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Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

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    Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

    Well I just got back from the Dr. and not only did he refuse me a perscription for Topamx, I got a lecture on Christianity and that hypnosis was opening my mind to satan. I just sat and listened, like an idiot! He was nice enough to refer me to a psychiatrist who might know about this treatment. Ironically enough as I was pulling up at home, coming home from my appointment, my package of supplements, vitimins, and C.D.s were being delivered. Does anyone know if it's o.k. to start all this without the Topamax? Who knows when I'll actually get it or if I will ever get it.

    Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

    Yes, gdtogo, you can begin the supps right away w/out the Topa (some people do the program w/out meds and just supps). I'm sorry about your doctor. Is this your regular doc? Just let what he/she said go...what a quack...where'd they get their degree????? Daffy Duck College of QUACK!!!!

    Take care; stay strong; start your supps



      Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

      I just moved here (Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada) from British Colombia, Canada, So I don't have a regular family Dr. yet, but it sure won't be him. It's very difficult to find a family Dr. here, so I'll just keep searching. I did start the supp.s and can't wait to get some time to start the C.D.s

      I sure hope the psychiatrist can help. Maybe this is a really negative attitude, but I'm not sure I can do this without the Topa, I have it in my head that this is the way for me, so the thought of going it without the help (less cravings) scares the H#ll out of me.

      Won't give up though!



        Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!


        I am a Christian myself, and it *really* bothers me when Christians beat other people up with their beliefs. Especially when their reasoning is not well thought out.

        The following is pasted in out a thread in response to someone who was worried about hypnosis and Christianity. The thoughts are mine, the joke is my pastor's.

        Once upon a time there was a flood. The good man got up on the roof of his house, and a neighbor came by in a rowboat and offered to rescue the man. The good man, said "No thanks, the Lord will save me!", and the neighbor rowed on.

        Then the sheriff came by in a powerboat and offered to rescue the good man, but the man refused, saying, "No thanks, the Lord will save me!", and the sheriff went on to save someone else.

        Then FEMA (yeah right) came by with a helicopter and offered to rescue the good man, but the man refused, saying, "No thanks, the Lord will save me!", and the helicopter flew off to rescue someone else.

        The waters continued to rise, and the good man slipped under the water and drowned. When he got to heaven, he asked the Lord, "Why didn't you save me?". The Lord just looked at him and said, " I sent a rowboat, a powerboat and a helicopter, what more did you want?"

        In case you are wondering, I heard that joke from the pulpit of a very fundamentalist church:lol

        Now back to the issue. These CDs are designed with a very specific message, which is disclosed on the CDs that have audible messages. There is nothing there of the occult. We have RJ and the hypnotist's word that the inaudible messages are the same. The scriptures that most use to decry the use of hypnosis emphasize that we must use *self-control* in our lives. These CDs are there to help strengthen our own self-control, not to allow others to control us. The only one with access to our mind in this susceptible state is the hypnotist with the statements that we know, and us with the suggestions that we are allowed to suggest for ourselves. In my mind, that *is* self-control.

        Just my .02, except I am sure that the Lord does *not* wish me to spend the rest of my life unable to serve him to the best of my ability because I'm drunk....

        Now mind, you, I *would* be hesitant to go to someone in person and give them unobstructed access to my mind in that manner unless I trusted them very very much.

        So, phooey on him. Go to the psychiatrist and try again. And by all means go ahead and start the other stuff. It can't hurt and can only help give you a jump start till you get your topa!




          Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

          Don't know if this helps as I am new also. I have been drinking for about 20 years, and past efforts to stop have failed. I found this site last week and decided I had to try. I downloaded the book, got the supps and this is day 4 w/o a drink. The first couple days were a test of will, but it is getting easier. I find while I still think about "a" drink, it is less strong. Adding the L-Dopamine seemed to help (be sure you get the new chart). I have the CDs on the way and forced myself to walk an hour a day. I don't think it will be easy, but I am going to really try this without drugs first as facing a family MD is also not easy. If you decide to start without the Topa, and I hope you start, perhaps we can support each other. Anyone else out there not doing Topa who can assist?

          P.S. - I would still suggest dumping that MD!


            Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

            Excellent post!
            I'm SO sorry that happened.
            I am glad Darlene responded like that, or I would have gone OFF. Suffice it for me to just say this:
            Your doc must obviously have a preconceived notion about hypnosis and "satan" from elsewhere.
            MWO does not use satan to help us stop drinking.
            Satan does not like sober, rational people who are trying to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.
            That sh*t drives satan crazy.


              Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

              Yes to what others have said....and in fact, satan used that Christian doc to his advantage. satan delights in using Christians for his work. If that guy practiced at my Christian founded clinic, he'd be severely reprimanded.


                Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

                Just let me guess. You live somewhere in one of these red states of the USA


                and it's probably further to the south, and the soldiers wore grey during the Cival War. Am I at all close?

                If not, I'll bet this Dr. is from that area.
                How should I know? Because I am, and he sounds like he's from my hometown.

                In 1979 in my hometown, being the Monty Python fan that I was and still am, I went to go see The Life of Brian

                To get into the theatre, I had to walk past about 50 conservative Bible thumping Christian picketers (hey, I can say that, I grew up in one of those churches:lol ) who said it was blasphemy.

                But surely God understands good humor, after all he/she created human beings, right? Then allowed us to breed such things as Pekingese dogs :rollin


                  Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

                  Thanx all!

                  I'm sure if the good Dr. could see this site, he would understand a little better as to what it's all about and how much care and support can be found here. Anyway, I'm sticking with the program. I just listened to the first C.D. I think this will be of great help to me as it has for so many others.

                  Loved the joke Darlene!!


                    Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

                    Good Lord Trish! I'm amazed! Thank goodness that foolish man gave you the name of a psychiatrist! If nothing else, there is always offshore for the topa, although it may not come to that. Do start the supps and stuff immediately! Many people have done the program successfully without the topa, although I must admit, the topa has helped me enormously. Let's wait and see what happens though. It's worth doing what you have to do to get it if you really want it. I moved away from Washington DC, and I still drive 50 miles to see my psychiatrist there because we have a good relationship, even though I'm sure I could get someone else closer by to prescribe it. I'm sure you'll be able to work something out!



                      Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

                      Hi Trish,
                      I'm doing the program without Topa, but am taking Wellbutrin for depression. My doc wasn't sure about the Topa either, but I see her Friday and I'll see if she checked into it. (However, she never mentioned Satan - wow, what a shame this doc you saw has such an influential position. Hopefully he hasn't damaged too many people.)
                      I think, even if my doc says okay, I might continue without Topa. I seem to be doing allright so far. But I'll surely hop on board if I need it.
                      Good luck with the pychiatrist.


                        Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

                        Trish, the Satan CD's are really groovy if you drop a couple topa's first:hat


                        Seriously, find a doc that practices medicine based on science and you'll be okay. Don't let this experience set ya back; chances are it won't happen again!



                          Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

                          Trish -- I just started too and am not doing Topa for a number of reasons. I'm on day 2 with just the supps and while 2 days is hardly a yardstick by which to measure, its working for me so give a go and we can support each other!


                            Dr.s appointment for Topamax went worse than expected!

                            I have to agree with you! I started the supps, vitamins, and C.D's the day I was turned down by the Dr., which was 3 days ago, and actually, I'm doing well also. I'm even beginning to think I may not even try to get the Topamax and just continue on this way. Granted It's only been 3 days. My last drink, or should I say binge, was April 1st, Sat. Evening. I was hung over for 2 days, but that still leaves me at 6 days without a drink. It's kinda odd, but what I'm finding is that I'm craving something, but now my automatic thought isn't a drink, I'm just missing something. I know this site has helped me, and all the truly wonderful people.

                            Good luck to you, keep up the good work nomorewine.

                            If you would like to talk one on one, just click on gdtogo on the left and that will take you to my message board.


