am 35 and in fine shape. Athlete my entire life. Had a physical 12 months ago and the doctor found no health problems. I have never taken a prescription drug before for anything beyond a case of the flu. I think I would be a perfect candidate for this drug but simply cannot afford another doctor's visit and there are no other free clinics within hundreds of miles of me.

          If you can help, and I hope someone can, please email me directly at --

          --and I would greatly appreciate it.

          I will continue to come to these boards and note everyone's progress.

          God Bless.


            Afraid of asking doc for Topomax

            Hi Paula,
            I know there are links in some of these threads where people have found it through international pharmacies without a RX. If you do a google search for it you should be able to find it.
            Good Luck

            PS Just a thought

            Love yourself enough and say , If I will spend the money on the alcohol, then I will spend it on getting well. Just a thought


              Afraid of asking doc for Topomax

              Hi Pauly,
              I was recommended as being a very reliable UK site that many use. But whatever you do, be sure to read the MWO book first and clearly understand the program as a priority. Then with topa, start off on a very low dose (25mg or less) and follow the plan.
              Welcome and best of luck with it all.. keep posting!

