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Apr. 28 and now 3 days AF

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    Apr. 28 and now 3 days AF

    Yesterday, I told you all about not sleeping the night before, so I called my Dr.'s and they told me to take 2 trazadone, when I get ready to go to bed. I slept like a baby from 9:00 to 5:00 this morning. I am an early morning person, due to all those years of getting up at 3:45, to get ready for work.

    Yesterday, I got so much done, I washed my car, windexed the windows, cleaned the garage up, sprayed round-up on my dandelions, then realized that I couldn't plant my flowers until today. So today, I am going to plant my flowers and I had my Mom bring over a truck, so I can load it up with junk and take it to the dump. I might mow, too. I wish I new someone that knew how to use a weed eater. My mom tells me that if I stay busy, that will keep my mind off of the AL.

    My husband is still successful, kind of crabby tho.

    Apr. 28 and now 3 days AF


    Sounds like you have a great plan. I stayed up until midnight doing some laundry. My hubby is getting a little grumpy--things are left undone--too much time here!

    Guess I might have to cut back a bit.:upset:

    Maybe, when you get all of your stuff done, you can come do mine.:H

    Seriously though, mom's right, it does help to stay busy.

    Have a great productive day.
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      Apr. 28 and now 3 days AF

      Keep it up. You are doing great! Cranky and crabby come with the territory. Lots of hugs and understanding. It will pass.

      Love, Me
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


        Apr. 28 and now 3 days AF

        You are amazing getting so much done so soon! I am AF 2 days (today will be 3!) and I feel like I've been hit by a truck! I read your posts everyday because you are one day in front of me and it inspires me to go one more day.
        Wasted Time (NO MORE!)


          Apr. 28 and now 3 days AF


          You have been hit by a truck. After day 5 you will start to feel better. Drink lots of water, take some vitamins, eat, and stay as busy as you can. I'm on day 8, I know how it is, still fresh. Metolius


            Apr. 28 and now 3 days AF

            You guys are doing great....I know it feels like you're dancing on a razor blade, but you are doing and going through everything you should be right now....

            Just stay strong.....refuse to drink....and trust us when we say it will get better....

            You are flying through thunderstorms right now, but soon you will break out into the sunshine......



              Apr. 28 and now 3 days AF

              Hello, wastedtime, I can't believe that I inspire anyone, but if I am helping you, great because we can help each other. You wanna know what I did today? I cleaned all the weeds and leaves out of the north side of the house, only about a foot area, because of the sidewalk. Then I planted like 60 flowers, then I mowed the grass, by then I was sunburnt and getting lightheaded and dizzy everytime I got up or down, must be the antabuse. Oh, we have a 33 lb manx, with lots of hair and he got a cold butt bath outside, TEE-HEE. That's about it, now I am waiting on chicken and noodles, my husband is the cook of the house and is working 10 hour days, he is going cold turkey and still having trouble sleeping. But we are AF. YEA!!!!!


                Apr. 28 and now 3 days AF

                Yay!! Good for both of you!!

                AF April 9, 2016

