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I screwed up

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    I screwed up


    You appear to be very smart and there anyway you could invent a machine that teleports people to day 279? Please!!!!!


      I screwed up

      The time machine is the clock on the wall......every morning get up, look at the clock, and say "I'm not going to drink today." Then do it again the next day....

      You'll be on day 279 before you know it!



        I screwed up

        Just a bit of an OOPS RN ! None of us are perfect here and sometimes that can feel like the biggest hurdle of all....Your dedication to your sobriety shows by how you feel today......It just confirms that you are on the right path and one little mistake will not change that....

        Sober Girls Rock!!!!!


          I screwed up

          Well you can keep counting if you want. As I said, I am not into it, because for me it suggests a big battle and deprivation, the starving alcoholic. I was influenced early on by Alan Carr on this matter who really didn't seem to approve of the notion of people calling themselves alcoholics for their whole lives, as if one tiny bit of cough syrup would send them reeling due to this mysterious, untestable disease. He suggested that a lot of people are vulnerable to alcohol and when you have a problem, you turn your back on it, just the way people gave up cigarettes. Initially, those who gave up were looked at with pity. Boy what a difference a few generations can make! The same may become true of booze some day.

          If you can do 30 days, you can do longer. I wonder what you did during those 30 days, how many social situations you put yourself into without drinking. Learning how to cope with those things is important. Did you go out during that period? I think that is another danger of a 30-day trial, sequestering onself. It's not the real world experience. A longer period in public, going out, socializing without drinking would help but it shouldn't be a white-knuckling experience. When it's by choice, it's pretty cool.


            I screwed up

            Hi all, I did a 60+ stint of AF last year, and then caved when a family member died, and then sort of kind of, but not really, moderated till about two? (I also am not counting) weeks ago. This time, there will be no 30 days stint, there will just be no ever. And I'm finding it pretty easy, to tell you the truth. At first, I just didn't think I could do it, and ordered myself some Antibuse off an internet pharmacy. I haven't even gotten it yet, but don't think I will need it now. Just seems different this time. Several years ago, my hubby and I did 10 years AF, and after awhile, we didn't even think about it anymore. Our only mistake was thinking that surely after all that time, we could moderate. WRONG!!!! So this time, we know for sure - it doesn't matter how long you are AF, that first drink is still poisen. At least for me.
            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


              I screwed up

              No screw ups here for awhile for me, i rather suffer than go thru the aggravation. I shall be in chat tonite if anyone wants to join in and have a good chuckle or two. ripped and tired.


                I screwed up

                I think you've learned a lot.


                  I screwed up

                  How're you doing today RN? Hope you're feeling better......
                  Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                    I screwed up

                    I'm just peachy 2 AF


                      I screwed up

                      RN: I too have had my struggles & am right w/you on day 1. I'm not going to give up. Tomorrow we'll feel better & will get right back up. Yes, it's very easy to let those voices in. I absolutely won't do that any more. Keep going. You'll be fine

                      If we did it in the past, we can do it again.

                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        I screwed up

                        I am counting but not compulsively so and 30 days means just one more day beyond 29 and one less than 31. I am going for total abstinence. I am at day 24 and this is the longest I have gone in quite a few months. I feel very encouraged. I am glad I found this website and the tapes. I also am going to 2-3 AA meetings per week and taking a very low dose of topamax. I have chosen to fight this addiction on several fronts to improve my chances of success. I am very motivated. I have a lot to live for and a lot to lose if I don't. I hope I am posting on the right thread. It is a bit confusing


                          I screwed up


                          yay for you! I need stories like yours to keep me going :thanks:
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe

