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Where to start

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    Where to start

    Hello all!

    Thanks for the help this past weekend...

    I made it through the family emergency with the help of some very caring folks here and in my family...and had 0 beers on Friday (wow)...6 beers on Saturday and 4 beers on Sunday...

    But I think it was more the situation than the L-Glutamic...

    I am only 1/2 way through the book and just want to give up cause the simple fact is I like to drink...don't like what it is doing to my body....and my kids...and everything...but I feel good..How foolish does that sound!!!...even to me!!

    Does it get better once I have finished the book and have started the hypno CD's etc?

    Also...I am not doing very well in life money wise so I can either buy the CD's or buy the Topa offshore...

    What do you all recommend?

    Don't have insurance so can't just go to the Doc and say give it to me...

    Thanks for all the guys are a Godsend...really!


    Where to start

    I'm not sure what the best advice is because I only do supplements (and haven't taken them for several days now) and not the Topa. I also don't have the CDs.

    As for the money, think of what you're spending on beer. Add it up -- you'll be surprised. I could take a nice vacation for what I was spending! I haven't had a beer in 19 days and can already tell that I have extra money. I decided instead to buy some new clothes to reward myself for being able to quit drinking.

    As much as you like to drink, think of how much better you'll feel without it! A healthier dad and positive role model for your kids are two of the biggest reasons that come to mind!


      Where to start

      Hi Pete,

      I'm going with just the supplements and CD's. I have to admit, I haven't listened to the CD's yet - long chicken pox story - but I'm looking forward to it.
      Anyway, I'm doing okay.
      I find this board a great help and my husband knows what I am doing, so I feel somewhat accountable.
      I am on Wellbutrin, an anti-depressent as well, but I don't know if it's helped me to stop or slow down.
      But I have stopped. My goal is moderation, but I know I can't drink beer yet. I gulp beer like a thirsty horse.
      I've had a few glasses of wine in the past month or two.
      I didn't want to stop either. But I knew I had to get a serious grip on my drinking - it was way out of hand.
      Now that I'm "somewhat" clear headed, I can take a look at what I'm drinking for and see where I stand on the addiction issue. That will help me decide on moderation or abstinance.
      See what you think, Pete.
      Stay on board!


        Where to start

        If I were just starting out...and only had $100...I'd buy the CDs. Once you have have them. They don't get used up. $100 of offshore Topa won't get you very far

        I'd expect Topa without Insurance is just about as expensive.

        Sounds like you are working hard with what you have! I'd keep it up doing just that. Order the CDs, keep doing the supps, adding them in as you can afford them, do the exercize...(that is free!), and maybe as things improve, you can afford the topa as well.

        I'm a huge fan of the I think a big part of this disease is mental bad habits...and think psychological help is big in helping with it.

