They say day 3 is one of the harder days to get to prepare i have made a list for myself of things to do to get through - (hope it helps you also)
1. Meditate - get a clear space in my head about what i would like to achive today
2. Drink lots of water
3. Take all the supplements
4.Stay with positive thoughts during the day
5. Exercise
6. when the voice in my head says its ok to have one - (usually towards the end of the day)
observe the thought rather than get myself into a panic about it - let it pass and know that it will:teeter:
7. Know that as my body is detoxing that i may feel like crap but remember it can't be worst than the feeling of a hang over
8. Know that i have others on this journey with me which helps me stay stronger..:grouptrophy:
Thanks everyone!!! hope you're all doing well and keeping it positive on day 3.
Love to hear how you are going.