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working on day 5 and so exhausted!

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    working on day 5 and so exhausted!

    I feel like I am posting all over the place but I can't get out what I'm feeling. I am so exhausted. I will be done with day 5 when I go to bed tonight. I am feeling so frazzled and so exhausted. I am worried about Sat and Sun. I am scared really not just worried. I am on this site any chance I get but on the weekend I won't have the chance as often and I am worried about "being on my own". (BTW can't get on to live chat - just get a blank screen.) I am taking my supps and have always been a 10-12 cup water drinker a day so I don't think that's it. My brain is so tired from thinking about this - concentrating on AF AF AF AF. It's thinking things like - what if life isn't better without AL, what if I can't do it, what if I slip, would I still feel brave enough to come back to the site, am I going to fail again, maybe I should just moderate my drinking, and this damn headache and drowsiness and inattentiveness - downright lazy! I was so hyped up for the last four days and now I'm feeling so run down. And I thought day 3 was bad!!!! OK enough whining for now. I just had to get it out somewhere. Thanks for listening.

    Wasted Time (NO MORE!)

    working on day 5 and so exhausted!

    Hi WT
    Can you change your routine? Or set yourself some small attainable goals that will keep you busy and take your mind off AL and AF? Go for a walk to stimulate those happy endorphins in your brain!

    Are you taking any of the supps? The L-Glut and the Kudzo worked well for me. You might find something that suits you in the program. Whatever you do, stick to your guns as it can take 10 days or more for your body to rid itself of the alcohol and then it takes a few months for the old brain to function post al-haze.

    Reread some of Bessie's ODAT posts. They always make me feel more positive, and lots of others will have more wisdom than I can offer!

    Rest up, tomorrow is full of possibility and surprises



      working on day 5 and so exhausted!

      Oops - sorry, I just realised that yes you are taking your supps. Maybe I need to heed my own advice before giving it :H i hope my brain function improves. We'll both feel much better after a goos nights sleep!


        working on day 5 and so exhausted!

        its okay..

        that is normal to be are going to be. Have you tried anything from the Pharmacy like campral which helps regulate brain chemicals when we stop drinking? Kudzu acts like campral but in a natural form. You will feel better in time. Stay tuned here for what is to be expected. You are on track and have the classic signs of alcohol withdrawl. hang in there, you are doing it! :h


          working on day 5 and so exhausted!

          Wastedtime, take some deep breaths, hun. Each and everyone one of those feelings are normal.

          A little fear is good. It keeps us on our toes. But don't let it get you to the point that you are obsessing. Relax. You are doing just fine. In the beginning it is very good to be here when you need the advise and support so much. But sometimes a bit of a break is needed also. Don't stress about this weekend just because you can not be here as often as you might like. Just keep all of the positive things you have read here in your mind. Getting on with living life without being here 24/7 is ok. It's very healthy in fact.

          I have all the faith in the world that you will be back here reporting your additional AF days! Come on, you don't want to repeat those first 5 days, right? Stay strong.

          Just check in as you see fit. We will always be here. We are not going away. I promise.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            working on day 5 and so exhausted!

            Hi Wasted (no more)...

            Maybe I can help....

            Quitting drinking effects everyone different. For some, day 1 & 2 are the hardest. For others, day 3 & 4 are it. It's a given the first 6 or 7 days are the hardest. For me, days 3-5 were the absolute toughest.

            You have to stand back and try and look at yourself as a patient. You are taking care of yourself and going through withdrawl. You've made it this far, and you are almost there.

            I flew as Aircrew in the Navy for 20 years......I like to say you are flying through thunderstorms right now, but you are about to break out into the sunshine....

            As far as this weekend.......these are pure Beast thoughts. Remember I said to think about your thinking?.....The Beast is putting all these doubts into your mind. You have to take control of your thoughts. Any thought has you even considering taking a drink are those of The Beast. That's all he wants to do on day 5, is just to get you to CONSIDER taking a drink......he just wants to put that on the table.

            Well, it's not on the damn have done, follow through. Quit waffling on this weekend. It's time for you to take a stand. It's time to walk the walk, lady...

            You can do this. I know you can. I can feel it in your are so proud to be where you are right now......

            Keep flying.....



              working on day 5 and so exhausted!

              Chief - that's great advice you've given. Keep it up, it helps all of us. Thanks. JLM


                working on day 5 and so exhausted!

                I believe you need to have Java to use the chat room. Hope that helps.


                  working on day 5 and so exhausted!

                  Hi Wastedtime,

                  All great advice. As Thankful said. Take a big deep breath.

                  Withdrawl is not pleasant. Unfortunately, it is your bodies way of telling you that something REALLY GOOD is happening. Your body is getting rid of all the crap that you have put in over the years.

                  Just try and hang in there. Each day you do you are one step closer to feeling great.

                  As hard as it seems now. It will be worth it.

                  Try and stop out thinking yourself. Rather than thinking in the negative, TRY and start thinking in the positive. I guess as they say fake it till you make it. Picture yourself as happy, strong, healthy and confident person.

                  Don't worry about failure. So what if you fail.

                  We won't care. We will all be there for you. I have failed dozens of times.

                  Just keep getting back on the horse.

                  Keep up the great work.

                  Warm Regards


                  P.S. As much as you don't feel like it exercise does wonders. It doesn't have to be a marathon or anything, just get out and go for a stroll.


                    working on day 5 and so exhausted!

                    I don't know if i can give advice right now since i am almost done with day 2...but i just had the same thoughts you did and worked myself up to a panic.

                    Today i realized the power we give the beast just on focusing on him...He is trying to tell me that maybe i can have one or two this weekend since I've "cleaned up" a bit still in a stupor of detox i am thinking this!

                    It helps me to relate and to hear truthful, shameful, crazy thoughts about what this has done to us.

                    So what i did was come on here and read just how i was feeling. My only advice is to take it minute by minute. I am thinking of all the positive reasons i am doing this...I'm too new to determine mods or abs for life today...too overwhelming...checking my mail is almost too overwhelming right now because bills send me over the edge.

                    I have to relearn my job tomorrow on day three without the crutch of AL...Too much to think about what if's and guilt "if" we do or don't...This is what I learned today, and i am so grateful for this site.

                    I do know one thing though...This is so hard and humbling that the rewards on the other end must be greater than i imagined.:l


                      working on day 5 and so exhausted!

                      :goodjob: You can do it. In a few more days you are going to feel a lot better.....and better about yourself. The fog will lift and and it will be a new world. The AL dragon is playing with your mind. Hang tough and :b&d: the dragon.

