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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Morning the loveliest of lovely people!! ODATers have a special place in my heart!:h

    Hope everyone who posts on here today is having a good day - be good to hear from you, new or old.

    A couple of things that I read on posts yesterday have stayed with me. Cindi (who is a major inspiration!) told me she was proud of me!! Me?!! And she has gone through so much - talk about hell and back!!! That made me feel really good and determined to keep her proud of me! Funny how a purely cyber relationship can have the same effect as a real one when it is positive.

    Matthen said something on a post about feeling he could be honest here and not 'shave' the truth about how much he drinks. Absolutely!! NO point at all in not telling it how it is. People need to know in order to help you. You need to be honest about your drinking in order to help yourself. This seems to be often the only place where people can be truly honest. Start lying about it on here and you will feel as bad about it as you do in real life.

    And Happy4Once used a small phrase that really struck home with me too - about quieting our minds. That is certainly what has happened to me. I think a lot more about alcohol than I used to but in a calm, rational, analytical and learning way. Not the jangling panic that it used to be. My mind is a LOT quieter place to be now. Phew - it was a bloody riot before!! And it's all thanks to this place and the people on it. So, if you are doubting its effectiveness or usefulness to you then read this and read on for so many other posts. It is a life saving place, a life enhancing place.

    I'm not going on any more - in brief yesterday was another successful mod day because another (unwanted) bottle of wine was in the house. I took my L-Glut and the dogs for a walk to spend some time thinking about how I was going to handle it. I knew I would enjoy it but didn't want it to be any sort of issue so I came back, didn't have any of it until I was sat down with my dinner, enjoyed what I did drink and got up from the table and turned down the last glass. It was good and it was easy - but only because I had done the preparation!! I will ask hubby not to bring any into the house tonight (he is trying to cut down too) and then he will be away for a few nights so I will be able to carry on with my AF rising totals.

    Love to all to come.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Wednesday

    Good morning Bessie and all to come

    You are right about the boards being inspiring Bessie. Something Chief said the other day really gave me hope. I had always assumed that he was one of the people who joined MWO and achieved sobriety straight away. However, he said it was on his third attempt. The important thing is to keep trying.

    Have a great day everyone.



      ODAT - Wednesday

      Good morning all

      A beautiful day here in Vienna. Finished work and now home to a hot lunch.

      My partner and I have discussed our drinking habits and so, together, we are changing our eating habits! In short, we have a good breakfast and then a meal in the early afternoon.

      As our days are busy, we agree not to drink with this meal. I never drank during the day. My witching hour is around 7pm but as we have already eaten my brain is beginning to accept that it doesn't want a drink...although some days are harder than others...

      Hopefully this might give some 'food for thought'. I'm always thinking about strategies that will help!


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Good morning Bessie, Rustop, nojoke, and all to come. This site has really helped me just take a good look at my drinking as a problem, instead of it staying as a nagging private thought in my head, (wow do other people worry so much about their drinking, would they worry about me if they knew, am I a freak?? etc.) and in the process of sharing the reality of my drinking with others and seeing that there is a whole community that understands and is DEALING with it, I have had 50% AF days in April, which is major for me, and the rest really mods, and just a reminder to all, fill in those April days before the April chart disappears. I believe May will be a higher percentage AF, maybe I will go AF all the way. A drink is not that important to me anymore though. My friends here at MWO are! :h
        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


          ODAT - Wednesday

          good morning

          Hi all you ODATers!! Thanks as usual for starting us out Bessie! You are so right about these boards being an inspiration...............I feel they are helping me alot..........

          Thanks Suzanna, I will go put some more big FAT zeros in my drink tracker before April disappears!

          Everyone else to follow, whatever your goals are, I wish you success!!:l

          lots of love,:h:h:h

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Ditto! For the first time I feel like I have found something that really helps me see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and inspiration! JLM


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Wow, what a thread this morning. Deep but not heavy, honest and uplifting, I love this place!!
              I pulled some muscles in my back yesterday which always makes me depressed. Its not that I can't work, its that every movement I make is preceeded with a thought......"will I get stuck in that position?" Happens every so often...the old grey goose just ain't what she use to be! I ain't no spring chicken! But I have joined a boot camp!!!!!!!!! Hopefully strengthen those flabby stomach muscles and support my back. its starts in a couple of weeks. Otherwise my son's turning 18 this Sunday, ( excuse me while I go puke! See, I really am an old goose! ) Goes to college in August. I can't wait! Even though he has been the perfect child, he needs to leave. I am not the housekeeper, nor the chef, all the labels he gives me becasue he's just so unaware of what it takes to take care of yourself..........BUT he will soon!!!!!!!
              aaaaahhhhhhhhh revenge is sweet!


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Hi guys!

                Glad to see everyone so positive today!!!

                I get to put another big fat 0 in my tracker for last night so I am feeling good. Not doing as good on the no smoking thing but I woke up this morning feeling gross after smoking 5 cigarettes yesterday (the most I've had in 2 weeks) so today is a non smoking, non drinking day - yucky taste in my mouth! GROSS!!!!

                For me, I'm looking forward to another positive AF day - hope everyone else meets their goals, whatever they may be.

                Love and Hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  Happy Hump Day all--

                  Thanks for keeping us going here Bessie--you have a lot of fans out there. (me included)

                  Uni--One of the best things about not smoking is that crappy taste in the mornings!!

                  Can I vent a little here? I guess it's time I try to wean myself from this site a little. Hubby had a bit on an attitude when he came in last night. Nothing was said, which is just as well, but I think it all started when he went to shower and didn't have any clean undies.:durn:

                  I've gotten behind in my chores, and every time he comes in the house it seems like I'm sitting at the lap top. And he doesn't know it, but I can burn 2 or 3 hours here each morning alone!

                  So I showed him! I stayed up until 1 a.m. doing the dishes, tidying up the bathroom, and doing laundry! :H

                  Guess a girl's gotta do, what a girls gotta do. When the weather finally straightens out, I won't have as much time here, gotta get that huge garden planted, and tons and tons of work to do outside.

                  Thanks for letting me vent just a little!

                  Oh, and I added up my beers for the month: 25.5 That sounds bad, but I was drinking that and sometimes more each week!! AND I've been quit smoking almost 60 days as well.

                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    I had a small addiction problem to this site when I first started out. Had to get it into check as nothing was getting done. Wait a minute, a lot was getting done, I was sobering up! But, at some point I did have to cut back and get back to work.

                    Today is the last day of my AF April - although it was more of a Moderating April in hindsight. Hence my May goal for moderation. And May I will not be biting off all at once. ODAT girl here!

                    Yes, oh yes, this site rocks!

                    I went on my mountain bike ride yesterday. Forgot my mountain biking shorts so had to ride in running shorts - sore arse again this morning. I wonder if you can get caulous on your bum...ooohh sexy! Had a grapefruit and vodka as a night cap and had not motivation to finish it. Yea!!! Drank half and threw the rest out before bed.

                    Have a great day everyone!!!


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      Good Morningi

                      Glad to see you allhere thismorning and thanks again Bessie for getting us started. Doon't have much to say except I am planning an AF day, which is day 6 for me. It is not too difficult for me at this moment because I think am still feeling the bad effects of my recent vodka binige. It is when I am feeling great that I am in most danger of just grabbinb a drink and joining in the party. Right now definitely, I am not looking for one. Hope never in the future too. God bless, and thanks,c


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Day 8

                        Matthen, day 6 congrats. Going on day 8. That's what kept from not drinking earlier (and still) not wanting to feel like that again. I'm starting to feel better and that urge is as strong as ever. I just say NO louder and try to get busy. I'm going to visit my son for golf and Poker and there will be alcohol there, but they know what's gong on and will support me. The urge will come, say NO say it out loud, remember the pain, get busy. We can do this. Blessings, Metolius


                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          Hello all ODATers!

                          Well - I'm feeling like a loser.

                          I agree with matthen, that when I feel good, I am more likely to drink. After one day AF, although I was super tired, I went for a fabulous swim (no residual alcohol in my limbs maybe?), felt great when I got home at 9:30, my beau picked up a bottle of wine, and I drank 3 glasses. Hmmm...... have I no will power at all??? My excuse was that it is not May 1st yet! But that argument with AL was going on in my head. Someone in a thread a while back described such a conversation, and I have been trying to do that. But AL won last night. I do need help with this, and I am so leaning toward trying the Topa.

                          I was wondering is Karl's memory problem he is experiencing could be due to the Topa, if he is on it??
                          One side effect is aphasia (can't find words, substitute incorrect words, etc.) - my dad has that really badly, and I feel that one person with aphasia in the family is enough. But still, I might have to try something!

                          AF May- here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            ODAT - Wednesday

                            Good Morning ODATers,

                            I don't have much time, but I do want to share something I was reading this morning.

                            I had googled on pre-melanoma because my niece was just diagnosed with one on her back. While I was reading that article, I saw a series of articles about people who had lost 100+ pounds and kept it off for more than a year.

                            Without fail, everyone of these people went through the following sequence of events:

                            1. Something "lit" a fire under them to lose the weight. (jeers, health, etc.)
                            2. They followed a sensible program and concentrated on small increments of weight loss. Typically 25 lbs at a time. They all said they felt "daunted" when they thought of having to lose150 lbs or so and felt they could much more realistically achieve smaller increments. (Hmm, sound familiar??)
                            3. Each incremental success gave them inspiration to go to the next step.
                            4. They included the diet changes and exercise into their lives so that the habits replaced the old habits.

                            I thought it was interesting. Dieting kind of ODAT.

                            AF today and hope all here meet their goals whatever they may be!!

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              ODAT - Wednesday

                              Its ME!

                              Hello everyone its Ripple! Pulling in late..must get that beauty sleep..feels soooo good to rest. Love it, love it, love it..just returned from Wed. AA meeting..The first year is draining physically..i can relate to that! Pushing towards 7 months..i'm gonna keep going and keep coming here! :h

