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    Started my fourth week and am not seeing the results I was hoping for. I have the whole program: CD's, Supps, and Topa. Still drinking and not even seeing the added side effect of weight loss. Trying to drink water, eat wght watchers for lunch, exercised 525 minutes last month. I listen to the subliminal in my car, I get up at 5 to listen to my hypno and clearing and I listen to the sleep at night. What am I doing wrong? or what do I need to do different? Please help!!


    just keep on trying, stay strong you will start to see a change.
    pace and godbless
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



      are you still drinking?? I went into Rehab for a month, didn't drink for about about 3 months and didn't loose any weight despite exercising and really watching what i ate. I only started loosing weight when i did this diet which was completely sugar free, and lost 14 pounds in 6 weeks. Drinking stops any weight loss even if you are doing exercise as it raises bloody sugar levels. MOre recently in august i had personnal training 3 times a week but was binging 3 times a week, drinking to black out and overeating the next day, in 4 weeks i only lost 4 pounds and my PT couldn't udnerstand it as he was really putting me through my paces adn i was getting really depressed as wasn't getting anyway. there are people who drink and don't put on weight and others who do, it depends how sugar sensitive we are. I had some tests done which showed that i was sugar intolerant and was low in chromiun, which means you body can't break down sugar. At the moment i am not even eating fruit, because of raising blood sugar levels, but eating lots of vegetables. I have only jsut started going AF (again) but really do notice a big difference in my weight and puffiness when i don't drink!! How are you feeling in yourself, you must feel very proud of yourself if you have stopped drinking and are in your 4th week.

      Don't be too hard on yourself, don't give up, give your body time to adjust, i really think you need to give yourself at least 2/3 months to see a difference.

      Keep going!




        I think it takes awhile to see results, mine were not immediate either. Don't give up -- hang in there!



          Hi Clyde,
          Sorry to hear that your are discouraged.
          The only weeks that I see weight loss is when I am AF the entire week. Not only do I save calories from the AL but I also eat better on a consistent basis.
          MWO is a great program but you must jump in with your mind and body. Along with the program you need to contribute some will power and work on changing your relationship with AL. The program cannot do that for you.
          Hang on and keep on the good work!

          : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein




            Keep trying. If you are still drinking maybe you should try to go AF for awhile to "kick-start" the program. Then if you want to moderate you can ease back into it slowly and work from there. Don't give up. I know that it can be frustrating but depending on how much you were/are drinking it may take longer for your system to get used to the change. We are all different. Some people see a change right away and for others it takes a while. Good luck. Keep posting and if you need support we are all here. Gabby.
            Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.



              A agree Clyde - I think the problem here is (and you're not gonna want to hear it) - the drinking. You're doing GREAT on the other stuff - if you can concentrate on them, and cut out the drinking, you'll be well on your way.

              Peace & strength,




                Hi Clyde,
                By reading your post is it your fourth week not drinking.....remember everyone is different in there bodies just give it time....
                I think wght watchers food can work out more expensive....i know fish diet i would recommend is very good any fish even tin fish without sunflower oil..with veg and salad.
                There is a thread on focus on fitness that might help as well...
                hang in there.

                family is everything to me




                  Are you unhappy about not losing weight or are you unhappy because you are still drinking? I wasn't sure from your post.

                  The whole program works very well and it sounds like you have jumped in wholeheartedly, however it is not a silver bullet. You must make the effort to stop drinking, too.

                  If you truly want to quit drinking or mod drinking, all these things you are doing well help make that so much easier. But nothing will just "do it" for you.

                  I suggest coming up with a plan.

                  Keep us posted.

                  AF April 9, 2016




                    I agree w/ most, in that you will see and feel the biggest difference if and when you stop the al, that is when I notice a difference anyway, it usually takes at least 2-3 weeks af before I lose the weight I want to,but the FEELING, that makes it all worth while!!

                    Good luck and God bless,:l:h


                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:




                      I wasn't using the max supp. for cravings so have ordered more. Had cut out everything but beer but discovered that it's the worst for sugar. Have looked up sugar free dieting to help cut the cravings. I had given up the obvious sweets but was missing the hidden sugars. AF is my goal but as you all know that's not easy. One day at a time. I was just hoping for the added benefit of weight loss. Thinking that it would motivate me to not consume those extra useless alcholic calories. When the clothes don't fit the more depressed you get the more your drink the more depressed...see the viscious cycle. I am determined to get off this merry go round. So thanks for everyones support.



                        I think there was some confusioni about whether you said you are still drinking or not drinking. I believe you said you were still drinking. Daily??? In order to lose the weight, you have to stop the drinking. And, as Cindi says, the program is not a silver bullet. You have to use alot of willpower to stop drinking, rather than relying on the supps and meds to make you lose your desire to stop, or make you stop craving. I have done a week AF, and still, every night, it is a battle for me to convince myself not to drink. I am not neccessarily craving it, but I still want it, as it is a strong habit. So there is alot of self-motiviation and will power involved that works along with the supplements and Topa (I don't even use the Topa, but find the Kudzu and L-Glut do great at reducing the cravings!). So keep trying, just say no - have that argument with AL - it can be quite entertaining at times!!!




                          Clyde, we sound very similar:

                          I went to my doctor and told him I had a serious drinking problem and that I was in desperate need of a solution. He said, 'Stop drinking.' I said, 'I don't get it..' He said, 'Go home and think about it.'



                            I think priority #1 is personal willpower. Try hanging out with people that represent what you want to be, focus on those people and slowly keep the others at arms length. I wish you luck :l
                            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                            - George Jackson



                              Hi there

                              My impression is that you are both not losing weight and not slowing down your drinking.

                              Are you taking topa at the full dose? If so and it isn't working, maybe you need to consider getting off it. Do you have a doctor you can talk to about it? Topa is supposed to be effective but with a bad side effect profile in a lot of people. To be honest, I can't remember many posts from people who said it did not work, just posts from those who had to get off it due to dire effects. Did you get your supply from a reputable source? Some drugs ordered online are not the real thing, from what I read.

                              Regarding weight loss,having weight watchers at lunch isn't enough. You should consider joining the program for at least a few months to learn what calorie intake is necesssary to lose weight.

                              And if I were you, I would avoid those frozen lunches if poss. They are small and they encourage bingeing later. And some of the WW treats are loaded with sugar. If you have a big breakfast and dinner and beers later, a WW lunch will not save you. An alternative for lunch? A huge salad with lots of vegetables, olive oil (sparingly) with vinegar, and some protein like shrimp or tuna with no mayo and some avocado would be better.

                              You are right that beer is loaded with sugar. Lots of things are that we might not expect--- fat free salad dressings for example, loaded with corn syrup. It's best to get rid of refined sugar from your diet and to not eat white things with all the fiber stripped out.

                              Good luck and let us know your progress.

