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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Thanks for stopping in on chat. We may get a little crazy, but it is all in fun. And if you ever need anything let us know. Hope to see you there again.


      ODAT - Monday

      Hello all, I would like to become a ODATer. I was awhile back and enjoyed reading all your posts. A few new members now. I especially enjoy hearing the goings on at Bessies farm. Today I have managed 14 days AF. The first time since joining and trying for about a year now & overdrinking for the past 10 years. Not sure what happened this time, just tired of being sick and tired. Best to you all and look forward to reading and sharing with you. PS just changed my avatdar as the piggies made me think of Bessie's


        ODAT - Monday

        ODAT is the way to go. Appears that I am not the only one to slip/fall/give in, or whatever one calls it.
        Back on to more AF days starting today though - that's the plan, and I am sticking to it.

        Bessie - I would love to see the farm you live on! Sounds so picturesque and idyllic. Have you some pics to post? As I child, I always wanted to live on a farm like that - I rather romantacized it, not really considering it is a heck of alot of work. Finally, when my kids were little, we moved to the University Farm where my hubby (now ex) worked, and my 3rd kid was born there. They loved it!!! Big dairy, beef and swine units, horses, plus sheep for a while (I love those beasts!!), and I had a huge garden and did tons of pickling, canning, freezing, jamming, etc - alot of work - but it was farming with an 8 hour day, we didn't own it. It was huge too. So not quite what you have I suppose. Lovely life though and my children really missed it when we had to move from there.

        Alright - onward and forward we go. Happy AF monday to you all!


          ODAT - Monday

          Hi all

          Just checking in at the end of the day before I start the feeding and evening stuff. Glad to see so many posts!

          Welcome KAT20 - this is a good place to be. A great approach to AF or moderation.
          Mathen - NO WAY are you 63! I can't get to see your pic close up but even so you don't look it or sound it! What a wonderful gene you must have! And yes, you're right, moderation is the way I want to go. I'm a bit two steps forward, one back at times but overall the trend is good.
          Caseaday - sorry you are feeling so flat. Hang in there - I am sure it will get better. :l
          Beck - for shame! Get your girl a horse! She will love you for ever. Though your bank manager won't! LOL!!
          Croft - Have a great time at Mt Rainier - what are you doing there? Climbing it? Is that the one with the president's heads carved into it? Or is that Rushmore? Sorry, my American knowledge is pants. And talking of which......
          Greeny!!!! My big girl pants chum. Much as I love you I just don't love you enough to do your ironing though! Hope you sleep better tonight.
          LVT25 - isn't it fab to spend time working in the garden? Just what I've been doing today. Well done on the AF and NF too. And please do tell us all you know about pigs. It's the pig sex that gets the others all excited! And to be honest, I've been watching my new boy today hoping to catch him doing just that!!

          Love and hello to everyone else. Sorry, I'm just not very good at doing the mentioning everyone by name but I love to read what everyone is doing and where they are at.

          And because I am sure you are all dying to know :H:H the new boar arrived safely. What a good boy. Handsome chap too. Named Buster. Sauntered off the trailer, straight into the yard. The girls were a bit stressy, like "You could have told us he was coming; we'd have put on our make up" and "Ooooh, he's a bit forward isn't he?!" as he goosed them!! Then, a bit later it was all fluttering eyelashes and "chase me, chase me"! So let's hope that all these fun and games lead to the patter of tiny trotters later in the year. Off to count my chicks now.

          Bessie xx


            ODAT - Monday

            Hi All,

            I'm looking for a home -- need to take the party hat off and get serious ... can I join your thread? I promise I don't bite! (I do snore)


              ODAT - Monday

              Cross posted with peanut. And I meant to say that I love KAT20's piggy avatar.

              Peanut - it really only is a small holding so not a lot to look at but we do have a lovely big field - piglets and chickens in at the moment, sheep to come any day now. And a barn and stuff. Not nearly enough land for cattle sadly. I would love. We do have to be a bit sensible about what we have as we only have so much time to spend on it and only so much room. Plus feed is getting very expensive so we have to consider the cost of things a lot more now.

              Bessie xx


                ODAT - Monday

                Welcome Tiny...glad to have you aboard...

                Bessie, Brits love their dogs and horses...can't I just get her 2 dogs? seriously who is going to take care of the horse when my kiddo goes to uni? (okay she does have two younger sisters). my husb refers to horses as "hay-burners". you understand.

                Matthen, you must be in Arlington. My husb commutes to work in DC. He can have it. actually with the housing market being what it is we may pick up a condo in NoVa. Could appreciate being out here much more if the place wasn't so neglected.


                Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Oops forgot to welcome KAT - Welcome!! This is a fun thread.


                  Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                    ODAT - Monday

                    Oh don't be mean!! How about a little donkey as a compromise?:H:H


                      ODAT - Monday

                      Piggie stories are too damn funny! Bessie you hurt me that you don't love me enough to do my ironing. And Matt!!! I got out the mangifying glass! Geez, I'd have to go back in time.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT - Monday

                        Bessie and Peanut, I would never make it on a farm. I love to work outdoors and I love the animals, only problem is I'm sure they are raised to sell. I'd have them all named and in the house is it got cold. Can't get a spot in my bed sometimes with my dogs. I lived in the country for awhile and purchased a side of beef from the neighbor. Delicious once I got up the nerve to eat it. I just could'nt get too atttached to her cows after that.


                          ODAT - Monday


                          Perhaps a goat to eat the grass!!!
                          There's actually work I'm supposed to be doing...

                          Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                            ODAT - Monday

                            Bessie!! I knew you'd be watching the pigs!!:H
                            It can be fascinating if I remember right. My hubby hates pigs, won't allow them on the place! When I was young, we had a boar named Ralph that was huge--I used to ride him until he got kinda mean! :H

                            Keep an eye on your Buster and the swines--don't let them rebel like these:

                            [ame= ]YouTube - Animal Farm Trailer[/ame]
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              ODAT - Monday

                              good afternoon everyone. I had a difficult weekend but this is a new week and I'm going to be AF tonight.


                                ODAT - Monday

                                Happy Monday to everyone. Glad to be back at my air conditioned office today. It was in the 100's where I live. Luckily, our complex has a pool, so my kids and I (15yrs and 18yrs) started a giant water balloon & Super Soaker fight. Within minutes every little kid and their parent were throwing balloons around like kids in a school cafeteria food-fight!

                                I have to confess though that I had a few to many glasses of wine yesterday and felt the "ugh" this morning. Looking forward to getting my supplements and Cd's so I can stop or slow down this crave/drink/guilt cycle.... but today's a new day.

                                Have a good week everyone!

