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Check in Friday

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    Check in Friday


    I was just reading all the posts that came in while I was sleeping and it seems like a whole lot of us are struggling a little .... and it is the dreaded weekend starting (although after this week it feels very welcome!!!)

    I too have been feeling very heavy and sluggish in the mornings ... not sleeping or sleeping heavily but not waking rested.

    I had a long talk with my partner about this last night as he is an ex-mental health professional who has done lots of work in acute alcohol and drug services. He says this is all very normal and is part of the process of the liver actually having had 24 hours (or 48 or 72 ....!) rest and getting a chance to flush some shit out! So right now I'm feeling like I did in my worst drinking days when the only cure for a hangover was more alcohol. I rather suspect that this is why the 30 days is important - that the re-wiring that I have heard others talk about only happens once your liver has a fighting chance again!

    I've also had major coughing fits over the last couple of days - which MAx Smart has also hypothesised is related to having cut back. As alcohol is a major depressant it can suppress reactions of the autonomic nervous system .....

    anyway, it helps me to understand what is gong on for me on a rational scientific basis, although I know that for others it may be completely irrelevant! But I keep telling myself that if I feel like shit, then that is just going to be part of the process for a wee while, and drinking again isn't going to get me through it any faster. It is just going to take as long as it takes.

    I have been very heartened on this site at the encouragement and support given to everyone when they are having a hard time or have slipped. When I was going to AA on a regular basis, one of the things I found hardest was (what I perceived as) a very judgemental and harsh attitude to that. As someone who grew up with very little parental "positive strokes" I found it just sent me backwards. It certainly didn't encourage me to be honest!!! I feel like I can be very open here and that is a very good thing.

    I am not at all confident about my ability to get through the weekend, but I also dont want to write myself off before I give it a go .... dont want to talk myself into slipping up before I do. This is a place where I can explore what I'm feeling when I'm feeling tempted, rather than just giving in without a fight!

    Must rush - late for the gym .....but am back in the office this mrning so may leave this on and catch up with you all then .....
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Check in Friday

    Great post, thanks.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Check in Friday

      well the weekend is close . by that hey just stay close to the site friday night chat , saturday night chat.come and hang out talk about anything and everything ..and keep on writing it down it all helps you to discover the best way for your way out .
      peace and god bless
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Check in Friday


        Great and informative post, I like the take on AA as I have been struggling w/ that for YEARS, I feel like the perpetual slipper, get about 30 days, drink, everyone sorta treats me like a lepar or something anymore!! I am very welcome at a few groups and have lots of people who care about me but the GUILT thing kills!!!

        thanks for the post, hope you make it through the weekend,


        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Check in Friday

          You just have to get those 30 days AF under your belt. Once you do that nothing can stop you. Dont let your mind trick you into thinking you are missing something because you are not. Dont look at the big picture just tell yourself that you are going to get to 30 days. Then you can take stock. I found once I got to double day figures then you can see that you could make it and then you get to day 20 or so you can see the 30 days just around the corner. Next thing you know you have done it. Dont let the weekend trip you up. Plan something - go away somewhere if you have to. You all deserve it.
          I have 46 days AF now and life is just so good.


            Check in Friday

            I slipped up & had about 7 beers last night(+2wines, ugh)...I'm so shitty with myself. Everyone talks about their 'triggers' but my only trigger is that it was Thursday & I hadn't had a drink since last Sat night...I didn't even come here first. I feel hopeless.
            Anyway, if it helps anyone I woke up at about 5.30am, feeling like shit, and couldn't get back to sleep because I was just so disappointed in myself & feeling so wretched - pls take it from me - DON'T GO THERE!!
            OK, so that's out & it's Day 1 again for me. I feel more optomistic already - thanks for reading without judging...


              Check in Friday

              Angel, thanks for sharing and being brutally honest. You can do this!! And in the meantime I will use your post as inspiration and hopefully adversion. This was simply a set back - good for you for saddling back up. I am new at this - very new. I hope to have the strength that you do....:new:
              God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                Check in Friday

                Today was the hardest so far. I'm having a non-alcoholic beer, and that is helping a little. It's sure not like the real thing. I feel sad today and want the AL, but I just have to keep remembering that the AL sometimes simply intensifies the sadness, and even when it doesn't the self-reproach feels so awful. Day 4 has been tough, hope Day 5 is easier. But I have a feeling it won't be--Friday night always seems like such a perfect time to drink. I work hard and try to justify that I've earned it. But I'm trying to tell myself I earned a good weekend without wasting half of it feeling sick and trying to hide it.


                  Check in Friday

                  I've been a little dizzy since yesterday. Maybe just not getting enough water since it's been really hot?? The good part is when I layed down last night and the room was spinning, before I would have thought it was too much to drink. Now I know what's real. Anyone else have this? Does stopping the AL make someone get more dehydrated? The other good thing is when I am this dizzy, AL sounds awful--no desire to drink.


                    Check in Friday

                    I hate Fridays..I know for a fact I will be on here reading..

                    I think it's your body suffering withdrawl..drink lots of water. I find gatorade helps me..good luck Maisie


                      Check in Friday

                      Friday check-in

                      I picked up last night. It wasn't a great decision, but all the same it happened. It is huge for me to be able to admit this here. I have a sponsor in AA and I have been lying to him about my drinking. It compounds my guilt. I want to build up the strength to tell him what has been going on, but I want to be resolute about my sobriety before I say anything. It is complicated (in my mind) because he has become a friend and I don't want to disappoint him.Argh!!
                      In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.(Albert Camus)

                      Splee! (Waffle)


                        Check in Friday

                        Wow this is a very good thread

                        I think this is the first time I have picked up on Auntie's thread. Very strong sense of perspective seems to focus on the disease itself, etc. I will be back every morning from here on out.

                        For those who enjoy this type of daily check in, also take a look at ODAT thread. We have a lot of fun and there is a lot of love there too. God knows, we can't OD on that!:thanks:


                          Check in Friday

                          Day 4 AF

                          Hi all - Auntie, thanks for your informative and positive post. Stay focused and stay with us, you can get thru this weekend!!
                          I'm much more upbeat today. I've got most of my supplements lined up now like ducks in a row. Maisie, I took a whole handful last night and they made a difference to my mood within an hour. Some I've taken before but not the high strength B-combo I got from Holland and Barrett yesterday. My system seems to crave that. And I'm with you on the water - have been drinking like a fish all day and running to the loo every 15 minutes. I think Auntie hit the nail on the head there: our livers are pushing out crap which takes massive amounts of water to flush out. If you're in a hot climate, it's even more crucial that you stay hydrated. Drink, girl, drink!!
                          I feel lucky to have a safe Friday night activity - am off to meet a friend who went AF months ago. As we sip our tonic waters with lime, I'll ask if he has any good tips to share with us
                          PS Travis, where are you? Come back!


                            Check in Friday

                            I am doing the Jelly Belly beans DIET It works for AL with me TOO!!!!!DOZENS of flavors but my favorite is Pina colata Wonder why??? They are my constant companions Big flavor low calorie no hangover Evie
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                              Check in Friday

                              Pamina;327150 wrote:
                              PS Travis, where are you? Come back!
                              Travis - have been wondering about you too. Thinking of you heaps mate.
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe

