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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Hi guys,

    10:30 am here and I'm a busy girl! But I'm a sober girl and I was AF last night so also not hungover which is so nice.

    I like lookings plan for moderating (my plan for the month of may was to figure out my moderating goals) I like the AF during the week and moderating on Sat/Sun.........I think that may be my plan for the month of June and see how that goes.

    I also am off the wine.........I had too much on Sunday night and was not very nice to my daughter......she's only 7 and I'm beating myself up a lot for that - I guess I just didn't have any patience. That's enough to make me pour the rest of it down the drain - makes it much easier to be AF this week, that's for sure.

    I will not drink today - that I can say for sure.

    Hope everyone meets their goals today,
    Love and Hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Hi everyone

      Just a quick check in. Kids are in the middle of exams so its all go. Taking it ODAT, today I will not drink.



        ODAT - Wednesday


        Quick checking up on all you ODATers!! Sound like everybody is doing just fine today!!! Busy work day, lots of kids activities, horses and chicks, dogs,etc etc. I am heading upstairs here at work to mill some durum wheat, and alot of it too, so I must get going on it. It sounds like Univeral and I have similar plans for Moderating, AF during the week, mod on weekends - I am hoping to be AF 6 days of the week, and only allow one night on the weekend for some wine - I hope this plan works for me.

        Loving the language barrier thing you guys have going!! Dickhead.... willies.... wellies..... hmmmmm. My dad's from Yorkshire, so I don't have too hard a time with the "translations".

        Have a wild wednesday!!


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Hey Matt, where in Spain? I grew up there. Thats where I learned to drink! hahaha. I wish I had had antebuse with me for my last visit.

          But seriously, good morning all. Life goes on in sunny California. The weather has been beautiful and I have been to the beach with my sun block. No star sightings but I've got the bonoculars. I'll check in tomorrow.


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Well - I thought the dick head torches would spark off a small frisson of something or other!!

            For us they are those torches that strap to your forehead with an elastic strap. And as I haven't seen anyone who doesn't look completely stupid in one they get called dick head torches!! However, they may look like a dick head but all my friends have got one.....!! Very good used on the red light to pick chickens off perches in the dark. Or go into an unlit stable to an animal. They don't fright as much as when you use the white light. Now there's a useful piece of information for you!!

            Getting near the end of the day for me. Nearly 7pm. Gonna walk the hounds and get them fed, then really not a lot more that I will be able to do after that. Been thinking long and hard about a nice cold glass of wine but I managed to go and buy some 'thank you' beer from the supermarket and walk past the wine. I know I have some chilled AF wine - that will do me then I will eat steak and salad and get to bed and leave you lot to party on here!
            I'm going to fill in my drink tracker now too - another incentive not to slip tonight.

            BEssie xxx


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Excuse me but I will have you all know I have a dickhead. Two actually. One that straps around my head. I didn't know that was what it was called. Headlamp. The other is how I feel about the one to whom I am married to a the moment. Last time I looked I am a girlie so that lets out the third one. Oh lets back up. The one that straps around my head was purchased at the hardware store. :H
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Greenie -- I processed my divorce without a lawyer -- my-ex never saw what hit him!
                Don't mess with Tiny! I'm pcturing you wth a strap-on ... um ... light...


                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  uh-oh... you are going in another direction I think.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    Greenie you are hilarious! I never imagined that you would have two! What is the most fun you have had with your Dickhead? Do tell!


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      Hello all ODATers, I actually caught Bessie's first post as I was going to bed last night. As Mad Mummy had said I've been having some trouble with the sleep patterns. It was 1:30 in the morning here. I thought I was reading the dick head thing wrong. That has to be one of my moms favorite words. Reminds me of a joke I heard, teacher brings in venison for her class to try and asks them what it is. She says, I'll give you a hint, your mom sometimes calls your dad this. One boy yells "spit it out its an a**hole." (or dick head, which ever you prefer) Matthem, Congrats on 11 days, I'm on day 16. Congrats as well to Mad Mummy. We got our phone books here this past week and half of my neighbors got them at the end of their driveway in the rain. Looking for Hope, Greeneyes, Rustop and all of you trying to mod, strength to you. I hope to try that after my 30 days. Those of you who mentioned emotional drinking and family triggers I'm right there with ya. Talk aboout driven to drink. My best plan is to not wrap myself up in their emotions. Works sometimes. My therapist said "stop owning other peoples emotions." I like that. Oh, Retteacher I like your plan. Have a good one all


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        case... that's a good question. There are so many hilarious stories. I should write a book. I may need to in order to support myself since he wants a divorce (today) and I will need the income. Maybe MWO members will buy it. I know what you are thinking though. OK most fun with the dickhead. Sitting in a resto. He always used to go to the bathroom to poop in the middle of the meal. He comes out and has this wierd look on his face. I ask what is the matter. There was no TP in the stall so he hops across the room with pants down to get a paper towel and the door opens and this guy looks at him and turns around and walks back out. SO I'm sitting there trying to not fall out of my seat and I say "Is he in the room now? Which one is he?" He gives me blank stare. And I just fall out laughing. It got better after that when I drove his car with cruise control which I never had. I thought I was going to launch the Lincoln and began screaming. :H That was a long time ago. Chapter one - "Life With Dickhead". Satisfied? :H He's not really a dickhead. . Got good potential at some times.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          Hello to all-- have had my FIFTH AF day (but who's counting?) It's the emotions in sobriety that drive me nuts. Joy and grief at the same time, just like Christmas Eve or something.
                          Night to all.

