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    Day 9 is just starting!!!! I have a job interview today and am going to apply at another place. I have to take one of my daughter's hearing aids in to get it retubed. By the way, both of us wear hearing aids, a genetic thing from birth. I got my 1st one at 21 and she her's at 5. Anyway, then I need to stop by college and talk to my academic counselor about my class schedule for this fall, as I need 18 additional hours at JUCO, to get my bachelor's.

    Everyone keep up the good work. I have read a bunch of posts this morning. For you all that are still struggling with AL, keep trying, nobody is perfect. I know how some of you feel about medication, but Antabuse is working for me. Staying busy, also. But I am finding out as each day goes by that I don't have to go from the time I get up until I go to bed. I have been able to relax alot more. I am still not ironing my husband's underwear, yet! TEE-HEE!!!


    Dear Blondie,

    Congrats on Day 9, that is awesome! I too find that staying busy really helps, especially when the AL time comes a calling......I'm on day 4 and have been doing extra yard work to keep me busy! So nice to hear that you haven't had to resort to ironing your hubby's undies yet! I have a mother-in-law who loves to iron and there may have been a time when she ironed everything, uggg, lol.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Hugs, Bambi
    "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney



      OH, I almost forgot.......Good luck on the job interview! Sending good vibes your way!
      "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney

