I have only had 2 AF weekends so far and both went well as I stayed very busy. I purposely scheduled stuff for me to do of a physical nature as well as some non alcohol based social events so I would not need to get all worked up about it. I tried the self hypnosis counting when I thought of running by the bottle shop. I also used the hypnosis tapes and the topo. they seem to help. Without drinking I get a lot more done on a weekend! that is a truly cool thing too. Good books and Sudoku puzzles if you are interested in them can keep you occupied. Anyone do knitting? I don't but bet it would help. Talk to you kids. Play football youself with them. Go to a museum or garden show. Table tennis match. Whatever
Point is to do any pleasurable thing but drink or use so the pattern of drinking/using gets disconnected from the urge to drink. that is how the brain learns new patterns. Good luck