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nice to meet you all

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    nice to meet you all

    Hello Larisa and Triplestash:welcome:

    This is only my 5th post as I joined on Saturday. I too have found myself needing to open the second bottle of wine and going on daily binges (confined to eves). I have 2 children and need to beat this for them, even if it not for me, they should not get older and think that is what grown ups do when when they go to bed. Plus I need to be a better and whole mummy for them and for myself as I am fed up existing and want to start living!

    I have never tried AA etc... this is my first time realising I need help to tackle this and can no longer fool myself into thinking I can do this alone.

    Larisa I too have ordered the book and CD's and am eagerly awaiting to start in earnest.

    Hope lives here.

    This is such a positive place ... I am so glad I found it.

    It is wonderfully liberating to not disguise my drinking problem ... here it is an accepted truth and there is no place to hide ... we are all here for the same reason.

    Love to you both tonight

    J x


      nice to meet you all

      :welcome: Larisa & TripleStash!

      I am a 36 yr old mom of 2 (3 & 14). I use to drink daily until I found MWO. I had mostly alcohol free days in 2007 and this year, I had a couple of small slips (life got the better of me) but am back on track again.

      What are your goals? Is it to drink in moderation or complete abstainance?

      My suggestion is to read a lot and post when you have questions or, whenever you feel like it. The first thing I did when I joined was downloaded the book. It is really cheap and you can have it in your hands right away.

      There are also daily threads that people participate in. People check in to let other's know how they are doing with their goals.

      You will find tons of support here! My life has COMPLETELY changed since I joined. I use to drink daily... was classified as a binge drinker basically. Even with my recent slips, they were not 'life enders' and I was able to bounce back quicker than ever before.

      Glad you found us!


        nice to meet you all

        Triple stash & Larissa :welcome: to MWO ......

        We all have differerent stories ........ I found this place November 2006 when I had tried several different approaches to stopping drinking .......

        At that stage I was drinking all day every day at least 3 bottles of wine .....

        I gently cut back and then did an AF spell ........

        I now moderate ....... mostly successfully, the only time that I have slipped is when we bought home a bottle of tequila in feb this year and I drank it all after hubby had gone to bed ...... woke up with a black eye and the hangover from hell .........and since then I have moderated really well .........

        It CAN be done .......... read and post as much as you can ......

        BB xx


          nice to meet you all

          Thanks, everybody! I didn't start drinking until I was 32. I'd love to be in a place where I never think about alcohol again!

          All these supplements sitting here looking at me, damn it, I want to start popping pills already!


            nice to meet you all

            Larissa ............ when you open the pills you will notice a smell ........

            When you pee later you will smell the smell again ........:H:H:H

            They do work though .....

            BB xx


              nice to meet you all

              Niiiiice!!! Probably smells better than I do after 2 bottles of wine!!

              BTW, I haven't had more than 5 continuous days sober in years. I love reading about people like me who have finally been able to stay AF.


                nice to meet you all

                Hope you are doing okay Larisa .. and TripleStash - (start your own thread about you so you get some attention gal!)

                I am here for both of YOU as am a newbie too, but most peeps just read the first title and reply (I think) - 'tis human nature .... TripleStash , least let us know how you are and start a separate thread which (WILL) be responded to hun - your dilemna just got lost amongst Larisa's thread that's all.

                Hope you are BOTH
                reading ...

                J x


                  nice to meet you all

                  Don't know about y'all, but I seriously can't figure out why I keep drinking when it's no fun anymore after the first 5 minutes or so. I get home, do the chores while drinking, have a little buzz which shortly becomes a full-out haze, so I go to bed. I usually have 2 or 3 hours max when I get home, so I have to rush to get stuff done while I still can. (Man, it's hard to keep up the house, laundry, yard, etc...) Then I wake up at some ridiculous hour of the morning and start round 2. Sleep for 2 or 3 hours, and it's time for work.

                  In addition to this, I have been on NutriSystem for 5 months, adhering to it rigidly, and have lost no weight, I'm chronically dehydrated, I seem to have developed an allergy to wine, so my eyes stay red and swollen and I sneeze and get stopped up a lot, I have indigestion pretty much all the time, I spend lots of money on Tagamet, Benadryl, and Sudafed, which I use preventively as well as for relief, and still somehow nobody knows I'm drinking because I lie to them.

                  Sorry for the really long post - my point is, what exactly is the upside of this behavior? That 5-minute buzz?????? It's insane.

                  Send me my drugs!!!


                    nice to meet you all

                    L, what an amazing post. I am in the same boat. My sponsor became a friend of mine, and I can't tell him that I have been out. I love this site b/c of how new and raw so many people are. The ability to hear and say the truth is incredible also. Glad to have you here and welcome aboard. -Matt
                    In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.(Albert Camus)

                    Splee! (Waffle)


                      nice to meet you all

                      Larisa, I kind of get your post, some of it was ? (I do the same. )

                      My own questions are ...

                      What is it you are trying to achieve on a daily basis? ( I am trying to do the same)

                      Why do you think that you can achieve this next month/4 weeks ? ( I am trying to do this)

                      Why do you think you need help to do any of this? (Difficult answer)

                      As you can see .. a difficult month for me ....!!!!!!!


                        nice to meet you all

                        Larisa;329378 wrote: Thanks, everybody! I didn't start drinking until I was 32. I'd love to be in a place where I never think about alcohol again!

                        All these supplements sitting here looking at me, damn it, I want to start popping pills already!

                        I never started drinking till I was 32 either...I certainly made up for lost time. BTW I'm sure you know. You aren't losing weight b/c you are still drinking. You will be amazed how it flies off when you quit or at least cut WAY down.


                          nice to meet you all

                          Thanks, Tri-it! Nice to know someone else knows the guilt.

                          Jajoly, do those questions help you with drinking? I'm so sorry you're having a bad month. Anything we can do?

                          Dolly S, yep, I know. Even doing an hour on the elliptical 5 days/wk doesn't help. I have added 30 pounds to what used to be a lean, athletic body. I want it back! And I know what you mean about making up for lost time, ha! Funny but sad too. It doesn't take long.


                            nice to meet you all

                            Oh, and in my case, I think it will be abs (if it is at all). Honestly, to me, there's no point in drinking if it's not to get drunk.


                              nice to meet you all

                              Hi Larisa,

                              I just wanted to welcome you as many people did to me 30 days ago.

                              This place and the people can change your life if you want it to.

                              There is never any shortage of support here either.

                              There is an amazing world on the other side.

                              I truly cannot believe how much my world has changed in 30 days.

                              All the best with your decision.

                              Kind Regards



                                nice to meet you all

                                Wow, what a lovely thread!! Welcome L & Stash...I too am a 36yo Mum of 2 (3&1)and have found heaps of support's taking me a while to get to know my way around. And L, I get it - I've never worked out so much in my life & never been heavier - especially around the middle funnily enough...I can't blame it all on my babies either!!!

