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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Morning all

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. It's been beautiful here in the UK - still is - and I've been outside a lot. Didn't get on yesterday as it really was a full day and hubby was lurking on the only occasion I had a chance to get on. Been slipping back rather with alcohol but now I have some time to knuckle down and get back to AF. Not enough time on here and letting moderation roll into excess. Patting myself on the back for not drinking to pass out or idiocy level but that self congratulation is not deserved when the level of alcohol consumption is still at 'dog day' level. ODAT is the only way.

    Hot and sweaty work day ahead. Not as hot and sweaty as yesterday though!! We moved the piglets from their mum (sort of another reason I didn't post yesterday - didn't seem like an appropriate thing to be doing on Mothers Day!) We had a plan. Like most plans involving animals it didn't quite work out and we ended up chasing them round the garden. They are now in their large pen in the field but I don't actually have much faith in the electric fence keeping them in so I guess more chasing round the garden will probably happen in the next few days!! After the initial bit of shouting mum has settled happily into being just a pig again instead of a milk bar. We made her and her sister a lovely muddy wallow in their yard and they love it in this weather. Now all I have to do is muck out the stable and move the entire muck heap to the veg patch. Ho hum. Hot and sweaty again. Maybe I'll take the horse to the beach again later for a cool down.

    Hope everyone is well, doing ok - look forward to hearing from everyone.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Monday

    Hi all. Bessie, I'm putting the image of you taking your horse to the beach to cool down in my memory banks to think of while I go to sleep. It sounds soooo good. Thanks!
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


      ODAT - Monday

      morning all. i had good weekend i was at a AA convention it was really good.

      i am 73 days AF, 15 days SF

      hope everyone is doing good.


        ODAT - Monday

        Its ME!

        Hiya Ripples is HERE! 215 days today...dropping in to say hellooooooooo. Busy takin care of OLIVE! XXOO snuggle poo.


          ODAT - Monday

          Hi everyone

          Back at Day 1 again. My cousin died on Thursday morning so it's been a bit of a roller coaster all week-end as the funeral went from my house. She was only 36 and was an amazing person. However, she suffered terribly and in some ways its a relief. The hard part starts now, getting used to her not being there any more. Hope everyone else is doing ok.



            ODAT - Monday

            Hi All, Rust, so sorry to hear of your cousin's funeral. I feel for you and understand how death of someone close gets in the way of sobriety. Good for you on day 1, I am way ahead of you -- I am on day 2 . This time I went on a drunk that lasted about a week and this time I really made myself feel sick. Ugh!!! I hope I remember this misery, 2 sleepless nights, sweats and the rest. I did not realize that AL had it hooks so deep into me until I joined this site and began to read the proof of just how far along on the AL continuum I am.

            Bessie sorry you are having a tough time. But your resolve and your stories of life on the farm are a bright spot in the day. Ripples and Bare, you are doing great things. Can't wait to experience the high of being sober. Even my meager 9 days gave me a taste of it and I can honestly say I want more!!!

            Have a great day and thanks for the company -- btw, I agree that the horse story should go into our happy stories bank. Thanks,


              ODAT - Monday

              I have to learn to listen to my animals. Without exception they are all sleeping in a cool place. Pigs passed out in their arcs or cool muddy puddles, cat asleep under the cherry tree, dogs crashed out in the cool of the cottage and the chickens dust bathing or in their house for the shade. I can't see the horse but I bet he is dozing in the field. What am I doing? Digging the veg patch! And having a bonfire!! Nuts! It's about 25 degrees out there!. I am going to stop and stay in the cool of the house drinking tea and not doing jobs until I feel active again. Some days I just have to chill. There aren't many of them but today is obviously one. Thank God I can choose to work or not. Wishing you all a cool day whatever you are doing.

              Bessie xx

              PS If any of you are considering the Bessie on a horse riding on the beach into the sea as an image to hang on to can you just make sure that the horse is a nice big handsome white fellow (he is!) and that the rider is a willowy blonde!! (of course I am! :H)


                ODAT - Monday

                Morning all... Had a nice visit with my daddy yesterday. Had a lovely drive over the dam with the top down. I did pull over and walk doggie over it a bit to watch the waves (very windy yesterday). I stopped by a BBQ place that I like (they serve AL on Sunday) and I was prepping myself on the way to not go into the bar area. But they were closed after a Mother's Day brunch. So I didn't even have to jump the hurdle. Went to another place that did not serve AL and picked up a soup and sandwich. On the way home I noticed I could see a gap in the space where you latch the top to the car and thought uh-oh. And sure enough that thing caught wind and flew down while driving on the interstate. Freaked doggie and me both. That new top has just not been quite right. Hubby sick all last night so I'll have helper in the hole soon as I finish what I abandonded at home yesterday, but daddy visit was worth it.

                Bessie I used to run on the beach on the Outer Banks of North Carolina where the wild ponys lived. It was so cool to run by them as they stood on the beach.

                Rustop, sorry about your loss. I don't recall ever being to a funeral gathering that did not involve AL. Weddings and funerals and AL.

                Barebones and Rippy... such an inspiration.

                Happy day to all. I have gym guy at 5:30 AM tomorrow so I will not drink tonight.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Hi Green -- what dam? Scary story, thanks,


                    ODAT - Monday


                    Hi all you ODATers!!! It is Monday, Bessie, good that you get a break, sounds wonderful to ride on the beach, romantic in a way!!! I would love to do that!! Never have!

                    Rustop sorry about your loss too, losing loved ones has always sent me back goal is to get through one AF, wonder if it will be possible?? Not that I want anyone to pass away to test my strength or anything....................Geesh!

                    Everyone else, you all are an ispiration to me, odat, we will get through today.

                    Love :hand hugs:l,

                    Mary Anne
                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      ODAT - Monday

                      Hi all. Been on my own wobbly rollercoaster this week. See what happens when you get a bit reckless and one turns to two turns to...Not blackout or stumbling but hell, its not AF either. Must get back onto these boards each day. So we'll call it Day 1 again.


                        ODAT - Monday

                        Matthen...The dam is on a lake near where I live and I cross it to go to the nursing home. They just finished a new road and put in a pedestrian walkway. You should have seen all the people on it, I guess because it was Mother's Day and the day started out stormy and rainy but cleared up. It was still very windy, thus the waves. Doggie is still less than a year old and it's fun to see her experience new things. It was one of those stop and smell the roses things. I'm lucky to have some good places to walk. There are a few riverfront parks, a state forest, the zoo and all within 30 minutes from me at the most. The beach was vacations.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          ODAT - Monday

                          Good morning all.

                          Had just enough beer yesterday to remind me how much it sucks the next morning. Had a wonderful mother's day morning--the boys were so good to me. Church, then dinner at mother in laws. But, instead of just going home we had to go to town and socialize! It wasn't even worth it because the people we went to see didn't even show up. I hope next time I know better!!

                          Rust and Mat--I'm sorry you're going through some painful times right now. Maybe if you stick together you can get through it better.

                          Weird weather here over weekend. Rain, snow, frost Saturday, Beautiful and sunny Sunday!!

                          Have a better day all.
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            ODAT - Monday

                            Hi guys,
                            Wow, it looks like we all kind of do this together - I too am back on day one after a weekend of a little too much AL - nothing like it used to be but still much more than I like. So today will be an AF and NF day for me. Need to get back into that routine.

                            Love and Hugs to all - ODAT,
                            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                              ODAT - Monday

                              Hi, Day 1 again for me - although managed mods over the weekend, very proud although Could Do Better as they say!

