A GLORIOUS morning here in the east of England. All thoughts of moving away banished! Rural England is the place to be when the weather is good. I was SOOO tired yesterday but after a really good night's sleep, no 5.30am alarm and a cup of tea I am feeling lots better. Am still going to take it easy-ish today though. One of the good things about drinking far less is that I am more aware of my body and patterns of energy as they truly are, not masked by hangovers and I know I need not to use too much energy today as my reserves are low. Away with hubby for a couple of nights tomorrow in a couple of lovely hotels so that should be a wonderful break.
I had two small drinks last night. And that was it. Was easy to stop - I did feel the pull towards another but nothing like as strong as it has been in the past and I was able to beat it back and walk away.
Have a great day all.
Bessie xx