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nice to meet you all

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    nice to meet you all

    Hi, everybody,

    I've just now ordered my topa and c.d.s. My story is probably just like everyone else's - been drinking alcoholically for about 5 years (currently 1.5 - 2 bottles of red wine per night). I've also been in AA for 3 years. There are some great people in there, and I know it works for many, but it hasn't for me. I'm not very social, and my drinking happens on my couch at home, whether or not I've just gone to a meeting. Consequently, I got tired of "fessing up" and just became the world's biggest liar. (BTW, it really sucks picking up chips you didn't earn.)

    This site is the first thing in a long time that made me feel hope. I'm not afraid of working hard. (And it can't be any harder than working the 12 steps with a wonderful and demanding sponsor, which I did!) I hopehopehope it works for me as it has for many of you.

    Thanks for reading my message.

    nice to meet you all

    Welcome Larissa, i am sure you will find alot of support on this site, i know i have. I have found that the supps (L-glut and Kudzu) have made a real difference in my cravings, I have not gone totally AF yet but i have cut down immensely with these supps. As everyone says, come back and post here often, or just read read read and learn and then post or chat as you feel needed. Lots of great people here.


      nice to meet you all

      Hi Larissa

      Glad you found this place it is brilliant - everyone is supportive and understanding. Know you're drinking pattern, been there as well and still trying to not go back! Some weeks better than others.

      Hope to "talk" again.


        nice to meet you all

        Hi Larissa,

        This is a great place to be. You will find lots of support here, there are so many people here all with great personalities. If you need to vent, a laugh, to confess something, if you need a pick-me-up or a kick in the ass, this is the place to be. Welcome, and I hope this works for you.


          nice to meet you all

          Hi Larissa,
          Welcome to mwo.....
          Jacqui xxx
          Mwo,s worst speller....


            nice to meet you all

            Thank you all for your kind responses. I am SO excited to start the program - I'm dying to get all the stuff and get on with it!


              nice to meet you all

              Remember to come here often ....look foward to getting to know you..
              Jacqui xxx
              Mwo,s worst speller....


                nice to meet you all

                Welcome Larisa,

                I love your enthusiasm! Welcome to the site-


                  nice to meet you all

                  Ha, I am enthusiastic! I am so tired of being a slave to this stupid addiction. If I could lick it, I wouldn't care if I ever saw an alcoholic beverage up close again.


                    nice to meet you all

                    Your attitude will get you far along with the program and some hard work! Welcome!


                      nice to meet you all

                      You are all wonderful!!!

                      Is there a thread of success stories? They are so encouraging to me.


                        nice to meet you all


                        Hi Larisa,

                        There is a forum called "This is my story". Most post their story when they feel ready. I think some go back and give updates. It seems every day is either a success story or a bump in the road. Take your time and keep reading all over the place!

                        Have you read "My Way Out"? That's a great way to start the program.
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          nice to meet you all

                          I sure have. Thanks for the info about the thread - on my way!

                          Just bought or ordered everything - now I'm just chomping at the bit for it to get here! I don't think I should start anything until I have everything so I can jump in 100%.


                            nice to meet you all

                            Today is my first day

                            :new: any advice for a 36 yr old mother of two (16&9) who really wants to stop drinking. I am an alcoholic in active addiction. i drink daily and am feeling very sad and scared right now.


                              nice to meet you all

                              Dunno, but I can relate - I'm a 39-yr-old mother of 6 (they have 4 feet, though), also a daily drinker. Are you doing the MWO program?

