i never lie here about drinking - that is why i signed up. my baggy jeans and loss of appetite i want to keep - but i bought a bottle of wine. still writing this is AOL spell check to copy /paste and have one less reason to slam! pleurisy is still here and he wine would break up the boredom - at least they don't think it is a blood clot but it is coming from somewhere/cancer not ruled out and blew off the doctor's appointment today. oh, jeez - what a mess. i haven't taken the hospital? ER bracelet off yet since i figured it would help them figure me out after finding me w/ no contact for days...i don't think dogs eat arm bracelets? that' s some sick humor!. so i must be getting better!
I THINK i got the packet today and am getting the topa - i am elated. now I know there is nothing that will stop the drinking for any period of time - even if it is slight. I don't want to drink at all. i am on complete bed rest....couldn't make it to get the possible packet at 4 - but I DID make it to the wine store - my favorite + it is the weekend. blue laws.
although i sobbed for days - my skin minus etoh was so much better.
i want EVERY suggestion possible about how to combo and what has worked for best. one thing said about me is that when i set my mind to it - i do it right. any suggestions? MONDAY is the day.
Love to you all , El
and I want to know how you are all doing - i don't want to talk about myself all the time.