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Just starting out

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    Just starting out

    Well I think maybe I have hit rock bottom, lost my job on Friday due to be absent from work. So have been on the bender of all benders. So I guess I have to start again , I have done this so many times over the last 5 years you think I would have learnt. Day 1 sucks , so I am sitting on the couch trying to keep some fluids in (not the grog which is good) mind you tried to drink this morning and had one mouth full of beer and I just could not stomach it.

    So I have thrown it all in the bin and tried to clean the house. A futile effort spilling more stuff than I am cleaning lol.. you gotta laugh I guess.

    So i have decided every time I want a drink I am going to read a thread. So should have whole site read by tomorrow. :H

    Well I just thought I would say hi and I hope i can become a regular sober member of the community.

    Just starting out

    hi there. wow good on you for starting to become AF congrats. its weird how when something bad happens it makes you think about the rest of you life and how to make it better..

    its the same as me i have lost many jobs for just not turning up because i was either drunk or hung over. its terrible now i think about it..

    :welcome: to this site it has helped me through so much. things i never thought id be able to stop. im now over 30 AF.

    there will be a lot of support from people here. its so nice to come on here and just open up to complete strangers hey

    take care. and well all be here with you throughout your journey.


    an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


      Just starting out

      Good luck today will suck for you. Thank God it improves fairly rapidly.Whenever you feel weak just post. It truly helps just being honest with yourself. If the 1972 is when you were born you have a full wonderful life ahead once you beat this.

      Karl I am thrilled you are still doing so well!!


        Just starting out

        You have taken the first step. It's hard but you can do it. Waking up without a hangover is so wonderful, you'll see. Glad you came here and hope you stick around!

        Love and Peace
        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


          Just starting out

          Hi Ado1972,

          I had a similar experience a few weeks ago when a client pulled me off to the side right before a meeting and told me I smelled like booze. Luckily for me, he is also a close friend and I didn't get fired from the assignment but it did send a clear message that I have a serious problem. I, like you, decided that earning a living and being able to have a roof over your head is much more important than drinking beer all day long. Pretty easy decision when you really think about it!

          Stay strong over the next few days! In the beginning your are going to feel horrible but it gets better day by day. Once you hit day 6 you should be feeling pretty good! Make sure you get plenty of water, download the book and get the supplements. Also, read, learn and post. It really helps.

          Karl, I can't believe you are already beyond day 30 AF! Congrats!


            Just starting out

            Ado- Welcome, you have come to a great place. We all understand what you are going through.Today will be rough but that is a great idea to come one here when you want a
            drink. You will be amazed how much it can help. Hang in there, look forward, and know that you can do this and you will feel so much better than you feel right now.Aquamarine

            AF SINCE 3/16/2016


              Just starting out

              Ado ~ welcome. Brave step to admit you need help. Awesome job throwing the rest of the booze away!

              I agree that you should get the book and the supplements as soon as you can. The supplements will really help a lot! And drink a lot of water this first week. It really flushed out the system. Fruit juice also helps with the sugar cravings. You may get these as well, because AL turns to sugar in our bodies. When people realize that sometimes their craving isn't just for AL, it's like a light bulb goes off. So try juices also.

              Best of luck to you. We are here for you.

              Love, Me
              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                Just starting out


                Thanks for all the kind words, here go day 2.



