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Check in

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    Check in

    Hi, everyone. I took my dog for a walk right after work to redirect the habit of walking in the door and pouring that first glass of wine. Today at work, I really wanted that glass of wine, but stayed strong. Knowing you were all here and that we are in it together makes all the difference. Thank you all!!

    Now tomorrow and Thursday may be harder because the person that has been my biggest trigger to drink lately will be coming to town. Recently, most every really bad episode has been connected to him. He is kind of a part-time roommate. He is supposed to be out June 1, but I need a plan for the next couple of days. Usually, either we go to dinner and then he takes me to a bar (bad idea) or he says he's going to take me to dinner and decides he has a better offer and then I feel rejected and drink myself to oblivion at home alone. Knowing I can come here helps a lot. I can do this.


      Check in

      Hi all,

      I've been looking forward all day to coming home and reading this thread!

      Travis - well done, and so great that you came here before the fridge!

      Tiny - a shoe phone shall be your reward at Memorial Day! Have you tried lavender for relaxation? I've been having hot baths at night with lavender oil in it to help me sleep - it takes me ages to get off when I'm not drinking.

      Angelcakes - I'm in Wgtn ..... and a beautiful day it was here as well!! Where are you?

      Am happy to start a new thread every morning - only I cant work out how to do it!! Can someone provide instructions??!!

      I had a hilarious day today ...... I was so stressed out about my presentation that I completely failed to notice that the venue for the workshop was the function/training room at a brewery!! So here I am, start of day one, feeling all virtuous, having just had a really good work out at the gym and fruit salad and yoghurt for breakfast, and then I have to go and do my thing at a pub!

      Fortunately I have a somewhat perverse nature and have a habit of doing the exact opposite of what is expected. So it only made me feel stronger!

      And there were free drinks laid on at the end of the day, but I left, met my partner at the gym and we walked home. So am feeling as virtuous at the end of the day as I did at the beginning.

      Which is not to say that its feeling easy right at the moment because it is not. I'm relying on will power and bloody mindedness, and knowing that you all managed to get through the day, so I'm going to as well!

      The free drinks will be there tomorrow as well, and already there are self defeating thoughts in my head about how I'll probably cave in, and how I'll really deserve it after a really successful workshop and the end to a large project. Past experience of this is that I keep on arguing with myself until I'm so sick of it that I have a drink just to let that side of me win so as to stop the thoughts going round. Does that make any sense??

      So tonight I'm going to try and get some practice at breaking that particular little vicious circle. I've got a few things to prepare for tomorrow, then I'm going to ignore the housework that needs to be done and watch a DVD or two, have a bath, and an early night. By the time I wake up some more of you will have been here and I'll have that to look forward to!

      anyway, well done everyone and thank you for getting me through today!
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        Check in

        Good job, Aunty Mame. My "trigger" came to town a day early, so I didn't have time to develop that plan. But I was so exhausted yesterday, I said "good bye" and went right up to sleep. When we talked this morning, I told him I needed to start doing things to feel better about myself again, and one of those things was "slowing down for a while." So I think he'll leave me alone as far as AL goes. Now it's just my own feelings of rejection due to the end of the relationship that I will need to battle and deal with without AL, which is always what I've used to deal with inner pain. Today I have a hair appointment after work, so won't go drink and maybe I will take a bike ride after that to minimize the chance of pouring that glass of wine. Please keep good thoughts for me on my Day 3 everyone, and you'll be in my thoughts through the day as well.


          Check in

          Maisie, good luck on day 3, i, too, am on day 3 and feel really good. do you have any of the supplements? I found that i needed to take an extra 2 kudzu last night to make it through the night but i did it......I also took a 'trigger' off my calendar for a wine tasting this weekend, nope, not going, spend some time working outdoors instead. Hope everyone has a great day

