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1st AF day was yesterday

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    1st AF day was yesterday

    I did it!!!! I did it!!!! now i need to handle tonight the same way I handled last night.

    wish me luck everyone! and thanks LizzieLoca for kinda holding my hand through this one!


    1st AF day was yesterday

    contratulations!!! way to go, and good luck on day 2!


      1st AF day was yesterday

      Keep it up


        1st AF day was yesterday

        Awesome work! You can do this! I'm so proud of you!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          1st AF day was yesterday

          one concern I have is withdrawal symptoms. i haven't ordered the supps, nor do i have the book. what can I expect as far as withdrawal symptoms and how would I alleviate them?


            1st AF day was yesterday


            Congrats, you CAN do this!! Lots of luck for you on tonight, I just know you will make it!:thumbs::happy::wd:

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              1st AF day was yesterday

              YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! I know you can! and a big :welcome:


                1st AF day was yesterday

                Go SuperBernie!

                You can do it. If things get dicey, post, post, post. It will take your mind off of AL and keep you busy through the witching hours. Gabby.
                Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                  1st AF day was yesterday

                  As far as w/d symptoms, what did you go through on day 1 AF? Any shakes, sweating neausea, headache, etc?
                  Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                    1st AF day was yesterday

                    good job on day 1... you should download the book and buy the supplements here online, but for now since you don't know how to deal with withdrawls, I suggest getting some L-glut from health or drug store, vitamins (all one) is suggested in book, and drink lots of water, gatorade, fruit juice, and eat when the cravings come...worked for me so far.

                    Also what is the best thing to do is read back on old posts and it will also get your mind off of AL. I'm sure others will come along with some more advice....good luck and congrats!:goodjob:


                      1st AF day was yesterday

                      thanks everyone. I feel so happy to know that you guys got my back!

                      the first day, i just felt tired and fidgety. sleep was ugly. i really couldn't sleep. Finally when I did dose off, one of my pups broke the silence with a bark..... arrrrghhh. gotta love the pooches though.

                      this morning it felt good to remember every single detail from the night before.

                      I think the kids have noticed that I am truly trying to get away from AL.


                        1st AF day was yesterday

                        Great Job!



                          1st AF day was yesterday

                          Cangratulations, Benie!

                          Each day gets, better and easier! I will add to the wd symptoms that it took quite a while for me to feel that I had any energy. None of it lasted long. By day 5-6 you should be off and running!

                          :l Best
                          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                            1st AF day was yesterday

                            Yesterday was day 1 for me too, and it was no problem. Today I am a mess - not the usual psychological wreck, but the usual triggers: 5:00 pm, making dinner, getting ready to grill out..... Yesterday I woke up READY to begin. Today I woke up tired, even tho I went to bed early and AF. Doesn't help that baby is fussy and that is stressing me out.

                            SuperBernie, we'll try ot help each other out! I think I may need to tell my huby to buy beer that I don't care for -- then it won't be such a temptation. (stupid me, ever the bargain hunter, bought the kind I like at the store because it was on sale!)

                            CDs are a little weird....will discuss more on that later, hopefully.



                              1st AF day was yesterday


                              Give it a couple of days and you will be sleeping better. The fog will clear, you will start thinking straight, you will have more energy and AL will start taking a backseat (well maybe shotgun) to the rest of your life. Keep going. You deserve it. Gabby.
                              Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

