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    Hello Everyone,

    I found this website today and am so thankful to have a place to go for support.

    My story is similar to others I?ve read so far. Been working full-time in sales for over 25yrs, raised two great teen-agers, take care of my disabled mother, and drink on a daily basis. Over the past year, I have been going through an emotionally, long, drawn-out divorce after 20 years of marriage to an un-employed drug addicted man and father of my kids.

    Well, 3 wks ago, I expedited the divorce process by getting drunk on vodka, blacking out, and getting so angry with him over $$ issues, that I started throwing tools from his garage at him to get him to leave the house. The neighbors called the cops and off to jail I went.

    That incredibly sobering day in jail convinced me to move out with my kids and mother the day I was released and I stopped drinking. But less than a week later, I started ?easing back? into drinking with beer and wine and am already back to a daily craving.

    I need to get my drinking under control fast before something much worse happens, but I realize that I can?t do this alone and AA meetings depress me more than drinking does.

    I have downloaded Roberta?s book and can?t wait to start reading it tonight. I pray that this, plus the support of others in my situation, will help me to gain some control.

    Thanks for listening/reading.


    Hi Cmcereza and welcome.
    I haven't posted a lot here lately but I have been here a long time- 2yrs I guess. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that this is a great place and there are lots of people to talk to and relate to here. Sounds like you are serious and on the right track.
    You have made some very positive moves already it sounds like - concerning your home life. This place gave me the support and understanding I needed to break a very destructive habit.
    I wish you all the best - you can do whatever you choose. Use the support here to help you thru it.



      :welcome: cmcereza - you've come to a wonderful place.
      You're situation sounds very stressful but you're among friends here.
      Get reading & come here often for support. The supps are also great if the cravings get too much...



        Welcome Cmcereza,
        I'm sorry you are going through such a tough time. You are taking steps to find help, strength, peace. This is a great place. The book and the resources here are very helpful. You are among many who have walked in your shoes.
        God bless.

        In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
        - Author unknown



          Hello Cmcereza!!
          It sounds so terribly rough for you right now, but you started on a good path here. Read the book, get motivated, buy the supplements and with a little strength and resolve, and ALOT of reading of these posts, you can achieve a great deal. I must admit that this forum has probably helped me more than anything, with all the encouragement - we are not alone in our battles nor in our individual experiences. You will notice many members have very similar stories to your own, so you don't have to go through this alone.

          Good luck - we are with you - one step at a time!!
          xoxo Peanut



            Welcome CM...glad to see that you have joined our community. You will learn a lot here by reading and posting. Someone is always here to help you along! Look forward to learning more about you!



              Hi Cmcereza,
              Yes I think we have all done things that we regret whilst in blackout or just very drunk!
              Some of the things I have done have been mortifying.
              You have come to the right place for support and lots of info that will help you on your journey.
              Let us know how you get on.

              Sober since 30/06/10



                Welcome to the Board. You sound like you are going through a really tough patch; and the alcohol does nothing but make it worse. Divorces are never easy by any means; I know this! Try to be hard as that sounds. We are all here for support if you ever need it, or just need to vent. When you're feeling weak reading the posts help as well.



                  Hi Cmcereza

                  Just wondered if you have been back to the site and if you are feeling better.....
                  Thinking of you

                  Sober since 30/06/10

