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Please help!

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    Please help!

    I'm new to this site but really need some help because I'm so stressed with my life at the moment I really can't cope. I went out with my boyfriend the other night and we were both drinking quite a lot. I don't remember much else except for bits but we were arguing and at some point my boyfriend pushed me and kicked me although not very hard. He has never on or off alcohol done anything like this before.
    I feel sick at the though that he could have hurt me and he is going to see a councillor as he is sickened about what he's done, and he never wants to drink again.
    I'm so down that night I came home and drank some vodka with about 24 Nurofen pills but unfortunatly I woke up. All my family have found out and hate him and I just don't know if we will ever have a future, but he has helped me through some of the hardest times of my life and I just want us to be good like we were before all this.
    We have lived together for several months and our relationship is perfect except for this.
    If he never drinks again should i give him another chance?

    Please help!

    Wow! He has never done that before? Did he drink more than usual? It's hard to say if it was an isolated incident, but i am glad to hear about the counseling. One should never promise never to drink again I believe. That is a very difficult promise to keep. All he can do is try his best. And how will that affect you will be able to or want to drink? What are Nurofen? I know you said you weredown that night but even at my lowest (and believe me it's really low) I have never tried to intentionally not wake up. Maybe you should consider talking to someone as well. I hope everything works out. We really can't say weather or not you guys should have another go at it, only you really know the stuation. That is probably not what yoou wanted to hear, I always want answers, but it unfortunately is the the truth.
    Hope things get better and take care of you
    One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


      Please help!

      Yes he had drunk a real lot, they are painkillers, maybe your right maybe I should see somebody too. Thanks for your advice


        Please help!

        Get him on this Web site and if he grabs hold of it I think there is hope.Get the book and oder the meds.(they made all the difference to me).Take care of you first !!!Blessings, EVIA
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Please help!

          We are all here for you if you need to talk. You can PM me if you like. Come here a lot, it can help with everything.
          Welcome. Take care of you and try hard to get yourself out of this dark spot.
          One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


            Please help!

            Hi Lost and Welcome to MWO....

            I think it's important that he wants to see a counselor and wants to stop drinking....if he's sincere...

            This is an opportunity for you and he to change your lives. I think you both should see a counselor....alone and together. Sounds like you both have alcohol issues and he has other issues as well.....I drank heavy for 30 years, and of course, at times, had arguments with my wife while drinking, but the thought of ever laying a hand on her never entered my matter what.

            My opinion is you should take this very seriously. You have to make some important decisions about your own drinking, his drinking, and your relationship. If it were me, I would say it's either we both quit drinking and go to counseling, or we're done.

            If you both take a proactive stance on this and do "whatever it takes" to move forward, you have a chance....

            If you ignore it and hope it will never happen have no chance...

            We can help you both with the drinking if you really want to quit. We can't do it for you, but we can really help. Have you read the MWO book? You can download it here in the Health Store.

            Talk with your BF and decide what your plan is. We will do everything we can to help...



              Please help!

              Just to say you can't overdose on Nurofen - only burn a hole in your stomach (which is not nice) so the choice of painkillers was lucky - if it had been paracetamol the story would have been very different and may well have been fatal. Close call tho'. Really hope it all sorts itself out for the better.


                Please help!

                I am glad to hear what you said Mad Mummy and I agree the hole in the stomach... not nice.
                But Lost, please get some help before you look for/find the right combo. If you look over my posts i have been very lucky. I have never tried nasty combos but have ended up in very dangerous situations lately. I am a big cat (Leo) but I think I am burnin through my nine lives and have decided it's time to live one before I am too late. Hope all works out for you!
                One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


                  Please help!

                  I agree completely with Chief..councelling for both of you would be really helpful. You never hurt the one's you love, violence and abuse is never okay. There are lots of people good people here, it's good that you took the first step and reached out for support.


                    Please help!

                    Take care of yourself...

                    Suicidal thoughts and actions are not to be forgotten about. Go see someone. I recommend Cognative Behavioral Therapy as it has been documented to be effective and it was helpful to me. If you take care of you, whether the relationship survives or not, you will be OK. Prayers dearest one.


                      Please help!

                      Lost_001..Please don't sign up to live like this

                      [ame= ]YouTube - Spare An Angel[/ame]

                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        Please help!

                        Stay with us lost....
                        Counselling is a good idea for both of you.
                        I hope it was an isolated incedent, but once is once too often.
                        Good luck to you.


                          Please help!

                          Fortunately you woke up. and here you are. Take care of yourself.

