ways to hopefully make the cds work better?
I think I might have more success if I give myself just one suggestion a week. And if I call what I had formerly referred to as "rules," "keys to success". Then maybe I won't rebel against them.
I, too, find the accent, pronunciation, etc kind of distracting, but am trying to press ahead anyway. I listened yesterday morning and had a bad day anyway. (don't really want to elaborate...)
I think having to think up suggestions while in a semi-trace state kind of undoes the trance a little - I guess I wasn't prepared. I'm just going to focus on one at a time, per week, like "I limit alcohol to after 6pm". An energy healer once told me that intention should be in a positive form, rather than "I don't drink any alcohol before 6pm" but maybe it would work either way. I remember reading that one member said to himself "no more than 3" over and over and it seemed to work for him.
Maybe I will end up AF in the end, and this is a step of my process. For now my goal would be 95% AF I guess.