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Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

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    Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

    made an order

    Hey guess what? I finally made the move & ordered some Kudzu. There wasn't a lot of info about it on the site I ordered from tho. Anyone have any insite or info re: Kudzo. I take meds for a seizure disorder so I'm a bit reluctant to add much to that. Supposedly there's not a problem w/interactions from Kdz, but there wasn't supposes to be many side effects from the last stuff my Dr. tried me on, that pretty much made me tired, depressed, & PSCYCO! Then again it probably doesn't take much! Hugs, Judie


      Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

      hello brandy!
      i'm responding to your mention that you're not on the program - the meds. is that still true? i'm glad to find another reader who is not fully in the prog, and to see that you have a place on this message board, and that you seem to be doing pretty darn well. i am going to order the book now, and take it from there... i hope in the meantime people will accept me here though i'm not a full-blown MWO participant at this point. (see my story for details.)
      thanks to you and all for being the best!
      - onoclea


        Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

        I'm also not totally on the program. I've been taking some supps, and listening to the CD's, however I am also not on the meds. I couldn't not take them because of other medical issues. Even if you are not a "full-blown MWO participant" you are still welcome here. Some of us are doing certain aspects of the program or none at all as in Brandy's case. While the focus of this board is MWO, it's really about helping each other beat this demon!




          Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

          thank you Memarcie! i guess i'm over-sensitive, but i was making up stories that i'm not wanted here. sheesh. fearing judgement about who i am and what i want as expressed in My Story, which i just barely posted. argh. anyway, thanks for dispelling my paranoia, and for welcoming me. it means a lot. ...and, i just ordered the book from amazon, along with a couple others on the topic, of course... and i plan to get All One powder tomorrow and give this thing a whirl, this sobriety thing. here i go...
          thanks again! it's fantastic to be here.


            Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?


            Hi Everybody, Just popping in to say hi. I'm really enjoying reading & posting on these boards, and I feel like it's helping, even if it's justimproving my typing skills!LOL...they need a lot of work!^! Also it takes me so long to type & figure out what I wanna "say(not)", it's just that much longer away from the beer cooler. I've been in & out of AA, tried re-hab twice,(the 1st doesn't count because it wasn't my idea, and I'd never had a DUI or been arrested at that time), unlike today... The 2nd re-hab, I'm sure I got a lot more out of, but complete abstinance for me has been maybe 1&1/2 mo. at most (including 21 days incare). So, here I am looking for strenth & support. Thanks everybody for being here! My husband & I don't have many secrets (that I know of!), for some strange reason, he knows me pretty well & still loves me...the man is the "real saint" of us two. For the longest time, after treatment, I blamed him for my "slips". He likes to drink his beer (cept for him that means after work, not just whenever sneakable & available). So, of course if he brought it in the house, & I drank it, it's not "my" fault!! Right now the moderation approche seems the most logical. Sure hope I can do it. I know a lot of friends from AA who would say it's an insane idea, but what the hay, I've ordered some Kudzu, & I'm trying to figure out a way I can live, while still being me w/out changing all of the "People Places & Things" in my life. Most of it I truly enjoy. It's just when I go way overboard, & stop enjoying & having fun, not a good thing... Nor is so much babbling !! Somebody shut me up already! My husband must love that I've found this site, too bad for you guys!! Peace & Hope, Judie


              Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

              Hi Newbies!

              Hi Onoclea!

              The great thing about MWO is that it is not a cookie cutter approach to sobrietymoderation. There are people following the program at varying levels of intensity and support and encouragement for all. I understand your paranoia; I felt it at first too--it's this disease that brings out the shame in us, but you've really found a support system here. The important thing is to keep trying and keep picking yourself up and dusting yourself off if you falter!

              Judie, you underrate yourself....I enjoy your posts! I hope you keep posting!

              I am almost a week sober; I can't even remember the last time I had seven days without a drink, at least 15 years......: the meds really help. Also about the kudzu, it shouldn't be a problem for anyone, unless you have endometriosis or other estrogen-based issues. They have info about it in the book.

              Take care,


                Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

                Re: Hi Newbies!

                Onoclea - I am not on the meds either - I haven't even gotten the book yet! Hopefully today in the mail. I am 5 days sober today and feel great. This board really helps. It's nice to know that I am not the only one with this excessive drinking problem! Having gone through my first weekend, I really feel I am on the road to a life that doesn't include falling asleep every night in front of the TV after having ingested multiple glasses of wine.



                  Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

                  thanks Gina!

                  I like that idea of a letter you mentioned - except to me I'm so black and white - it would likely turn into a list of why it's good I stopped -- and all the negatives in another column which would then turn into pages I'm sure! I am just working on staying positive, and visualizing being healthy, thin, getting compliments down the road. I'm superstitious and don't want to tell anyone about this plan as I may jinx it - except a few very close friends.

                  Dr. still hasnt called back - how does compral work? My doc knows I should abstain completely, I'm thinking she won't want to prescribe topa for that reason? I do need to drop off the article.

                  thanks for your support, stay in touch


                    Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

                    post-holiday stress

                    Hi everyone,
                    Well, now is about the time that all those things that need to be taken care of after the holidays...need to be taken care of: clutter, bills, home repairs. All of those everyday things that we all must deal with. Why do they seem so overwhelming? I was feeling pretty good about trying to get my head on straight; didn't drink very much at all over the weekend, which was a nice change. I like to take January each year to kinda clean my head out; last year I was so majorly depressed at this time. I do want to start the program, but I am kinda waiting till my period has come and gone (sorry guys, but tampons have already been mentioned on these posts!) I also made a quick dr. appt. for tomorrow for smth else; wondering if I should mention the Topamax and freebie offer to see what she says.

                    I just hate how as successful people, we let ourselves be consumed by all of this. Or maybe it's just me. I have not felt as mired down as I had in recent months. Maybe I need the energy of the program.

                    Sorry to ramble.


                      Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

                      keeping it up

                      thanks kathy, jane, and all who have been so heartfelt in your support!

                      it is truly amazing how helpful this process of writing / messaging each other is! i am skipping an aa mtg tonight -would've been the first in a while- and instead am here with y'all and also with time to cook dinner and that other stuff that staying home's all about (except drinkin' beer, of course! ..not no more!) um, day 3 here. just bought the all one and the gaba and a heap of healthy food and went to the gym and am optimistic. ...though i am thinking from time to time about friday -trigger day- on the horizon, and how i will deal with that, that end-of-the-week temptation to have a free for all beer guzzling fest in the secrecy of my solitude. argh. sounds so unappealing at this point. hope this feeling stays. i'll make a plan well before friday comes. yes i will.

                      and: a couple of you mentioned -apologized for- your rambling... would you please stop! it's great to express yourself and your words are interesting and you have every right to let it flow. better flowing words than flowing wine or whatever you drank/drink.

                      i wish everyone much empowerment and courage and raging good health. thanks again.

                      also, i love reading the My Story part. wouldn't anybody who hasn't already like to add yours? i know we get big glimpses of each others' stories here in the threads, but still... if you're inspired, you've got a reader here. i myself found that writing experience cathartic.


                        Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

                        Re: keeping it up

                        Glad you're still keepin' on keepin' on, Onoclea. Almost done with day #5. After #3 it got easier for me. I too am apprehensive about the weekend. We have a party on Saturday and I don't really know if I should go. Lots of partiers. I guess I will wait and see if I think I can deal with it. I really want to not drink at all until I see my psychologist on the 20th. It would be great for her to say, "so, when was the last time you had a drink?" And I'll say, "January 4th". Hah! Instead of having a glass of wine with me here (which is the norm when I am on the computer at night) I just ate a piece of Ghiradelli dark chocolate. Well, they say dark chocolate is good for you, right?

                        Looking forward to reading more posts from you.



                          Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

                          Re: keeping it up

                          I can't wait to go to the dr tomorrow and tell her I haven't had a drink for 14 days! It is empowering to know I've been able to stay away from alcohol for two weeks. I never thought I would see the day.

                          I feel so much stronger and in control of myself than I have in years!



                            Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

                            keeping it up

                            Damn, just had a whole long post and it disappeared into cyberspace! Many very bad words that I won't repeat here!8o Anyway, Jane, CS, Onoclea, I'm with you all about ramblin, worrying about Friday night and weekends, etc. I find it great to post here. I like reading long posts, writing long posts, find it very cathartic to write, very enlightening and sometimes very funny to read (a la hiding booze), and always supportive. And Marcie, 14 days! Your Doc is going to be thrilled! I am pretty tired and want to go listen to my hypno CD and not fall asleep on it like I did last night, so I'm not going to make this long, but I will try to post "My Story" this weekend, when I have the time.

                            Today is one week for me, and I made it through the weekend okay, even got some stuff done. I'm even starting to feel a little proud of myself. I might even have to call my shrink to give him the good news! It's funny, but two weeks ago, I was afraid not to have a drink, and now I'm afraid to have a drink! My how things can change!

                            Take care all,
                            Hugs to all!


                              Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

                              Surprise prescription for topamax

                              Hello all,
                              Well, I took my coincidental timing of my doctor's appt. (needed refills for other stuff) to take the Lancet article and the free promo from the newspaper to see what she had to say about Topamax. Part of the reason I did not want to order overseas is because I don't want drug interactions with other things I am taking, for BP and allergies. I hadn't planned on doing meds at all, but all the comments about appetite suppressant and possible weight loss are awfully appealing.

                              Anyway, toward the end of the appt., I said that there was something else I wanted to talk about, that I wanted to cut down my drinking and I heard about a program that uses Topamax to help to that end. She asked me how much I drank, and I told her 3-4 glasses of wine a night (which is quite a bit less than the truth). I showed her the article, and she knew it was a headache medicine but had never heard of the alcohol connection; she seemed intrigued and did not brush me off. The free offer i have is for 42 25-mg tablets, and I showed her that too (I thought she had to sign it but no). She said "so you want to give this program a try" and I said yes, it's part of an over all plan to get healthier, lose weight, etc. etc. (which is true); she has been encouraging both me and my husband to lose weight and she added that Topa is an appetite suppressant. She wrote the script for 60, rather than 42 tablets, plus 2 refills. So...I had felt so trepidatious about asking in the 1st place, andshe just whipped off the prescription with barely the blink of an eye. I also asked about the issue being on my record, and she said not to worry about it. I asked if others (i.e. employers) could check, and she said not without my signature. Whether or not that is true in this age of spying is another issue, but I guess I feel reassured.

                              I certainly do feel better about tackling some of my fears regarding this drinking issue. I know this is more information than many of you need, but since talking to the dr. and getting the meds (or deciding whether or not to even get them at all) is such a huge issue for so many of us that I figured I would share my experience today. Even without really doing the program yet, I have cut back quite a bit on my drinking (I had 2 beers last night but after 2 I just didn't want more, whereas that's usually unheard of. A glass of wine later that evening and that was about it.) I haven't been "really drunk" since New Year's Eve, where usually it has been every 2nd or 3rd night I don't remember the end of the evening or going to bed.

                              Next step (still need CDs) is to join the community rec center, which my husband and I have been talking about doing for a long time!

                              Thanks for listening.


                                Who's just started or really starting in the New Year?

                                Re: Surprise prescription for topamax

                                Hi Everyone - Marcie - You've got to tell us what your doctor said today! I am so excited for you. I can't wait until my appointment next Friday.

                                Today I got together with my friends who "interventioned" me. It's all good and I thanked them for caring about me enough to go out on a limb like that. I can't believe that tomorrow will be one week sober for me. I don't think I've done that in at least 5 years. It used to be drink only on the weekends, then weekends then Sunday night, then weekends including Thursday night (ER). Pretty soon it was every night and it sure is nice to wake up feeling good.

                                It's really great to check on here and see everyone's progress. I don't want to slip up because I know I would have to 'fess up to you guys and I don't want to let anyone down - most of all ME.

                                Going to take my daughter now to get her driver's permit - YIKES! I'll check back later to see how everyone is doing on this Tuesday night.

                                Keep posting!!


