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hypnosis tape

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    hypnosis tape

    I like the hypnosis tape but am developing a "fear" of the second track part when the guy gets real "stern" and starts telling me those hypnotic suggestions. Is there a way to deal with this? has anyone else experienced this.
    I am sleeping much better
    Day 14 AF for me feeling great

    hypnosis tape

    Hi Kiri,
    Day 14 and sleeping better? I can't imagine - this insomnia is getting me down. I have only listened to the hypnotic tracks once, but am supposed to do them tonight. I don't know if I was actually hypnotised though. How can you tell???? Not sure how to deal with dealing with the guy's sterness. Just take it for what it is - suggestions only.


      hypnosis tape

      I don't like the tapes, so I took up Yoga instead
      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        hypnosis tape

        Interesting that you find the suggestions stern. I find them just to be suggestions while under the hypnosis. Although I have to admit that I never really feel hypnotized. Just relaxed.


          hypnosis tape

          Hi Kiri,

          I haven't listened to the CD's from MWO but i have my own meditation CD's that i listen to often and enjoy very much. The feeling shouldnt be fear maybe you should stop listening to that particular track if it is making you feel uncomfortable. Nothing drastic is suppose to happen during hypnosis you should experience a sense of deep relaxation which then enables your attention to be narrowed down to focus on appropriate suggestions.
          The aim is to re-programme patterns of behaviour within the mind, enabling irrational fears, phobias, negative thoughts and suppressed emotions to be overcome.
          I know in all the therapy i have done in the past my therapist has always said if anything makes you feel uncomfortable we will stop it straight away.
          Good luck with it and remember it is suppose to be enjoyable.
          I am the author of my life.


            hypnosis tape

            Good! I've been wanting to talk about the CDs. Everything else here at MWO is so great (especially the people:l) but those CDs???? First off, I know you're not supposed to pay attention to the quality of the voice or the pronunciation, but gimme a break!! Then, there's the sound quality: really poor. I have subliminals with 100% better sound quality. Mind you, I'm listening with Bose earphones. The hypno sessions are not particularily effective... the sequences are off, the grammer is disconcerting... just plain weird and distracting. I don't think they are worth the cost.

            However, I fall asleep before the end and I'm on day 13 without any bad BAD urges to deal with. Anything that helps me thru this: I'll endorse:crazymonkey::crazymonkey::crazymonkey:


              hypnosis tape

              CD grammar

              I just got the CDs too; A few years ago there was a running joke/thread about the guys pronunciation of "escalator;' he says it more like "escyalator" which many (myself included) found irritating. I have never done hypnothereapy before, but I am willing to give it a chance. I've only listened to day 1 and 2 so far; I figure I'd give it at least a couple weeks, if not the full 4 weeks. Some of the breathingand relaxing reminds me of the yoga classes I've taken before, so maybe I'll go back to that at some point. Along the lines of yoga, the whole breathing aspect of health and relaxation (breath = life) really ought to be addressed in these forums somewhere. I'm no expert, but it's important. I guess that's part of the exercise comonent, to a certain extent....

              I did not feel "hypnotized" either, but since I'm new to this, I don't know what to expect (staggering around my bedroom like a zombie? LOL) However, when he asked to visualize an image of what the new "me" would look like, I couldn't come up with anything, and I was like "oh no! I can't think of anything!" But then this morning, when I was getting ready, I was thinking about the color red, and it's always been my favorite color; a color of strength. point is that if the CDs are making me/us think, even the next day, then something is working.

              Just my 2 cents.



                hypnosis tape

                Kiri and all, Go into search and type in hypno dummy, some good reading there.


                  hypnosis tape

                  thanks all. today I did try self hypnosis instead of the tape and then just put on the subliminal and that was helpful. the fear is not overwhelming and I am doing very well. I will try the search for hypno dummy and see what I find


                    hypnosis tape

                    BTW I have lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks on just 25 of topo twice a day and no booze. good side effect I'd say


                      hypnosis tape

                      I looked up the hypno dummy thread, but it looks like it's too old and got deleted. Anyone know if it's archived anywhere?


                        hypnosis tape

                        I'm new. Curious. How have you lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks? Any exercise or just no booze and decreased food? I'm on topa but am not doing so well with AF and just really getting started. Setting start date for tuesday.

                        This is an occasion for genuinely tiny knickers
                        ? Bridget Jones


                          hypnosis tape

                          Wow, good to hear others think those CDs are weird. The pronounciations are just so comical whatever realaxation I have managed goes out the window. I think they're pretty lame. The rest of the program seems good. I've only been doing this 6 days and on the 25 mg. of Topamax. For the past 2 nights I've poured my last drink down the drain and went to sleep without being lit. Very interesting. I'm bumping to 50 mg. tonight, 1 day early.


                            hypnosis tape

                            Bridget Jones,
                            I guess I am sensitive to the topa. I am only on 25 mg and it blunts my appetite and I figure I may as well not eat much If not hungry. I have lost 12 pounds in 5 weeks now. I do get a walk or bicycle ride on 3-4 days per week. I think the topa may increase my metabolism too. I am loosing faster than I expected. I am 56 years old and that is quite fast weight loss for me without really trying. I do take a multivite and eat lots of veggies and juices. Staying away from beef. I don't know how many calories were in the 1-2 liters of wine I drank 3-4 days per week but I bet a considerable amount. The weight loss is a nice byproduct of the abstinence.
                            Even tho the tapes are a bit wierd I found them very helpful. I am trying to surround this problem with a "bullet proof" solution. No excuses, no stone left unturned, that sort of thing. I am fully committed to complete, permanent, lifelong recovery no matter how long it takes, but having made that commitment it is going easier than I had imagined. Learning a new skill is awkward at first. One friend said: "get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable" That made sense to me. My default was to drink. I am setting a new default, I am being rewired. I just finished a major remodel on my home. It took 5+ months. Why should I expect to be able to change a 40 year habit overnight? I will use all the tools available for as long as I need to.
                            Good luck


                              hypnosis tape

                              Hi Kiri Those last couple of sentances are so true.It has taken us 40+ years of living this lifestyle to get us to were we are. It will not be changed overnight, the end to drinking can be stoped with our last drink but the new lifestyle will take work hard work but this ,as you say using all the tools we can find is our goal.I have looked at stoping drinking as a new lifestyle not just the old me without A .

                              Stay Healthy
                              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                              AF 5-16-08

