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AF Team April - LAST DAY

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    AF Team April - LAST DAY

    April in Review

    My April did not turn out anything like I thought it might. I went into it really believing that I could go AF. I had a slip 5 days before April 1st and the guilt trip I handed myself demanded tribute. So I confidently yelled, "APRIL AF". I even spent the last few days of March easily AF. Then April 1st came and the choke hold began. For reasons that I find difficult to explain the little rebel inside of me does not like to be told no. The harder I worked to be AF the harder it became. I started feeling deprived, punished and resentful, so much so that by April 9th I felt so confined in my own self-inflicted goal (and reaction to it) that I imploded right into a large bottle of wine.
    Talk about punishment! The hangover was bad, but not as bad as knowing that I had blew it with Team April. I lurked around the corners of MWO not wanting to engage in too much conversation. I did not want to answer questions like, "how are you?" I attended the chat room with caution and endured some scolding in private messages once the word was out. But, mostly I learned something about myself and, with that knowledge, I paid better attention as the rest of the month played out.
    While I did not go AF in April, I did learn a lot about how I handle and view AL. I hope to use this knowledge to find the path to my ultimate goal.
    Therefore, as I head into May I will be continuing that path. I will be a moderator in May. As a moderator, I will not be drinking everyday, but I will allow myself a glass of champagne to toast my daughter's graduation from High School. And, I will enjoy a beer, maybe two, to celebrate a summit success of Mt. Rainier. I will not overdo it, but I will not confine myself either. Here's to May!!!

    Thank you all so much for sharing in the April journey with me!!!! This aint no disco, but the moves are a lot easier to learn with all of your support!

    AF Team April - LAST DAY

    well team
    its been
    nice and what a great
    job you all have done
    and heres to you croft and your husband
    may you find true
    happniess on your
    jouney in may
    peace ,love and god bless
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      AF Team April - LAST DAY

      good luck croft on modding in may.

      how i got on in april was fine yet again, i guess AA is doing somthing right for me. however the old alcoholic head came back a little the other weekend, i thought i was cured and all that, so i decided to come off my campral doh, but never mind my nurse gave me a talking to and told me the reasons why i should get back on to it. so i did, now im more humble in what campral and also myself has acheived. so i will take things more slowely, but other than that, ive been called a happy alcoholic which i like as i dont see the point in being resentful or down right grumpy just because i cant drink myself to oblivion. so i say here goes another month of sobriety for me and im going to look into more in what kind of soft drinks i like and also as some know i have quit smoking aswell is im going to be a happy no smoker aswell and keep it in the day and take it day by day.
      my family is really pleased with me in what i have acheived and i like that, it means im doing somthing right and good for them. my friend and sister is also proud of me, which keeps my motivation going.

      so anyway i say good luck to anyone who is going forward to another month and i say also the ones are finding it hard is to really try to keep it simple and work a day at a time and dont feel so bad for falling, all u can do is pick urself back up and dust off urself.

      keep at my lovely ladies and gents.


