After the fourth, knowing I only had two left, I began to feel desparate, because six beers is just not enough for me lately. When I was finished, I drank some water and got ready for bed. I felt tired, lazy, cranky, and kind of like- why did I even bother? It wasn't worth it.
Jls10: I know the feeling. It happened to me yesterday. I bought a six pack of Bud on the way home and after the fourth one, felt the panic of only two beers left. Well lucky for me, I needed prepare a nice meal for my wife so I went to the grocery store and gee...why not...pick up another six pack.
I woke up this morning feeling like sh&t and not knowing how many beers I drank. (the meal was great by the way). Checked the refrigerator and discovered 3 beers left. Wow, I drank 9 and it felt like 11 or 12 (we all know those feelings, I think). So I am back to day one, again.
Don't have any great words of wisdom, are not alone.
Love and Peace,