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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday


    Sounds like last week/weekend had some huge potholes in it. Makes it challenging to stay AF. Wish I had something comforting to say, but sometimes all we can do is put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. ODAT. My horoscope, fairly recently, said that I was right where I was supposed to be. Hard to keep the faith at times. As I see it, I have only one choice, and that is to continue on this journey. Life,Others,Alcohol can throw all the obstacles up they want. If I fail I'll get up and try again. I will get up again.
    They will not win.

    Blessings and good Karma to all, Metolius


      ODAT - Monday

      WOW, now there's a different tone from previous days.............its ok though because you all realize what you need to do. No one is loosing focus.
      I had a good Mother Day. It was quiet which is how I like it.
      I joined a boot camp and did my first class on Sat. Then, did my second class this am at 06:30. I'm so sore I can hardly type.
      Take care everyone............we can over come this together


        ODAT - Monday

        Hi Everyone,

        I am back after not visiting the site last week. I assume many of you know that I went on a seven day bender with the last day resulting in four squad cars and eight officers coming to my house. A neighbor called me in because I was stumbling down the street. Pretty embarrasing with people pointing and staring. Uhggg. I posted a thread on it so I won't go over it again (fell down hard).

        I can officially say my weekend was horrible! Day 1 and Day 2 with the worst detox conditions. Today is day three and starting to come out of the "bad stuff". How four beers with my brother ended up as a 7 day binge still confuses me.

        Bessie...I may be the only one that truly understands the challenge/entertainment that goes with separating the piglets from the sow! It takes a lot of strategy, coordination and physical effort! Reminded me of my childhood when we raised pigs! They are smart and so quick!

        Rust and Matten...sorry to hear about your difficult times.

        Hope everyone else is having a great day...

