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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning, approaching afternoon!

    Where the heck is everybody? I tried to wait you all out! Happy Mother's Day to those who have one and/or are one. I don't fall into either category so I feel sort of lost on this day. Real lost today in particular for some reason. Dreamed of my mother last night - see what apple juice will do for you? You remember your dreams. In the dream, I had forgotten to buy a present or card and was mortified. I think it was reminding me how neglectful I am when I drink. I would like to go to brunch and drink bloody marys or mimosas (notice the plural?) but I will go on about my responsibilities and be proud of my accomplishments. I considered trying out a church but couldn't do it on Mother's Day.

    I just listened to my messages and my daddy had called from the nursing home. He said the message was from my doggie to wish me a Happy Mother's Day and that she loved me bunches and that she said to tell me her daddy did too. You know those "happy-sad" tears? That's me.

    Best wishes and good luck to all that come today!

    Green XO
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Sunday

    Hi Greenie -- that's a beautiful and touching note from you on this Mother's Day. My Mom too is in a home, in Florida and I live alone so also feeling a little lost. But I am calling my brothers and sisters and of course my mom. Also, from my dog, McKenzie to your dog. Lots of love on this day.


      ODAT - Sunday

      Oh my,..... better turn this around but I don't know how...........Happy Mothers day to both of you! If its any consulation ( sp? ) I have a son who's asleep right now 10:30 am will probably forget what today is. And I know he didn't get me anything. hhhhmmmmm that didn't help any.......BUT my dog Ringo sends kisses to your dogs...ok?


        ODAT - Sunday

        Happy Mom's Day Green and everyone else!

        I am not a mom (except to my two Jack Russells) and my DH got me cards from them. It made me feel pretty good this morning.

        Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


          ODAT - Sunday

          sending dog kisses ok count my dog coco too , wishbone , piggy and my cat lucky sends their love happy moms day
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            ODAT - Sunday

            Hi, Happy Mothers Day to all you having it today (ours was back in march in the UK). Mums unite!!!


              ODAT - Sunday

              Happy Mother's day all. What a nice message Green! It cheered me up a bit.

              I went to church today for the first time in forever hoping to sit with my 15 year old son Dylan. Not only did he not sit with me on mother's day but there was no card or even a hug. I guess my drinking has killed the "Happy Mother's Day" in him. As well I deserve such.

              Could not even listen to the sermon... cried, got up and walked out of the church probably to never return again. I am sober today but in so much pain I wish I were knee deep in the bottle. However I do feel the pain is well deserved and I must feel it and be punished appropriately, so I will.

              Happy mother's day to all of you out there! I hope your children at least told you as much!



                ODAT - Sunday

                OK, Lighter note. I can hear hubby tlaking to his mother on the phone and they can't figure out how old he is. ROFLMArseO, but quietly in another room. :H:H:H
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Sunday

                  Groggier -- you are much too hard on yourself and no body ever deserves to be in that much pain. As for the pain of the relationships around you, yes, I can attest that alcohol does a lot of damage. I also had an alcoholic Dad and our home was torn apart. But hearts heal so fast when one party or the other wants to put it back together. Be kinder to yourself because if you are correct in your judgment of yourself, then we all deserve the same judgment, as alcoholics. You would not judge another so harshly. You I can tell are beautiful, and now it can shine through and win back hearts that may just be hiding out temporarily. God Bless,


                    ODAT - Sunday


                    I truly do appreciate that Matt. I tend to be harder on myself than anyone else around me. Don't we all do that to an extent? Just being able to access this site today has made all the difference and I am feeling much better than even 15 minutes ago. My first weekend sober in a long time... I knew it wasn't going to be easy~!

                    Thanks again for the words of kindness and support!


                      ODAT - Sunday

                      I now proclaim it an early Daddy's Day for those of us who don't have a mommy or children. I am bailing on my pile of papers and going to see my daddy. Screw the paperwork and my hubby who is having an attitude problem. Doggie and I are goin' for a ride. And we will wish all the ladies in the nursing home a happy mother's day and tell them how pretty they are and let them pet doggie and smile at us. Win win. How's that for a turn around, RN? :h And guess what? I get to drive across the dam. Going to put the top down and strap doggie in her little seat belt thingy. It'll be her first top down ride and I sure as heck need it. So, Happy Daddy's Day! I'm going to give and get some love!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT - Sunday

                        Give Dad a big kiss for me Greenie, he deserves it!
                        Frogzter, I have confessed in the past that my son has told me, he has no memories of me, something I have to live with, but you know something, I have turned it around by winning his respect in my continuing battle with AL. ( he's just turned 18 ) We are very close and he tells me he loves me just about every day. You CAN turn it around........don't loose hope, don't give up and don't get discouraged.

