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    This damned bacardi has had me in its grips for far too long now
    I have ordered the cd and have started taking some of the supplements, waiting for some of them to arrive
    I am going to tell the kids to lay off the pressure a bit cos Im going to detox and be a bit uptight for a bit
    Ha Ha I will probably be a monster, I get really snappy when night drinking time comes and I havent had one since the night before last
    I have managed to cut down drastically for a while though got down to a quarter bottle a night I notice I am not ott if I drink anything else but bacardi so that must be my trigger
    The dreaded bat
    Well I am gonna kill it before it kills me
    And get all the smiley lines back on my face instead of all the droopy dogs b____cks!
    I t sounds daft and maybe a bit weak. but I have to psyc myself up for this and that is what I am doing Im still drinking, but in a different state of mind hopefull I think thanks to this site I have hope now still a bit scary but there are other mad cats out there like me and I am nearly 50 now you would think I should have grown up by now


    That darn Bat!

    I too am in the grips of the bacardi bat. I used to only drink wine, but somewhere along the line I got into white bacardi rum and God help me! It's like trying to get out of a quicksand hole! I have ordered the entire program. I've tried everything and I mean everything...supplements, prayer, meditation. It's just been totally futile.

    I am hopeful however in reading this site's testimonials. I refuse to give up. I know that there is a way out of this pit and I"m going to find it!

    You hang in there girl...if you are determined, you can do anything!





      Its funny though any old white rum doesnt do this or any other spirit




        boy i must have been expensive to take out



          Fairyfeet, I just told my sister today that the one thing I regret is all the years I wasted. Everyday in the bottle is another day of regret and you can never get it back. It's time for you to reap the rewards that life has to offer. Be good to yourself. You deserve to be healthy and happy.

          We are here for you.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.



            Hang tough. Have a plan & a goal. Never give up. My poison was vodka. I never knew if I was coming or going.

            I decided I needed to change my life. Never look back but look forward toward a new life.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



              Mine was vodka.

              Definitely have a plan and set out goals for yourself.

              Remember that with each and every step you take, you are that much closer to being free.




                I felt like a rabbit caught in a spotlight and the only thing i could do was run but i aint gonna run no more the last few months i have been running really hard and its time to look at the light that is my life and stop running away from it
                Before the beast devours me
                I never used to hide like this



                  I know exactly where you are coming from. I went thru one of those big bottles of Bacardi about every 4 days. Mixed with diet coke, that was roughly 3 very strong Bacardi/cokes a night - every night. When I first tried to quit, in the AM I would be all excited and say I am gonna do it. By about 3PM I was in a terrible mood because I was depriving myself of the drink I really wanted. When I got home at 6 I was so out of sorts that I went ahead and drank. I never made it past 3 days (over a 10 year period).

                  This time is different. I picked a day to start. Started taking all sorts of supps as well as Campral. This evening I am 23 days AF and feel great. If I can do it anyone can. Also, consider this - Every 4 days I was spending $24.00 on Bacardi and $4.00 on diet coke. That alone is $217 a month by itself. Not to mention how crappy I felt. I know this sounds lame but I can actually leave my house now and drive any time I want in the evening. I never drove intoxicated so I was pretty much house bound after 6PM.

                  If you are anything like me, below is what you/I have/had to do to be successful...

                  1) Get the right attitude. Get mad if you have to but know that you are going to kick AL's ass this time!
                  2) Get a positive attitude. You can do this. You know how great you are going to feel. Your life will no longer be ruled by drinking time!
                  3) Especially the first two weeks - do not be anywhere near your usual drinking spot. Mine was at home on the couch after work. So, I spent ever evening at the health club until it was after 9PM and then I just went home and went to bed.
                  4) Know your triggers and plan ahead what to do when they fire.
                  5) Find a substitute. For me, it was not just the "high" but also the mental need to have a drink in my hand. I found a taste for peach tea - which is actually good for you. Bet I drink a gallon in the evenings in the same glass as what I used for rum.
                  6) If you need to, screw what you think your GP thinks and see him/her for help. That is what they are there for. I "confessed" to mine and it was the best thing I did. I got a script for Campral and it is a wonder drug.

                  Those are the things that have really made a difference and in that order. If you get Campral but don't have a committed attitude, then you will still drink. If you are committed but don’t have a plan for the triggers then your will power will fail.

                  Ok, I am off my soap box. My point is that I have an addictive personality and I was deep in the clutches of Bacardi and I managed to break free so far. And if I can do it then you can to. Get pissed at all the time and money you have spent on this habit. That will really go along way to help.

                  Take care and know that you can beat this!!!

                  Day 23 AF




                    I have now got no alchohol in the house, due to the fact I drank it all last night, I got some more supps in the post today
                    Today is going to be my 1st night AF, I know I can do that because I have done a couple of nights AF before. Im with you for the May detox
                    And there is a bank holiday coming up so I wont have work to worry about and my Husband is home so I will have support with my Grandson, my daughter has him every Saturday too
                    Its unfortunate that I live opposite the shop, so will probably have 2 witching hours, bout 8 then 9,30 when the shop shuts
                    I am doing this for me and I intend to tell my family what I doing in case I am a ratty bag all weekend I have done a couple of days without before so shouldnt be too bad
                    I have skimmed the book, but intend to read it intensely as soon as I stop work on Friday
                    I have to work today too, then as soon as I stop I will be having my Grandson for a while so wont get any me time till late
                    I run a business from home, it is a genuine homeworking agency I get work from local factories and my ladies take it home, work it then I take it back complete, tomorrow I am picking up a job I like to work on myself so I am going to keep some back and do it over the weekend so I will be earning some instead of pouring it away and it will keep me occupied
                    Working from home does have its downside though, in that there is never any peace any time of the day but I know I will not get mithered this weekend as they will all be doing their own thing!
                    Off to drink loads of water now and start taking my tablets!
                    I WILL remeber to take them today
                    Good luck everyone else God bless and Thank You for all the encouragement thats out there




                      Good luck on your first few days of AF. Be stubborn about kicking AL out of the house and stay focused. You can do it! If you begin to lose your way simply re-read the post that MyNewLife wrote to you. She really outlined the right plan for you and make sure you follow the advice.

                      Also, spend time on this site whenever you are feeling anxious, depressed, or feel you need to drink. It really helps!



                        MNL, reading your post is like reading my life! I got through those big bottles of rum every 4 or 5 days. my drinks are so strong it only takes one to get buzzed, but I end up drinking 3 to 5 every night. Your advice is right on. I'm waiting on my program to arrive and then I'm heading to my doctor to get a prescription to help. I'm tired of waking up "quivery" every morning. Congrats on your AF of 23 days!



                          What a day

                          I got up at 12, having been up till 4 on the website last night, so I decided to have a nice leisurely shower and read the paper with my cuppa first
                          At 12.30 my son rang, can you have Shane (my Grandson 2) he said he is playing up and she cant handle him and she wants to pop out for an hour Ok I said and ran upstairs and got dressed
                          She brought him round screaming his head off, streaming nose and he was quite distressed so I settled him down and took him in the garden later it was actually sunny today they never take him anywhere least of all outside
                          It was lovely to watch him playing and I actually got to hang my washing out!
                          Now 10 to 5 and I feel knackered, his Dads just come to take him home
                          Too late to make any business calls now, but I have still got to unload and load the van with a delivery going to Yorkshire, about 150 miles away that has got to go tonight
                          But first I am gonna get a cup of tea and finally read the paper
                          At least Shane has had a nice day!
                          Got so mithered I dont know what I have taken of my supps surely you cant o/d on evening primrose oil LOL Gonna take them all again, just once, i'll be rattling by tonight, finally got to eat too, didnt fancy anything when I made dinner for Shane
                          Got him a lollyice for his sore throat and he said Me love you Nanny and I said I love you too son
                          Right now lets start loadin!

