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1st AF day was yesterday

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    1st AF day was yesterday

    Very nice...

    job. be proud and gentle to yourself today


      1st AF day was yesterday

      serious life threatening withdrawal symptoms are not all that common and depend on a number of factors. If you are feeling well at now 48 hours you may not experience them. For me it has only ever been about 24 hours of irritability and "the jitters" I was always quite a bit better by 36 hours. It depends on your age, med history and drinking history too. Talk to your doc.


        1st AF day was yesterday

        Good grief I feel like a hopeless case. I let my triggers get to me and fell off the wagon like a ragdoll.
        I knew to stop before I drank the whole vodka distillery though.

        I feel like a loser, but i must prevail.


          1st AF day was yesterday

          SuperBernie;322408 wrote: thanks everyone. I feel so happy to know that you guys got my back!

          the first day, i just felt tired and fidgety. sleep was ugly. i really couldn't sleep. Finally when I did dose off, one of my pups broke the silence with a bark..... arrrrghhh. gotta love the pooches though.

          this morning it felt good to remember every single detail from the night before.

          I think the kids have noticed that I am truly trying to get away from AL.
          :welcome: :goodjob: :new:


          Get the Kudzu from this site. Melatonin will help you sleep. You can do it and we are your cheering section.


            1st AF day was yesterday

            I am on day 9 today and have slept so much better the last two nights. It really does get better. Now if I could just stop craving ice cream.


              1st AF day was yesterday

              Dealing with cravings...getting toward 5:00

              Super Bernie and everyone,
              I let my triggers get to me too, although I only had 2 beers, instead of the usual 3 or 4, before the wine -- with dinner of course, which would have lasted thru the rest of the evening...But anyway, the evening was not lost, and I listened to the subliminal CD before going to bed.

              I did notice yesterday around 5 that not only did I want to drink, I was fricking hungry! My toddler son wanted s snack too, so I unfortunately carbo-caved to the giant carton of Goldfish on the top of the fridge. He loved them too; now it's all over.

              I think having alternative beverages and something else to do will be important. I definitely associate making dinner at the end of the afternoon with drinking. I have been keeping fizzy water in the house; it kinda seems more special than regular water.

              I also know that when I have tried to stop drinking before, without the help of supps or anything (or even being pregnant) it was just too damn hard. I feel like I need more time to get these good substances and thoughts into my system. It's only been a couple of days; it'll take longer than that to do years of learned behaviors and body chemistry conversions. So, SuperBernie, don't try to go it alone -- the supps are there to help. A good book that echoes many of the same thoughts on this site is called Depression-Free for Life by Gabiriel Cousens; he is a holistic physician and talks about many of the brain chemicals. Good to know.

              Take care, CS


                1st AF day was yesterday

                You are NOT hopeless...This can be done! Maybe a little at a time. I fell last night after 6 days but did not drink as much as back on the horse today....If you are used to drinking almost 24/7 even 24 hrs might seem tough...just be glad you didn't drink the whole distillery! You are not alone, SB:h

