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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Hi all

    Into the weekend - hope you are having a good one. A bit of a slow start this morning. Later to bed than I would like and feeling a bit, I dunno, just generally a bit grotty. Almost like I had a drink. Well I had 2 glasses of AF wine - did that do it? I have a theory that it is about carbohydrates/sugars. I was cooking cakes in the evenings and ate them instead of a proper meal. I've noticed before that eating carbs/sugars late makes me feel yuck in the morning. Anyone get the same?

    Anyway, I'll get over it. :H:H A pot of tea or 6 to go with the rest of the ironing and then crack on with the jobs for the day! Was hoping to ride this morning but that may be a bit of a stretch now. Maybe later. Sometimes really nice to ride at the end of the day and get back to the field as the sun is going down. More likely to see the deer coming out, usually sight a barn owl or two and the evening bird activity is lovely.

    That's tonight, this is this morning. And this is ODAT and today I will not be drinking. Join in today if you are taking it ODAT too! It's the way to do it! (well it's not the only way, but it's my favourite way!) I might be whingey at the moment but I went to bed last night with a smile. Nights alone used to be my 'treat' nights. A bottle of wine or two. I'd sometimes confess the first but not the second. What a waste of time - both that night and the next day. So NOT a treat. The treat is now to go to bed tired and sober and wake up (mostly) feeling ready to take on the next day. It was another easy AF night - they are getting easier the more of them they are. So hang in there if you are on your early days and finding it tricky. It IS definitely worth it.

    Love to all to come.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Saturday

    morning bessie

    its day 64 AF for me, and im on day 6 SF. so doign a day at a time is the way.

    hope everyone has a good weekend, and has nice weather, its sunny here in bonnie scotland for a change, so going to make the most of it.

    take care all


      ODAT - Saturday

      Its ME!

      Ripple stopped cake and good stuff Friday. yes it was making me sicky in the AM..don't do it more! Up late again tonite..will pay for it. had to go play 7's..lucky 7's while hubby sucked down whiskey glad i don't drink anymore. Thought about it, but i did not..nite. Must rest. I can hold on a bit longer to my sobriety. :tempted: oops..i will hang on..until further notice..


        ODAT - Saturday

        Good Morning all -- beautiful sunny morning here and today starts my day 9. Hope to go on for a lot longer than 9 -- like forever. Last time I had nine I slipped. Taking off for New York today and will be back on Monday. Going to a First Communion for my God Daughter. Hope it is happy and dry.

        Awesome for you drybones. I am trying to catch up. Cheers to all.


          ODAT - Saturday

          Good Morning all ODATer's.

          Had a very lonely night last night and any other week I might have made a trip to the local AL store, but not last night. I came here, posted, read, ate(way too much) and did not drink. Day 5 today.

          Bessie-I think you are doing great. You sound so much more confident. I know you will be a success.

          Ripple-Good job on staying AF. It is so much harder when everyone around you is drinking, but you did a great thing for yourself.

          Barebones-You have been doing so good. And going SF too. You are inspiring so many here. Keep going.

          Matt- I have been reading your posts and I can only say that I love your determination to beat AL. I know how hard this is and I know sometimes you just have to say enough is enough and I think you are there and I for one will be here to support you all the way. Good job.

          Everyone to follow- Good Luck with ODAT or meeting you own goals. We all know how hard this is. Thanks for all of your support. I feel like I have finally found the freinds I need to beat this.

          Have a Great Day!


            ODAT - Saturday

            Good Morning all ODATers
            Watched a great movie last night with my significant other 'Rescue Dawn'. Went to bed early and was early to rise this morning! AF and sober is awesome! We intended to til the garden once more before planting but's pouring outside! So, we'll leave that for another day. Good day for a book.
            It's so wonderful to read everyone's posts. Many are doing so well with ODAT. I agree Bessie, it's my favorite way to succeed in racking up the AF days. I appreciate all of you so much and thank you for this wonderful community. Have a great Saturday everyone!

            Love and Peace
            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


              ODAT - Saturday

              Hello ODATers
              Glad to hear everyone is doing so well! Great thread Bessie. I look forward to reading it every day. Tough day here in Kentucky, the Derby is a BIG day with lots of parties and AL flowing EVERYWHERE! Hubby asked, WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT DERBY??? I will drink tonic with a lime, pretend it's a "real" drink so I don't have to answer EVERYONE's questions and enjoy a wonderful sober day! I will taste the wonderful food, enjoy engaging conversation, and drive my hubby home...... even though he always stops at 3 drinks then eats a full meal and switches to water.... it feels great to say "I'll drive"! It gives me a sense a pride. Day 20 AF today. Feeling great. BP used to run borderline high, now completely normal. Still have my guard up, practicing saying, "tonic with lime please", knowing the urge will rear it's ugly head again when I'm not expecting.

              Thanks to everyone here for sharing their stories. This is such an inspirational site. I have so much hope now. I couldn't do it without the words of wisdom experessed here!


              In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
              - Author unknown


                ODAT - Saturday

                my thought for the day....

                Hello all, and glad to see that this Saturday is meeting us all so well. It is such inspiration to see how some of you have gone so far and how some of us have just begun...I am on day seven Af and feeling very good. Feeling much stronger in this day than last night.

                I would like to share with you all my thought for the day:

                "You think your pains and heartbreaks are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, or who have ever been alive." -James Baldwin

                Have a great ODAT Saturday everyone, and thanks for giving me something to read!


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Good Morning Everyone,

                  Beautiful sunny day here in Virginia. got my run in early as it is going to be hot today. Have to make the Saturday soccer rounds with my girls - all 3 games start at noon - so I will go watch my youngest (7) play. Such a riot. "herdball"

                  Everyone sounds so positive. I am finally feeling like I am turning some kind of corner with this AL thing. Today is Day 90 AF so I guess it is time. Best of luck to all of you on your AF or mods goals.

                  Bessie, love how strong you are sounding. You have a great attitude. Sorry about all that damned ironing -you really should consider hiring that out.

                  Matthen, Patti, greenhouse - this is something you can do. You are off to a great start.

                  barebones - 64 days is so good...really very happy for you.

                  Rip, always fun. tough whn the other half drinks.

                  Off to have my day,

                  Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    I just had to congratulate you on 90 DaysThat is so awesome. You are an inspiration to all. Enjoy your day with your girls.


                      ODAT - Saturday

                      Beck--I know exactly what you mean by "herdball." :H when my kids played, it looked like a flock of geese running after a bug!!! Congrats on 90 BTW.

                      Happy Saturday all!! The sun is out and should melt the snow from yesterday. Quite a spring blizzard!! The Black Hills of South Dakota got almost 3 feet of snow!! When Croft gets tired of biking or running she can dig her skis out and head there!

                      I'm really enjoying my af days. I still don't get alot done, can't get motivated, too much time here, but at least I don't feel like crap! Hubby even watched movies with me last night-sober!

                      Hope everyone has a great weekend! And stop working so hard Bessie, you make me feel bad!
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        ODAT - Saturday


                        we have:

                        ME: ~ Ripples, BessFull, Matt, Beck and Bones. oops LVT25, time2change..(isn't that the truth), janeD and Greenhouse..Saturday morning ODATer's. You all sound like you want Sobriety. It will come to you. Glad i did not try drinkie last nite. Much better not having poison. Everyone have a SPLENDID DAY, filled with thoughts of MWO and how it has helped us so much. I will make it a weekend alcohol usual.


                          ODAT - Saturday

                          Great thread today, just woke up.........its 08 am. I had a horrendous day yesterday at work. The emergencies kept coming. I had breakfast at 10:30 and then had no time to eat until 8 pm that night. I was so worn out I was dreaming about a glass of wine to help unwind, mostly for the mental factor. Its really hard to come home after a day like that and talk. BUT I WON!!!!!! I talked myself down!!!!!! Al was forced to sit in the corner, having a "time out". Every time he made a sound..............I slapped him!
                          I was too tired to cook so I had a snack and went to bed. Need to clean the house this morning. See Bessie, I do need you!....And my son is turning 18 tomorrow........BIG family celebration.

                          Happy AF to all


                            ODAT - Saturday


                            aren't i here too, or am i just too high to see?


                              ODAT - Saturday

                              This thread is sounding SO positive and good today! I love it. Checking in while I have a quick break. A MUCH needed cuppa and I have just wolfed down 3 of my cherry pie muffins. Ok, ok I know that's not proper food but I need the sugar boost!! They are actually quite good!! (surprised me!) Just a muffin mix with some cherry pie filling added! I love cheating! I tried making some with chocolate puffed rice yesterday ..... errr, don't bother. Dry as dust. The chickens enjoyed them.

                              Finished getting the holiday let ready - it looks so nice in the sun. I bought a BBQ for it as looks like they might be getting some BBQ weather. Going back out to try to put it together (grrr I hate flatpack!!) They have a lovely bunch of flowers, the welcome card, plate of cakes, the nice old tea set out and they even have a bottle of wine!! It is the one my friend gave me that I have been wondering how to get rid of. Perfect solution. No temptation for Bessie and happy punters!

                              Whilst I was washing down the yard I had a thought - just the one! I was thinking about how I shall probably have to keep an eye out for the temptations of alcohol for as long as I live if I want to deal with it successfully. That sounds like quite a big deal but then I thought it's only like speeding cars. You have to keep an eye out for speeding cars for all your life if you don't want to be knocked down. Sometimes you're in an area where they are a real danger and you really keep your wits about you and avoid them. Then you are somewhere where there are no speeding cars so you don't even consider them. And you've been doing that all your life already and will do it for the rest of your life if you want to stay alive. That's gotta be the approach to alcohol from now on.

                              Enough philosophical stuff. Flat pack BBQ beckons.

                              Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

                              Bessie xxx

