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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Morning all! Back from my wonderful 2 night break with hubby. Lovely places, wonderful food , walks with the dogs - all very restful. On the alcohol side, I didn't manage to keep to my limit so I have had to put them down as 'dog days' (anything over 6 units - I made the rules so I better stick to them!!) but I did drink slowly and with control and awareness and I turned down lots of other opportunities to drink and didn't go 'silly'. So all in all I'm happy with that.

    I will try and catch up with the posts from the last couple of day when I have a bit more time later. In the meantime, it's back to the jobs but just hope I can keep that holiday feeling in my head for a bit longer! :H

    An AF day for me today. Wishing you a good ODAT Friday.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Friday

    Hi Bessie,
    How many drinks do you consider mod?
    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


      ODAT - Friday

      Hi Jessie

      For me personally it is up to 6 units - 3 large glasses of wine. But only when in conjunction with a good number of AF days. If I was having that everyday I wouldn't consider it moderate - for ME. We all know (or are getting to know) our drinking patterns and levels and this is where moderation sits with me. As time goes by and I manage more AF days and lower moderate drinking I may revise my own limits downwards.

      Bessie xx


        ODAT - Friday

        Hi Bessie! Welcome back. We've missed you.

        I love the term "dog days" can really relate to that as well. I could easily have had one of those today (last night was just in the mood to keep going through the bottle and start another) BUT I didn't - stopped at 2 glasses then had water. Wow for me that is huge. Also found that I was thirsty (it's been warm here hasn't it) and that the fizzy water was fine. AL does such strange things to your head and stuff doesn't it?

        Anyway, glad you're back and I'm with you absolutely no more doggie days!


          ODAT - Friday

          hI Bessie, Jessie, MM, and all to come. It's a while since I posted. I have been away for a few days.
          I had angioplast surgery on May 1st. I had two stents fitted. I'm so thankful, as my siblings who have
          the same problem had to have major heart surgery, which as not been successful. One of the nurses
          in the unit also attends AA meetings. She worked in USA, for years, she looked after me so well,
          as did all the teem. I have missed MWO, but so glad to be back. I feel blessed.
          Love Paula.xx


            ODAT - Friday


            Hi all, GLAD you are back Bessie!!! Sounds like you had a good 2 days away!!

            Hi Jessie,

            Mummy, you stopped at two, WOW, I could hardly ever do that, that is why I am going AF for quite a while, but good for you..............:goodjob:

            Paula, glad you saved yourself from major surgery, and what a cool thing to have a nurse in recovery!! That is a GOD thing if ever there was.

            Everyone else to come today, have an AWESOME

            lots of love,:l:h:l

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              ODAT - Friday

              Welcome back Bessie. I think we all missed you. Sounds like you had a great time. I wish I could get a vacation, but nor rest for the weary.

              It's good to hear that everyone is sounding positive going into the weekend. I'm on day 11 AF and hope to continue through the weekend.

              Have a good day!!


                ODAT - Friday

                Good morning (here) all--

                Paula, I'm glad your surgery was a success! Bessie, glad you had a great vacation, and glad you're back!

                I had a rather unpleasant evening last night. Had a great day, the headache was gone, got the house cleaned. Made supper, took my sauna, watched Grey's Anatomy....then came unglued when I saw the kids hadn't put their laundry away, and had managed to leave clothes and stuff laying all over my clean house! Frustrates the shit out of me!! I blew up, told them that they didn't respect anything I do. After my shower hubby was doing the dishes--with an attitude!! WTF!!! I didn't do anything to him!!

                They all wanted me to quit smoking. I did. The beer went too. I have more happy days than sad or mad. Now I "spend a lot of time on the computer". Somedays I don't feel like talking to anyone. Everyone wants me to just be able to be happy and "normal" all the time. Do I have to drink just to make them feel better???

                Thanks for letting me vent today. It just makes me mad! Plus Mother's day is coming up, and since my mom died, it's just not my favorite holiday--but I'm suppose to be all over that too!
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  ODAT - Friday


                  LVT, Sorry you had a bad night, we need to learn that just cuz we stop drinking that we are not going to be happy all the time.............our loved ones have to get that too, I battle w/ it all the time, hubby "just wants me to be happy", says I am happier when I drink, so I go back to it and it whips my butt!!! AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!!!!

                  I love you,:l:l sorry you lost your mom, that makes it difficult, I hope today is a better day!

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    ODAT - Friday


                    Hello to all. D-17, I haven't been AF for 17 straight days, or 17-d's for that matter, for at least 20 yrs. It seems when one goes AF people don't know how to take you. They either tip toe around you, or are angry that you have changed. They know how to deal with the "drinking" You, but not the AF You. Maybe it just takes time for others, as well as ourselves to adjust to this fairly big change in life. Here's to patience, healing and time.

                    Blessings and good Karma to all, Metolius


                      ODAT - Friday

                      Bessie - WELCOME BACK!! So glad to hear about your lovely getaway. You were missed, but we kept the posts lively enough....couple of slips with the ODATers, but I think everyone is heading into the weekend tired of dog days.

                      LVT25 - loved your post. Not because I wish you a bad evening, but because I actually had to check to see if I wrote it. Life does not magically get magical even though you work so hard to cut out the bad things, does it? We still get angry. Spouses still pout. Kids still ask more than they give and know exactly how to aggrevate us. I have been very introverted since starting this program. I just want to read or watch a movie or get my thoughts together and it's definitely not ok with my husband. I'm supposed to be 'fixed' now and I'm suppose to be able to handle everything even better. But that is not reality. Some things are harder to handle. And I have to fix myself the only way I know how...and for me, that's additional alone time where I can grab it. When I don't get it, I start to trigger big time.

                      Getting over the death of your Mother, well, I don't think there is a time limit for that -- you will always miss her and obviously, Mother's Day is one of those refelective days that makes it harder. Give yourself a break today and stay strong with your computer time if it helps you. Right now, and for as long as you need to, it's about doing what you need to do to create new healthy patterns and to help your mind adjust to life without (as much) alcohol. That is not easy to do and you must use whatever tools to help you.

                      Paula - glad your surgery was successful.

                      Metolius - 17 days is awesome - keep it going! And agreed. No one knows what to do with us lovely sober people anymore! Can be very awkward at times, but I have come to the conclusion that it's probably because they are uncomfortable with their own drinking. (Well, part of it is I'm not as much fun, but can't dwell on that...because the fun always tips over into obnoxious).

                      Wishing everyone a wonderful Friday.


                        ODAT - Friday

                        LVT25;323779 wrote: Good morning (here) all--

                        Paula, I'm glad your surgery was a success! Bessie, glad you had a great vacation, and glad you're back!

                        I had a rather unpleasant evening last night. Had a great day, the headache was gone, got the house cleaned. Made supper, took my sauna, watched Grey's Anatomy....then came unglued when I saw the kids hadn't put their laundry away, and had managed to leave clothes and stuff laying all over my clean house! Frustrates the shit out of me!! I blew up, told them that they didn't respect anything I do. After my shower hubby was doing the dishes--with an attitude!! WTF!!! I didn't do anything to him!!

                        They all wanted me to quit smoking. I did. The beer went too. I have more happy days than sad or mad. Now I "spend a lot of time on the computer". Somedays I don't feel like talking to anyone. Everyone wants me to just be able to be happy and "normal" all the time. Do I have to drink just to make them feel better???

                        Thanks for letting me vent today. It just makes me mad! Plus Mother's day is coming up, and since my mom died, it's just not my favorite holiday--but I'm suppose to be all over that too!
                        Hi LVT - I also feel like I could've written that! I really know the feeling of just wanting to be alone and not talk to anyone (hence my name ) - I say every now and again that I need 'alone time' when I'm in a mood - and my boyfriend sometimes is able to accept that. But I'm sure that's much harder with kids.... I would've gone back and hidden in the sauna for a while :H
                        Hope you're feeling better today. :l

