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This is for you Chief

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    This is for you Chief

    Chief, I wrote this on the May Flowers thread after my were in my mind. And for those of you who are reading twice, sorry. But Chief, after you answered my "screwed up" thread................I couldn't resist. You're my hero

    I'm dedicating this to Chief...............

    Ok, this is for my nemesis AL.

    Todays fight is RN vs AL??in the rt corner is RN, 130lbs 5 foot 5in??? the left corner is AL, 300 lbs of blubber, 6foot 6in?? Rules; no kicking or biting no hitting below the belt. Shake hands, go to your the sound of the bell come out fighting!

    RN comes out quickly, ready to attack. She lunges, immediately going for the throat but AL is ready?..he moves and pushes RN down to the floor????stuck under his 300 lbs she can hardly breath?..BUT she manages to get a hand free and grab his hair and yanks a chunk out of his skull...... he doesn?t move. Un-phased RN has to think of another move before she pass out???..the eyes! She stabs him in the eye with her newly manicured finger. He moves just enough for her to get the other arm out!!!!!! Rn has both his ears in her hands pulling and pulling as he screams???the referee is yelling, trying hard to get RN to release her grip??. ?NO WAY!? Rn screams??.. ?He plays dirty!????The bell rings! RN crawls back to her corner. AL waddles back to his corner.
    DING! round 2??this time she is more cautious??she studies and watches his moves. They both circle each other neither making a move??..then Al sees his chance. RN has gotten distracted. He comes from behind and gets a strangle hold!!!!!!! She tries hard to get away. She?s stomping on his feet, swinging her arms but nothing. Nothings working! Just when RN is about to give up, she reaches down and grabs him by the cojones!!!!!! ( testicles to you non latin members ) She twists them, squeezes them, he srcreams in pain and lets go!!!!! AL drops to the floor in the fetal position. Then RN goes up to him and Kicks him in the gut!!!!! AL is defeated!!!!! The crowd goes wild!!!!! RN, RN, RN, they chant??.. she gets carried out of the ring by fans to the street??REMATCH! No way! says RN. Today she won, tomorrow who knows?..he?ll be more careful next time. RN won, maybe unfairly, but then, he?s never been the most honest opponent.

    This is for you Chief

    That's cool RN....I liked reading that!
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


      This is for you Chief

      Nothings working! Just when RN is about to give up, she reaches down and grabs him by the cojones!!!!!! ( testicles to you non latin members ) She twists them, squeezes them, he srcreams in pain and lets go!!!!! AL drops to the floor in the fetal position. Then RN goes up to him and Kicks him in the gut!!!!! :wow: :b&d:


        This is for you Chief

        That was great!


          This is for you Chief

          Thanks RN - that gave me some really strong visuals .... next time i feel vunerable i will remember this!!!
          I am the author of my life.


            This is for you Chief

            Great post RN!

            Al will never play fair....he's a lieing, cheating, scum of the earth Beast whose purpose in life is just to get us to step into the ring....that's all he wants......just to step into the ring.

            Once we truely understand and accept isn't the constant battle that it once was.

            I loved your post....and I'm glad you're right back with us...



              This is for you Chief

              And the crowd chants ..RN, RN, RN

              And the winner is RN!!! Yay!!!


              This is for you AL ....:moon:

              Great post, RN!

              Love, Me
              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                This is for you Chief

                That was a great post and just what I needed. Thanks!!!
                Goal 1: Today
                Goal 2: Tomorrow


                  This is for you Chief

                  Awesome post......Like I said in your previous post .........and now you totally proved it......
                  SOBER GIRLS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                    This is for you Chief

                    Ha Ha - I'm howling!!! That was great!! Next time I open the fridge and see that bottle of wine there, I'll picture a big, fat, waddling pile of blubber - no need to even engage!! Ha!! I find these visuals really helpful!!


                      This is for you Chief


                      That was just the best!!!

                      AND I LOVE chief too!!! Don't we all???

                      formerly known as bak310

