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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    I ought to rename Saturday "housework day" :upset: Holiday let changeover day - lots of cleaning, bed changing, gardening etc. Never mind. As soon as I've finished I'm meeting a friend on the beach and we're taking having a ride - jumping the breakwaters and going in the sea. Yay! Not sure how far mine will go in - he is scared of the waves - bless him. Big, strong, bold hunter, will go anywhere for me out hunting including through any stream but doesn't like a bit of moving water! When he is in he just stands and paws it. And then is scared of the waves again on the way out!

    Let one small drink in last night but didn't want any more. Tonight is going to be a challenge though - going to a bbq and wii night. Friends are heavy drinkers though so I will have to form a plan and watch my step very closely. They are local but I can still offer to drive - that is probably the very best plan. I am at a touchy point - having had alcohol under control over the last 4 days I really need to be going back to AF now not adding to the days of drinking - or there is a danger that they will get out of control. Hubby goes away again soon so that will give me some quiet time to focus on AF and a bit more time on here. Phew!

    Have a good day all who check in here.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Saturday

    Hi Bessie,
    I so envy you you're lifestyle. I also live close to the sea but the only time I've ever been on a horses back was many years ago and I was so scared, it looked a long way to the ground from the saddle. But riding on the beach must be pure bliss.
    I am also house cleaning today. My cleaning lady has had a stroke a couple of weeks ago and is still recovering. She is early forties.She has been so good and loyal to me that I don't want to replace her - so I'm doing all the work myself. Fortunately we took out insurance for her and if the medical reports says the damage is permanent she will have money to live on. (Personally I hate insurance but there you have it. Without it the episode would have been totally disastrous for her and her family. Youngest daughter now only in gr 8.)
    Enjoy your day.
    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


      ODAT - Saturday

      Yup I can relate to housework day and homework day as my kids seem to get a ton of it at the weekend!(they still need help with getting it done so it feels like its our homework too)
      The riding on the beach sounds wonderful! I'm really frightened of horses and have only ever been on one once or twice when I was a very little girl. I really admire people who can ride them though- it must give you a real sense of freedom.
      Not much planned today. Just around the house with a few people coming round...should be fairly relaxing....
      offering to drive sounds like a very good idea Bessie as it takes away the option eh? Enjoy the evening!
      I feel like I've done okish (for myself ) this week as kept under 21 units but my aim is to cut down further. Compared to a bottle of wine most evenings and more sometimes I feel like I've made progress. The evenings are still a real struggle. Last night I had half glass wine(just cos it was left in the bottle) and still craved more. I had an unopened bottle of wine in the cupboard but also some AF beer in fridge. I decided to try a beer and after 1 of these the craving passed- perhaps it was more psychological or maybe a sugar dip? who knows. Its hard work though!
      Anyway have a good day all
      Best wishes
      Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
      Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
      For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


        ODAT - Saturday

        Housework? What's that? Oh, that must be what is wrong with my house. And my yard.

        Went to AA last night and was encouraged to go to a 10 AM meeting today. I'd rather ride a horse on the beach. We used to take our golden retrievers to the beach and they were hilarious in the waves. We tried to teach them to body surf. One got nicknamed meaty (short for meathook) because if you didn't dive under water he'd rake his toenails on you and rip the skin off your back trying to use you as a raft. :H

        So my plan is to go to the meeting and then uh, think of something else.

        I wish myself and others to come luck and innovative plans.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Saturday

          I hate to say this but I lied to someone on the phone about doing housework last night when i was actually just watching the tube. Was AF (and was craving) but felt guilty not tending to the dust, and didn't want to look like I had absolutely nothing to do. Am I bad?! Have managed 8 out of 10 days AF though!....thanx to all, and have a great day!

          Feeling your dilemma, Bessie...starting on a plan for this weekend. Its gonna be a rough one to get through....

          Song Bird


            ODAT - Saturday

            Were you bad? Nope you do whatever it takes to get you through


              ODAT - Saturday

              Hi all,

              Bessie, happy you are giving yourself an AF reward after the work is done. that is a positive step. You know what your drinking patterns are - good to get back to AF for a bit before it gets out of control. If you feel that there is a danger - there is. Good luck.

              Songbird, I'm with Dolly, whatever it takes to get through the rough times AF.

              Good for going to your AA meetings, Greenie. I'm sure you'll think of something else later.


              Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                ODAT - Saturday

                Hi Bessie and All ODATimers

                So I am back in the fold after a bad week. Nothing bad happened to me, I just sailed through the week drinking. I am a binge drinker and obviously, I hate it. But thanks for allyour good wishes. And this time is a winner for all of us. God Bless and good luck.


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Mat, been there, done that...........start again, as long as it takes, as many times as it takes. See you in chat.
                  Bessie, good to have you back. I want to ride on the beach with a horse!!!!.......actually I don't, scared to death of them.....
                  Greenie my yellow lab body surfs. I have been threatening posting a picture of him here in the waves, just don't have the time to figure it out let alone post. My May Flowers post went without entry yesterday...I got killed at work, but all is well.
                  I survived an early morning boot camp this am. I actually did quite well. No one had to carry me into the house.......I am dreading tomorrow you think I'll be able to type?


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    Rough day

                    Hi all.
                    Too much wine last night. Dammit. I'm not hungover today, but I ought to be, and feeling kind of anxious and stressed. Part of that is because I have a lot of work to do ove the next few days (although I did manage to go to the library and get 2 hrs of work done, despite beautiful weather!) I am currently taking only 25 mg of Topa and it doesn't seem to be doing enough....or am I not doing enough?? I think I will go up to 50 tomorrow rather than Mon. I know the program will take time, but I am wondering if I should wait it out another week or 2, or try L-glut and/or GABA. The mental chatter is killing me, especially as the afternoon wears on, and ESPECIALLY on the weekend......

                    Matt, glad you're back -- sorry you had a rough week. That was me 2 weeks ago. Songbird, good for you for not caving to the craving (I did).
                    Everyone else sounds like they have swell plans for the day. Keep your chins up and I will try to do the same.



                      ODAT - Saturday

                      Hi Bessie... your day at the beach sounds like a wonderful thing. I also live near a beautiful beach just 15 minutes away from my home, but for me the beach is disastrous! It is my favorite place on earth but honestly I have never returned from the beach sober and that really saddens me a great deal! I envy...

                      I am very new here and just starting out. I haven't got my supplements yet but have managed to obtain a Dr. visit for early next week and I have the book in my possesion.

                      As for housework and yard work, my drinking has caused all of that to suffer greatly so I hope there will be a day soon that I can enjoy those elementary things once again.

                      This is my first day sober and I feel horrible today. I do hope this program works for me as I am all out of options. Rehabs... been there done that as well as AA and several other programs that have not worked. I sometimes believe I am one of those that just can't get it for some reason or other. Low self esteem and self worth rule the day.

                      Nice to meet all of you! I so appreciate reading what helps others.


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        Thanks so much for the lovely words. RN Spiritually I was down and not believing this hell would ever end - then read your post. It means so much to me. And for Frog and me, well it is a God send. Thankyou and Frog, I hope that we will stay on MWO for as long as it takes. God Bless,

