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day 10

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    day 10

    wasnt sure where to post this
    I feel just wonderful
    After about 6 years of trying to turn my will over to god ( I am an athiest ) I have finally found a way to get control and see a way out of this terrible habit that was ruining my life. The effect of the Topa was almost immediate and the hypnosis tapes came in just a few days and are very effective too. I especially like the short hypnotic suggestion one which I am using once or twice a day. I have a few questions though about the program.

    1. I don't hear any voices on the sleep learning tape, am I suppose to?

    2. I think I am inclined to stay on the 25 mg of Topo twice a day. Why should I increase the dose if this low dose is effective?

    I now feel very confident that I have a bright future and can make realistic plans. Thank you for this site.

    day 10

    Very inspiring for all like me who are at the first few days. Keep going...I love success stories:goodjob:


      day 10

      Songbird, You are not suppose to hear any voices on the sleep learning. I think it is to reinforce the hypnotic. I'm not sure about the topa other than you might get used to the small doses. I asked this question before, but never really got an answer. I'm on day 15 without it and don't plan on using unless cravings get too strong or I'm not able to moderate without. Anyhow I will only use enough that feels necessary because I don't like the side effects. Stay strong I hear that three weeks into it can be tough. Keep up the good work. I'm with you on this great feeling of a clear head and lots of energy. Keke


        day 10


        I don't use the Cds or take meds. I just wanted to say great job on your 10 days!!!

        That is so wonderful. Keep us posted on your continued success!

        Best of luck as you continue your journey!

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          day 10

          Great Job and continued success. I used topa a year and a half ago. My doc told me to increase my dosage if I began to notice stronger cravings. Be sure to increase gradually, though. Always best to check with your medical provider who prescribed the topa.

          Am not taking it now. I am 25 days AF. Life just gets better.

          :h Best
          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


            day 10

            Well done on 10 days! I think if the dosage you're on is working fo you then stick with it - that way you can get all the good effects without the side effects. You can always adjust it in the future if need be. There's a very good thread by 'Paddy' in the meds section which discusses topa in detail including lots of posts about dosage, effects and side effects.


              day 10

              thanks all. I had noted in the first few days some problems with words and did drive past my turns 3 times and that alarmed me because my work requires attention to details and words! I will stay on the lowest effective dose. I guess there are no words on the sleep tape. I had wondered if mine was defective!


                day 10

                Kiri, First of all congratulations on 10 days AF!!!! Wow! good for you. A question, are you listening to the Hypno CD's in your car? I ask because it is probably not a good idea to do that. They are subliminal and might cause a lack of focus in the present moment, in fact you want them to work like that!

                Continued success to you!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007

