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I think I'm ready to admit...and I want to stop...thoughts?

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    I think I'm ready to admit...and I want to stop...thoughts?

    I am a father of two beautiful children. I drink a 24 of beer a week plus some wine and spirits. I am really starting to worry about my health. I have tried many times to stop, or to only drink on certain days of the week, or only a said amount of drinks per week. The bottom line is that I like to drink. I am ready to stop. I think I want to go cold turkey. Do you have any helpful thoughts? With thanks,
    no beer

    I think I'm ready to admit...and I want to stop...thoughts?

    Re: I think I'm ready to admit...and I want to stop...though

    Hi No Beer,

    Welcome to MWO. You have already decided you want to stop, that is a huge step!! This program can help you do just that. I would go to the home page of this site and either order the book, that explains the whole program, or you can down load it so you don't have to wait for shipping. It is a vey quick read believe me. That is where I would start. I would also suggest that you spend some time reading and posting around these boards. This really is a community full of wonderfully supportive people who will help you however they can. I hope this a good sart, let me know!!



      I think I'm ready to admit...and I want to stop...thoughts?

      Re: I think I'm ready to admit...and I want to stop...though

      I too have recently decided to stop. I usually had a six-pack every day and more on the weekends, but lately it had seemed to lose something and was just no fun anymore. I'm shooting for abstinence though; I think moderation isn't in my vocabulary because if it was, I wouldn't have let myself get as far out of hand as I did. If it's here, I'll drink it no matter how long it takes me!

      So what I did first was read all these posts and everything on the website. I bought GABA, l-Glutamine, and Kudzu and started taking them at the dosage that's recommended. I found the website on about a Wednesday, I think it was, and started taking the supps but was still drinking (although not quite as much). Three days later I had a bad run-in with a golf cart which landed me in surgery and then a few days in the hospital. I've been laid up since then and haven't had anything to drink, mainly because I'm unable to buy any! If I start finding it difficult to stay abstinent after I'm up and around, I will find a doctor and ask for a Rx for Topamax.

      Good luck and stick around. You'll find all sorts of good info and all the support you need! There are a lot of people who have had such good success and are more than willing to answer any questions you might have.


        I think I'm ready to admit...and I want to stop...thoughts?

        Re: I think I'm ready to admit...and I want to stop...though

        Hi No more Beer - I would check out the book. I downloaded it last week and it's a light read but very interesting. I have been hearing a lot of good feed back from those who decided to use the whole program. These board certainly help. You don't feel so isolated when you come on these boards and read others stories.

        Cold turkey is brave but sometimes not necessary. There are so many things out there to take the edge off the cravings. I think you would have greater success if you tried the program.

        The first week that I signed on a few weeks ago I was in a bad place. I don't drink everday but tend to get totally out of hand at social events and had a bad routine of certain nights drinking every week. I had a really bad night and thought my world was coming to an end. I'm know feeling much better and not obsessing about the horrible negative thing that I did.

        I read on here all the time and get my daily dose of inspiration. I'm doing the supplements (just started) will let you know what I think of those later.

        We are all here for you. Which ever route you choose I wish you luck. Sounds like you are ready to get the ball rolling.



          I think I'm ready to admit...and I want to stop...thoughts?

          Re: I think I'm ready to admit...and I want to stop...though

          Thanks for the support and suggestions. I am on day 2, and still doing OK. It is not too hard at the first of the week. The long weekend worries me.

          Thanks again,
          No beer


            I think I'm ready to admit...and I want to stop...thoughts?

            Re: I think I'm ready to admit...and I want to stop...though

            No Beer,
            I know the feeling. I used to drink a 6 pack a day. If I bought a 12 pack then I would drink 8. I am not on Topa, tried Campral for 30 to 40 days and now am just doing it with the suppliments and support from this great group.
            I wish you success.

