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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Morning my Lords and Ladies ODATers!

    Hope you all have a bright and sunny start to your day, meteorologically and otherwise!

    Big day today. Bessie and Bertha's boyfriend arrives..... and there should be the patter of tiny chicken feet. Had a rummage around under mama hen yesterday but nothing showing. Oh and I have to inject all the pigs with wormer/mange control. I hate doing that. I hate needles full stop. Particularly when they are being stuck into something that almost certainly won't stay still!!

    The newly rotovated veg patch is a joy to behold (that's how sad my life is!!) and the birds are really enjoying picking it over. Can't wait to get some stuff in there now.

    Onto the real reason I am here. Yesterday I did drink - quite a lot of wine. It was a 'reward' and I was unprepared mentally. So, big numbers in the drink tracker today. BUT (and here's where things are different to how they used to be) though I drank a lot I still made a conscious decision to stop and go to bed, rather than drinking until the bottle was empty and I was passed out. AND I am looking forward to an AF night tonight. Really looking forward to it. It feels so much better to be AF.

    So, let's get the week off to a good start. I'm looking forward to reading stories and news from all round the world and finding out how everyone is and how they are doing today.
    ODAT is the way to go!


    Bessie xxxx

    PS Greeny - gas hob is the thing I cook on (or don't as it is disconnected) powered by gas. I don't know what you call that in the US as our petrol is your gas. What's just gas called then?? It's not a liquid. Unless it is liquid gas. Is it the same thing then? Oh help. Gawd, this language barrier thing!! :H:H Will we ever be able to communicate properly?!

    ODAT - Monday

    Good morning!

    Yesterday was one of the most unproductive days I have had. Never took doggie to the dam. I'm rather disappointed. Plus when I don't get things done that I should it makes me anxious. Which is why I sit here at 3:30 AM. I have to get out of bed to break the fixation. Well, that was uplifting. But today will be a new day and I will do better, especially since we went to bed early.

    Today I believe I make the final payment on the office mortgage which will be uplifting. Celebrate with apple juice I guess which I will have to go purchase since I didn't go to the store yesterday.

    I'm such a bummer today, let's talk about gas in the USA. Some live near a natural gas line and can have natural gas in their home. It can be used for heat, cooking, gas fireplace logs, hot water heater. If not you have to have a big tank by your house and it gets filled with propane. We have that for our gas log fireplace. Gas for the car is just called gas. And finally there is human gas, but I have thoroughly covered that topic earlier so we won't go into farts even though I'd like to. I'm always ready to talk about farts. Hubby likes to come in my office and fart and then leave me in there with it so if someone comes into the hole they think it was me. hahaha Arse.

    Bessie when I send you the baseball cap do you mind if I send you my ironing?

    Everyone have a great day and drink healthy beverages.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Monday

      Hey bessie, hope your day is as good as the one I had here! Beautiful weather, a manic swim that chased the crazy thoughts away, a cat whose day was made happier by the heaters being left on (she has bad arthritis) and broccoli and blue cheese soup for dinner.
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        ODAT - Monday

        Hi Bessie, Greeneyes, Aunt Mame and all to come

        Seems like lots has been happening on the farm Bessie, I have a lot of catching up to do! Back into routine again and back to being AF, it feels so much better. I did nothing OTT the week after the funeral but I know how easy it is to fall back into the old bottle of wine a night routine. Even though I am sad I feel better within myself. Things have come to a head with my outlaws. MIL did not even attend the funeral even though hubby offered lift. Lots of other stuff but have now decided that's it, his family everything now goes through him (I was the softie and they came to me). He fully supports me as he was shocked by what went on so some good has come of this.

        Start of another week and hope to make it an AF one.



          ODAT - Monday

          Hi all you night owls. Greeneyes, we have the same affliction. How come some nights you sleep, and others you just don't? Geeezzzzzzz.....
          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


            ODAT - Monday


            Happy Monday to everyone! Going for AF today, not too great over the weekend, had a pretty non productive day yesterday too..........................

            hope everyone meets their goals for the day today!

            Lots of love,:l:h

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              ODAT - Monday

              Hi ODATers: I kept AF this weekend & plan on a completely AF day today. If I take my program one day at a time, I won't get hung up on the "Poor me, I'll never drink again" message to myself. I have things to do but will try to stay out of my usual frenzy. That tends to send me straight to the bottle.

              On Mother's Day, my daughter, SIL, & family gave me one of the "Mom, you did it all so well" types of cards. It showed a cartoon mother w/a phone at her ear, cooking, & running the vacuum clearner (Hoover) at the same time. That was me (still is in fact). So, in addition to be a problem drinker, I tend to be a compulsive worker as well.

              All this is a lot to think about, but in between I'm going to enjoy the day. I hope you all do too. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                ODAT - Monday

                Hello everyone

                I'm glad this hectic weekend is over! Friday I baked all day for my son's youth group's bake sale. Then Saturday helped them wash cars. They're raising money for their mission trip to Texas in a couple of weeks, which btw I might be going along! (16 hour drive!)
                Sunday I had my ss lesson, Church and then our 4-H club (kids again) picked up litter along a 2 mile stretch of highway (community service project). The weather was nice and HOT! I got a little too much sun, but not bad.
                Hubby built me an irrigation system for my 1/2 acre garden, so now I need to get out there and get the rest of it planted, and get my herbs in the ground also. Busy, busy!

                I almost forgot, I did all of the above totally and completely AF and NF! A beer and ciggie after working hard on a hot day...are you kidding?? Ate and drank diet pepsi instead!

                I'm trying really hard not to say any more about pigs in general, so I don't get into trouble from Bessie. So I'll keep my SA comments to myself for now.:H

                Have a great day/week all!
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  ODAT - Monday

                  What a busy bunch! And I am right there with you all. I threw a wonderful graduation brunch in our backyard garden and I enjoyed a little too much of the bubbly. I will confess that I enjoyed the chadon buzz. So Bessie my drink tracker will spike right along with yours.

                  Next I have 2 days to get my work in order and to pack my backpack. Mt Rainier here I come!!!

                  Have a great day everyone!


                    ODAT - Monday

                    Good Morning all. Today is day 21 for me. I have been couting wrong all along, but it really is day 21. I have to say that this time I feel really good and never want to have to do the first few weeks of this again. i am ODAT right along with all of you. Look forward to reading this thread and hearing all your news. i think we are an amazing group who are doing an amazing job ODAT.


                      ODAT - Monday

                      Good Morning ODATers,

                      Another beautiful sunny day here in Virginia. I could go on about how green it is out here in the Va countryside, but really when I look around all I see are the years of neglected chores. (I am staying with my parents for a few more weeks while my house is being finished and my father recovers from hip replacement after the move I will about 15 miles away). These are people who have way more than they can possibly take care of. Truth is when they were more physically capable they didn't do the work and now the work will fall largely on me and my husb. So today I get to paint trim in the kitchen, clean up the area around the pool and remove leaves from side yard and then trim boxwood. There are 25 acres here. Tough to know where to start. But Bessie, no animals - though my 13 year old is staking off an area so she can have a horse. fat chance. she'll get a dog instead.

                      Glad to hear everyone sounding so good this morning. Hope you all meet your goals.


                      Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                        ODAT - Monday

                        Time2Change - just wanted to thank you for being on the chat room Sat. night - I behaved at dinner - and really appreciated the will power you and Fallen gave me! Have a great Monday.


                          ODAT - Monday

                          Good Morning ODAT Crew

                          Oh Beck, you make me so jealous because even though I put down Virginia as my address, actually I live about 3 inches inside the Virginia border with the other foot in Washington DC, where I lived most of my life courtesy of my job with the US Government. Well, one can only dream that he has 30 acres and a horse which I like to pretend I do.

                          Greenie -- hope you are feeling more up beat today -- I got a good smile out of the gas stories -- oh that hubby of yours is a card!. On my next business meet with him tell him maybe we can meet in the park -- you know, just because it is such a nice day, etc.

                          Bessie thanks for the news on the chicks; btw, I am guessing that your dream goal is moderation, not total. Is that so? Whichever it is, you are doing it in a way that has been giving me lots of hope for myself and encouragement. Thanks.

                          Oh, btw, LTV , no it was not a typo -- Have to admit I am well preserved, but the pic may be a "little" misleading even though is is recent. (Good genes, my Mom is 97 and still a force to be reckoned with.)

                          In my avatar (aardvark, never could get them straight?). The dog's name I am holding is Maggie. Ms. Maggie very recently flew away to heaven. She was replaced by what is now a 9 yo black Cocker Spaniel who is a rescue dog. And though I love the newbie "McKenzie" and she can live here in my house forever (not sure I can stand to stay here with her though) well ..........if McKenzie were a horse lets just say that she might be on her way to the glue factory. OMG such a dog, but I tell myself patience, patience. Anyway she does not chew up stuff and is VERY well house trained (a la pooping, etc --- never an accident in the house thankfully) so things could be worse.

                          So my love to all, Welcome Dear Ms. Aunty, hope you are haveing a good day. I also loved your daily, will you be running it (I would like that) or are we deciding to combine threads. Either way, our mornings are full of wonderful people, aren't they?

                          Love to all from Virginia (Oh, all right, "almost Virginia".:H:H:H

                          Today is day 8 thanks to God and MWO..


                            ODAT - Monday

                            Hi all

                            Bessie - love to her about all the events on your farm - sounds like great fun!

                            Well Day 2 AF today - really overdid it Sat night and had hangover from hell yesterday morning. Do think that the older I get the less tolerant of feeling so c**p I am which is good cos then I get more of an incentive not to get myself into that pathetic state in the first place.

                            Busy evening with the kids coming up and still need to fix a babysitter..... aagh!

                            Have a great Monday.


                              ODAT - Monday

                              Hi Everyone...

                              I am now on day 10 of AF and feeling slightly depressed. I really don't know why but last night around 6:00 I just wanted to go to bed and end the weekend. Spent about 13 hours is bed sleeping most of the time and then woke up depressed for some reason. I am assuming that this must be due to being 10 days into AF because there is absolutely nothing to be bummed about. I had a great weekend and should really be looking forward to this week.

                              Anybody else have an experience like this? Any suggestions on what to do about it?

                              Sorry for the downer post...

