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Check in - Wednesday

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    Check in - Wednesday

    It's Wed AM here. Going for day 2 today. My supps all arrived last night and so I feel better about having a little help with the cravings. Didn't sleep well last night. Mostly I think a lot of thougths going through my head about what a big change this is going to be and wanting to get to the other side of it so I don't think about AL on the hour every hour.

    Wow, Aunty Mame - congratulations go out to you. Talk about putting yourself in one of the toughest situations for people such as us and you made it through. You can do it again today - I have the exact same argument in my head all the time and the only thing that has shut that voice up was to cave. But I guess now I think of it as if I do, I'll have to start this whole thing over again, and I've already gone farther than I have in 2 years. What other rewards can we give ourselves in place of our AL celebrations of the past?? For me, it's a great dinner out or at home, I guess.

    Maisie - good for you for telling your trigger what you were up to. You are in my thoughts as well as I have been trying to figure out what to say to the drinking buddies that will no doubt be asking me out for a beer in the next days. The whole point of doing this at home was to be a little less obvious than 28 days away from my life. For now, I suppose I'll come up with conflicts until I get the days I need under my belt.

    I'm looking forward to feeling good again - so that will be my motto today. Good day to everyone and good work.

    Check in - Wednesday

    Hi Travis, glad the supplements arrived, i think you will find they help a whole lot. I am starting day 3 today......was a little tempted last night, not necessarily for the taste but to just have the glass in my hand...but i did not cave in, instead i ripped up carpet in my living room while watching Hell's Kitchen!!!!! It was a nice feeling to still be up and coherant when my daughter came home from work at 9:30. Hope everyone else is doing great today


      Check in - Wednesday

      I'm a newbie

      Hi guys, :new: I'm been following these posts for a while and decided I really wanted to join your 14-day thread. I started AF yesterday with you all, but am kind of computer challenged and couldn't get my registration organised until today. I'm off now to have dinner with a friend and was afraid I'd share a bottle of wine with him, as usual, unless I'd checked in here to make myself accountable. Looking forward to getting to know you all better and pushing through this together. :thanks:


        Check in - Wednesday

        Hello Travis, Petpeeve and Pamina, Great job Travis. I went out to dinner and to see a band over the weekend. The bartender would say, "the usual?" I came up with "oh I'm trying to slim down for summer or that I was the designated driver. " Easier after you say it a few times. It was sure a feather in my cap to not have caved. I order soda with lemon and lime or cranberry with grapefruit and soda. Once your sitting there sipping with everyone else, no one really notices. Petpeeve, I have that glass in my hand issue as well, I have been trying AF wines. Note motived enough to do a home improvement project though. Pamina, Welcome to MWO, I have been trying for about a year and this is the first time I've gotten to 9 days. Never throw in the towel, you can do this !


          Check in - Wednesday

          Hi Travis, Petpeeve, Pamina, Kat... I am new here as well and am only on day 5 AF. This site has helped me tremendously.

          So glad you have all your supps Travis. I just got mine today and whew was it a hit in the wallet or what. The supps alone cost quite a bit and the prescription for the Topamax hasn't been picked up yet. Can't wait to see how much that is. Also waiting on the CD's.
          You know I thought it was a hell of a lot of money, but when I think of all the money I've spent on booze over the years it is a mere pittance in comparison. I think I just like to have something to gripe about! lol...

          I wish you all continued success and look forward to reading your posts! Have a great day and best wishes!


            Check in - Wednesday

            Hi All - hope you are staying the course. Tough night for me on Day 2, but made it. Was home alone which is when I usual crave the most. Today was going to be even harder, suppose to go catch the Cubs game, but that fell through so one less temptation. Can't go to Wrigley without beer!

            Good luck all!
            Those who dance are thought mad by those that hear not the music.


              Check in - Wednesday

              HI Folks -- I am IN!!!!!!! I am a bit busy that is why I am so brief ... but know that I am here... (albeit very small... actually I'm Tiny)


                Check in - Wednesday

                Not doing well today

                Hi all,
                I thought this depression fog was supposed to lift after some supps and AF time. Guess I haven't had enough AF time. Or, now that AL is no longer clouding the depression, all the crap is still there. I am trying desperately to work on myself for a change, which brings up so many emotions, and I still have to step gingerly around/take care of everyone else. Guess that's life being a mom to an almost 2 year old. And instead of feeling happy on Mothers Day, I just felt stressed for most of it, and drank too much, Haven't had anything to drink sincethen, though, and I don't want anything NOW but I know I will come 5:00.

                I spent some time on the "Health Recovery Center" website yesterday (whoever sent that link yesterday, thanks!!) and of their 15 or so symptoms of alcohol-linked depression, I had all but maybe one of them. My husband wants me to go on ADs, but I really want to give MWO a chance. It's been about a week and a half, but most of it has not been AF; although drinking has been cut down, except for last weekend. I think I need to add the glutamine and gaba. (Is there a diff btwn "L-glutamine" and "glutamine"?

                Thanks for listening. I have work to do, which is the last thing I feel like doing right now. But maybe it will take my mind off of things.



                  Check in - Wednesday

                  Hi, I almost never even come to "Just Starting Out" anymore because, hell, I am NOT just starting out... but really, I might as well be--

                  at day 7 AF now, after a spectacular slip up that lost me my job, the use of my hand and maybe my family (hopefully will salvage that one).

                  Anyway, I checked back here because CS04 mentioned it in the Holistic Healing forum.

                  Take it from a real old-timer, the supps will help you through A LOT! I've done it both ways (with and without supps), and supps make a HUGE difference. You need to eat well, too.

                  Good luck everyone. It is so fun to be sober (you maybe just don't know it yet).
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Check in - Wednesday

                    Hey CS04 - sorry to hear your troubles, and as hard as it is - and I know - you'll feel WORSE if you give in then you will riding it out. Do your best, read the posts, find someone to chat with.

                    Being AF may not be the answer to the depression, but drinking will not help it and will always make it worse, even from just thinking you drink too much.

                    Hang in there....
                    Those who dance are thought mad by those that hear not the music.

