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hello there feeling ashamed

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    hello there feeling ashamed

    Hi ...very new here.....i drank too much last night and made foolish phone calls and text message choices that i would have never mede sober....i have to work later this evening and i feel foolish and filled with self loathing....i just ordered the gaba,,,the cds,,,and the kudzo suppliment...this web space that i stumbled upon feels like such a blessing! any advice on how to release this self hate and embarrasment?:new:

    hello there feeling ashamed

    Hi Compassiongirl,

    I wrote to you on another thread, but I see this one looks fairly new and didn't want to leave you hanging. I call my family so often when I'm drunk that most of the time they are "out" and don't answer the phone. I'm really new here so I'm afraid I won't have the advice that others will be able to give you, but the self-loathing and drinking is a cycle. Or at least it was for me - drink, hate myself, don't drink for a day, feel better about myself, drink, hate myself.... So, do you have a plan for tonight? Are you planning on staying AF tonight? If so, that will be one day AF. One day at a time. I can't think past today. And sometimes I can't think past the hour. But I'm getting further away from those phone calls and embarrassments with every day. This is a very supportive group of people. Welcome!
    Wasted Time (NO MORE!)


      hello there feeling ashamed

      Hi compassion -- it is never too easy the morning after the night before. What is odd is that it fades as we pass into the next day etc. This proves to me that part of the shame and embarrassment is chemically induced. We probably were not a "stupid" as we think we were and maybe others thought we were being light hearted or just silly. Anyway, it dies go away so just try to decide to chase it away not. On another point, it always is uncomfortable to run into those people who we think we were stupid with when we were drunk. Well the best defense is just to give them a very big hello and change the subject to something interesting. Good luck, i do hate the feeling of making a fool of myself and it does not get easier. try not to be embarrassed -- fake it. ?????


        hello there feeling ashamed

        Compassiongirl ~ welcome.

        You will find a lot of understanding here. We have all been there more times than we care to count. But feeling awful to the point of drowning your sorrows again is not going to help. And you are finally seeing that or you would not have come here. So good for you! Admitting you need help is a very brave thing to do.

        I see you are looking forward to implementing some of the program tools. The book is also a great way to start. And it's a quick read.

        Read a lot of the threads and post often. It helps to talk things out.

        Good luck. We are here for you.

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          hello there feeling ashamed

          :welcome: :new: too. Hang in are not alone. The supps worked for me.


            hello there feeling ashamed


            Welcome. Many of us have been there. Once I stopped drinking I noticed I was creating a positive upward spiral in my life - it is just the opposite of the downward - drink, regret, shame, etc. More like don't drink, gain confidence, make good choices, feel good about myself. You have the tools to make this happen. It is going to take work but is worth the effort.

            Be well, make good choices, feel better,
            Beck (89 days AF)

            Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


              hello there feeling ashamed

              Beck, that is wonderful 89 days! C-GIRL we have ALL made mistakes..texting must have been hard? Shut the phone right off. When i was drinking the first thing was towards the end my career was shut all forms of communication wot MWO is about, then address the issue and feel better about you. :h


                hello there feeling ashamed

                wow....THANK YOU!!! just having people respond to me has made all the difference to me today. wasted time , thanks for asking about tonight ....there will be no NO booze tonight. I intend to use this site at least once a day. all of your words and stories are so moving and powerful! What the HELL is with alcohol.....why? trying to just get throught his day and not worry about the whys for now....looking forward to waking up sober tomorrow morning... lonliness, fear, pain.....drinking simply dosen't make it better,,,,,,is it possible to retrain the brain to be a moderate drinker....i can go a good week or so with moderation...then i fooling my self? anyway i am sooooo grateful to you ALL......W/ LOVE


                  hello there feeling ashamed

                  compassiongirl;320683 wrote: wow....THANK YOU!!! just having people respond to me has made all the difference to me today. wasted time , thanks for asking about tonight ....there will be no NO booze tonight. I intend to use this site at least once a day. all of your words and stories are so moving and powerful! What the HELL is with alcohol.....why? trying to just get throught his day and not worry about the whys for now....looking forward to waking up sober tomorrow morning... lonliness, fear, pain.....drinking simply dosen't make it better,,,,,,is it possible to retrain the brain to be a moderate drinker....i can go a good week or so with moderation...then i fooling my self? anyway i am sooooo grateful to you ALL......W/ LOVE
                  Only you can answer that. I have gone AF B4 and then thought I was going to be able to moderate. :upset: No way for me to do so. It is all or none and none is fine with me.


                    hello there feeling ashamed


                    it is said 30 days..the brain is re-set. A good thirty days is a dry-out. Check the health store out for valuable supplements that help ease booze withdrawl. Wot have you to lose? Time to feel good and enjoy life! Many of us are doing just that dear one. :h


                      hello there feeling ashamed

                      Hi new too:new:

                      Welcome and you are not alone. Had one of those drinking and dialing episodes that almost ended a very valuable relationship...that was one of my wake-up calls.

                      Hope to hear more from you...:h

