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Dreaded day 2

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    Dreaded day 2

    Hi...I made it through day 1 and was ok till end of it. Today I feel like my whole world is falling apart. Nausea, sad, tired, paranoid...worrying about not being able to take care of myself. I need food but going to the store is hard. My eyes look like crap and yes, the head feels like in a vice.

    I don't want to drink to "get things done" anymore. Is day two the worse?...Taking vitamins and supps.

    Is it normal to be afraid to go out and deal with people? Not afraid of being tempted at this point...just don't want to be sick.

    Does day 3 get better? Last time i went through this was not so hard. Although I did take the topamax...but won't again.

    I feel guilty for not doing anything but sleep and watch t.v.

    I know i am whining...sound like a baby...Have no one to really understand, live alone, feeling angry, kind of broke, feeling ashamed, and i hate where i live...why not drink? Recently got fired from a job...Isolating myself.

    Boyfriend lives 3000 miles has already labeled me as a loser.

    I want to quit drinking so i can move without having that monkey on my back...I keep saying i'm going to do something then need a drink to do it.

    Rambling now. I know i should feel healthier soon?

    Dreaded day 2

    Dear Song,

    Please don't feel guilty for taking it easy. This is a time for you, and you've got to do whatever it takes. I know it's hard because we're not used to it, but it is really important.
    You will feel better, but it may take some time. Your body is full of toxins. Remember to drink plenty of water and juice. Get some food and fresh air. Remember to take things one day at a time. Hang in there, ok?

    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      Dreaded day 2

      Hey, you are not a loser. You have taken the 1st step in trying to become sober and that is the most important, point. Don't worry about family, etc., When you are 30 days AF, you can go rub it in their faces. I lost my job too, not due to alcohol, but am going back to school to get my bachelor's. Just remember the most important person is #1, YOU!!! Take care of yourself and take it one day at a time. You probably have anxiety/depression going on, also, you might talk to your DR. and see what he says.


        Dreaded day 2

        Thank you. It just gets confusing when you feel so sick and your brain plays tricks on you. I have gotten like this before and Al wins. I have all this motivation on day 1, but by 2 ...well you know. I forgot day 3, but remember 4 is tempting because i feel "in control" and good again.

        This time not so sure...older...45yrs. old. Getting air and stuff seems nice. Doing it is another thing. I am really alonr here except for all of you...I'll keep reading...Thanx:h


          Dreaded day 2


          I have just been through 2 days of binging and sheer hell. About vomited my lungs out.
          Hang in there. Together we can do it. After day 5 you will feel much better.
          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


            Dreaded day 2

            blondechick...yes, major depression and anxiety. Dr has me on valium and Wellbutrin. I told him i wanted to quit drinking and he suggested i slow down first, but i know myself. I do have a little bit of anxiety pills to help, but today doesn't feel like enough and i don't want to switch addictions.

            Stupid guilt gets me everytime too. Sometimes people just ask you what you are doing with your day and you don't have much to say, so i make things up...arghhh!!!


              Dreaded day 2

     are where i am, except just feel nauseaus...Don't want to do anything. Maybe we can look back tomorrow and at least eat something. I might have to go on gatorade diet today. I am admiring your persevwerence...We can all help each other through these phases. I still want to know day 3 will be better....:h


                Dreaded day 2

                :goodjob: *I* think what you are feeling is normal and each day will get better and easier. It is worth the effort.


                  Dreaded day 2

                  Thanx Florida Boy...:thanks:and everyone for getting me through the last hour. I hope to repay my wisdom (hopefully when i get some)

                  I am free to be contacted although i'm not sure how this works right now, but you might get sick of me all day. Maybe I'll try chat?

                  jessie...wish you lived down the block.

                  I think i have the courage to go to the store.


                    Dreaded day 2

                    Songbird, I wish I could give you a big hug right now. :soothe:

                    Everyone's days are different. Days 2 & 3 were very hard for me. Many claimed day 4 was hell and I found that day 4 & 5 were so frggin awesome!! Truly. I was so happy to have gotten that far that nothing could bring me down.

                    What you are feeling is normal. It will be ok. And more importantly, it will pass. Drink a lot of healthy fluids to flush that poison out of your system as soon as possible. Take your supps and make sure they include a good multivitamin and B-Complex. The B vitamins will really help your mood and provide you with some energy.

                    And I agree, don't worry about sleeping and watching TV. You have to be kind to yourself. Your body is going through a lot and if it's telling you it wants some rest then give it some rest.

                    Have no one to really understand, live alone, feeling angry, kind of broke, feeling ashamed, and i hate where i live...why not drink?
                    First off, there are 6000 members at MWO who understand. And second, if you do drink all the other things you have listed in this sentance will not get better. It's time to get yourself healthy and happy, hun. No one can do this for you. Keep the faith. You are stronger than you think.

                    Keep posting and reading. We are here for you always.

                    Love, Me
                    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                      Dreaded day 2

                      Hang in there

                      Songbird, days 2-3 were the worst for me, shakes etc. Day 3 will be better than 2, 4 will be better than 3. Get to day 5 you will feel better. F__ the guilt. You are doing the right thing. You are right where you are supposed to be. This is how you start to get better.
                      Your body wants you to remember these times. It's good motivation to not drink. I'm only on day 10, I feel soooo much better. You will get there. Water, rest, activity as you can, food, the funniest movie you can find, no guilt.

                      Your blessings have already started, you'll see



                        Dreaded day 2

                        Metolious and all who have been with me today...Yes, 2 is a bumpy one. Went to the store...felt brain dead and got stuff i usually don't (healthy). Although i must admit going past my wine isle sent my stomach turning and my heart pumping, i got out of there.
                        When they call it the BEAST, they ain't lying. How can a friendly grocery store turn into the land of danger, craving and self doubt?

                        Again, thank you all, and even though i am still in the beginning funk, I feel more at peace with my decision to make it through this day.:h


                          Dreaded day 2

                          songbird;320516 wrote: Thank you. It just gets confusing when you feel so sick and your brain plays tricks on you. I have gotten like this before and Al wins. I have all this motivation on day 1, but by 2 ...well you know. I forgot day 3, but remember 4 is tempting because i feel "in control" and good again.

                          This time not so sure...older...45yrs. old. Getting air and stuff seems nice. Doing it is another thing. I am really alonr here except for all of you...I'll keep reading...Thanx:h
                          Beat the beast. It is a mind game and the feeling will pass. If you succumb you will feel :upset:. Been there too.

