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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Well hello!

    The sun is shining again here in the UK, coolish and breezy. Very lovely. Kicking myself that I didn't get up when the alarm went at 6am but it was tooooo easy to roll back over and cuddle up with hubby. I was up late anyway and then went onto chat which made me even later. Lots of people on there last night - it was fun!

    AF wine really helped get me through last night. I finished the leftover bottle of red from the night before - 1 glass - which OF COURSE meant I wanted more. But the AF wine hit that spot for me. I drank nearly a bottle of it and enjoyed it. It bloats me up a bit but it kept me running to the shop for alcohol so that's the main thing. Looked on the back of the empty bottle of the real thing and realised that my idea of 8 units in a bottle is actually 10.5!!!! Will have to revise my drink tracker numbers from now on!!

    Anyway, all's well on the smallholding. Buster has settled in well. The girls allow him into their bedroom (though the ... ahem... action takes place outside!!) In fact he had one unsuccessful attempt with Bessie - he managed to push her snout first into the electric fence!! :upset: She was NOT having any of that!! He's going to have to check his positioning in the future!! :H:H

    Got 3 chicks at last count. Should have more. Hopefully they'll be there when I get out this morning. Got a wonderful picture of a friends daughter petting the piglets. I'll have to try and see if I can post it.

    Have a wonderful day all.

    Bessie xxxx

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning Bessie
    Havent had a chance to cross paths lately due to time zones however I do read your ODAT thread. Once I get to 60 days at end of May I will be coming over to join you on ODAT. I am going to try and moderate for June. I am thinking of going to Wellington to see Ireland beat the All Blacks again in June so will definitely be having a few scoops for that! Just to see if I can moderate - if I cant which seems to be lots of people's experience I will be back on that wagon so fast my arse wont even know it left the seat....


      ODAT - Tuesday

      top of the morning to all that are waking up!

      Must try the chat when I wake up! I've been doing it late afternoon and early evening - cheers to Noelle and Boozehag :thanks:

      Getting on to my bed time here, but promised myself that I was going to get my work done for thee day.

      Croft - have fantastic climb! All power to your legs!

      Matthen ..... thanks for your comments and support! Some people (including me!) disappeared for a few days, but have been on this thread (thanks Bessie!) ... hi Maisie (I am getting inspiration from your steadfastness) and Tiny (just lift it Tiny!!).

      So with this thread ... and the other one on the 30 days abstinence - sort of think another one is superfluous.

      but if you want a solution to the "what shall I cook for dinner tonight?" question, bluey's popcorn chicken recipe is great! (see recipe thread!)
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Morning all. Or whatever it is.

        Got up REAL early and noticed the voice mail thingy flashing. Gym guy said to sleep another hour. Too bad I didn't hear it last night. So I get back in bed and I listen to the sleep CD. Didn't make it to the ham-hock last night, zonked out in the elevator again. Phone rings and he was up sick all night and cancelled. I need to kick this exercise thing up a notch. Maybe go visit croft so she can kick my arse into shape.

        Pretty day here so far. Looks like some clouds moving in. We can always use the rain. Trouble in paradise yesterday. Hubby mad at me and told me not to come to work because he didn't want to see me. I thought it was too early to give a 2 week employee a pay advance when we can barely pay our own bills. He disagreed and got in a huff. Pants! So I stayed home and played in chat, during which time doggie got into the trash and spread it all over the living room. Not going to the hole wasn't exactly punishment :H But I only drank a little to ease the initial insult and went to bed early because of the gym appt that didn't happen. So, off to the hole - this is when I get my punishment. But the world it keeps on a turnin' and grean bean keeps on a smilin'.

        I will try to stick to healthy beverages today.

        Have a great day and meet your goals!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Tuesday


          Hey all, you all sound so positive this morning! Bessie, I am so jealous, chicks!!! We used to hatch some of our eggs when we had more than 3 hens (now I eat all the eggs, so don't let them hatch anymore...............will probably buy some chicks this year to replentish our hens...............a fox recently found the coop and killed yet another one, believe it or not we had 9 about a year ago, but between the raccoons, foxes and oppossums, they got picked off one, sometimes two at a time...............GGRRRRR!!):upset:

          AF last night, on hopefully to a long string of AF days, slept very well, no real binges lately, just one or two beers/day which is more than I really want, I am aiming for big fat ZEROS!!! Succeeded yesterday!!!:thumbs::yay::wd:

          Today is another day and I have NOOOOOOOOOO plans to drink whatsoever!

          Everyone have an AWESOME day no matter your goals!!

          love and hugs!!!:l
          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            ODAT - Tuesday

            morning everyone! I have a 9AM mtng and I am not prepared! I'll check back later! I am so late that I have to wear this damn hat to work!


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Hi guys!

              We had a long weekend here so I was away at the cottage for the weekend (just got in today and thought I should check in!) Well actually, more like needed to check in. Haven't been doing so hot lately - not out of control but no AF days in the past week - THAT WILL CHANGE TODAY!

              I have a busy day at work being that it is a short week due to the holiday. I am looking forward to this day going fast and gettig in bed early - racking up a zero......

              Hope everyone meets their goals today! Miss you guys!
              Love and Hugs,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Hi ODATers: I am on day 5 of my sobriety. I feel a sense of purpose this time, but I absolutely must not get over-confident. When I start racking up the days, I begin to think:
                1. I deserve a drink.
                2. I can drink normally.
                3. Wah, wah, everyone else can drink, so can I!
                I think I'll come up w/some sort of affirmation based on the idea that sobriety is the reward. I want nothing to cause me to drink.

                I wish everyone success regardless of what your goals are (mod/abs).

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Hello all Lovely's...its Ripple, back again. Gonna be a good girl this week for sure. Time for some L-glut and back on Kudzu. Everyone sounds good.




                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Oh my gosh, it is amazing to find people like me. Retteacher, those three thoughts you said you have:
                    "1. I deserve a drink.
                    2. I can drink normally.
                    3. Wah, wah, everyone else can drink, so can I!"
                    That is my pattern to a T. It's hard to change to the mindset that "sobriety is the reward," but it's time. I need to change it around to:
                    1. I deserve not to feel cruddy every morning.
                    2. I deserve not to have the guilt.
                    3. What other people can or can't do has nothing to do with me.


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Good Morning,

                      The weather is miserable and I get to paint a ceiling. Not good - but at least it will be done. And later I will get to hear how I could have done it better..or easier..or something. There is very little reward in doing things for my parents. Except that my girls see that you should help your parents. I guess that is something. Okay, feeling better because I bitched...sort of a bitch and run post...sorry.

                      Greenie, maybe time for a new trainer - that guy flakes out too often.

                      Hope you all meet your goals today...

                      Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        I have got to get up earlier to keep up with you all!! By the time I post you guys are getting ready to go to bed!!:H

                        Got a great start in the garden yesterday. Planted potatoes, walla wallas, snow peas, green beans, cucumbers, spaghetti squash, yellow squash, far.

                        Gotta go get a few zucchini seeds and burpless cucs for hubby! :H I might throw in a row of sweet corn, maybe some eggplant, IDK, it's getting kind of late here. I have another place I'll put the pumpkin patch (in the corral--good dirt!)

                        I might have to put up a fence if the cattle don't go to pasture soon. The bull is getting frisky, and wandered through my garden looking for, well, fresh "meat".

                        On that note, I better get busy!! :H

                        Have a great day all! :h
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          Good Morning to all you ODATer's. Everyone sounds so positive. I just love to log in here and read that everyone is doing weel. Today is day 22AF for me which I'm sure is a record.

                          Hope everyine continues to be positive. We have a long weekend coming here in the states so everone needs to make plans to meet their goals.


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            Well, well, well.........look at how our ODAT thread has developed. What a great way to start the day, reading about pig sex!
                            I had a LONG day yesterday. ended up working 10 hours because the emergencies kept must be global warming! ( I blame that on everything!!) .......never been so busy. Then because I missed my boot camp session in the morning decided I should do the evening class after work and make up for it.......I nearly died! Sprinting on the beach, then drop down and give me 20 push up's??!!! HELLOOOOO....never again. By the time I made it back to our starting point all were leaving and I hadn't even started my cool down.......very embarrassing but I pulled the "age" card........( 49 in August ) then, what I thought were annoyed looks turned to " good for you trying at your age!!"..........huh? I'm not ready to be buried yet! All this and AF too!!!! Who could ask for more...


                              ODAT - Tuesday

                              Hi Everyone!

                              Gosh Bessie it sounds so lively at your place - and congratulations having transformed in the Queen of the ODATers!!

                              LVT what are walla wallas????? They sound like a heck of a funky vegetable to me:H

                              Day 3 AF for me which is usually the sticky one - hope to be Day 4 tomorrow but ODAT as they say.

                              Bye for now

