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Booze Hag turns 30!!

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    Booze Hag turns 30!!

    :wd: Way to go boozehag! 30 days is fantastic!


      Booze Hag turns 30!!

      30 days is so awesome! I've never gone that long - well, except during pregnancies. You are an inspiration to me and so many others. Keep up the good work!
      Wasted Time (NO MORE!)


        Booze Hag turns 30!!



          Booze Hag turns 30!!

          Hey thanks so much everyone. This site and everyone on it past and present has really helped me to get to this milestone. And by god if I can do it anyone can. I told my mother last night that none of her six children (I am the eldest at 46) are now smokers and she said well you took your time! Then she proceeded to tell me how haggard people she knows who are only in their early 60's (!!) look after a lifetime of smoking. Thanks Ma! I really feel like I have kicked the smoking completely now but the AL is still a work in progress. I was thinking of having a drink this weekend if the occasion arises (I won't go out of my way to have one or anything) but I just want to see what my response to it is without the cigs as ultimately I would like to be able to drink moderately (1 or 2 on occasion that is) without going on a binge and smoking. I will still be going AF for May though and seeing as NZ is a day ahead of most of yous that wont count!. See its handy to have a spare day.

