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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Morning all - Happy ODAT Thursday

    I love the way the ODAT thread starts here at this time in the UK and keeps going all day, all around the world. When I go to bed I can see new posts and same as when I get up in the morning! International ODAT!

    So I'm going to start today with the last post from Spanky yesterday -
    It's the emotions in sobriety that drive me nuts. Joy and grief at the same time, just like Christmas Eve or something.
    What a cracking reason to go AF!! Christmas Eve every day! But I know others feel a bit flat after a run of AF days so it's not all eager anticipation for presents. I think I have settled into a pattern of just quietly enjoying my AF days and the hangover free mornings. That in itself is a great feeling.

    Felt like a boxer last night though, fending off the aggressive challenges from al! The long sunny evening triggered a yearning for a chilled glass (err bottle) of white wine, which I fended off with the thought of the chilled bottle of AF in the fridge. Had to go and buy some beer as a thank you to a neighbour - same aisle as the wine but I managed it. Then hubby, who was working on the only-a-bit-broken-truck, told me that it was now VERY broken - no transport for me while he is away over the weekend!!. Argggh! Finally, I went to deliver beer to the neighbour and his wife was happily wandering round the garden watering her plants with a glass of wine in her hand!! The temptations were everywhere!! I punched them all away and ran back to the fridge and got out my AF wine...... phew!!!!

    Anyway, have a good AF/modding day. Whatever your plans are I hope you can stick to them and count today as a success.

    Bessie xxxx

    ODAT - Thursday

    morning bessie
    just to say l love reading your post in the morning
    there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


      ODAT - Thursday

      Morning Bessie, Kaddie
      Diddo, You sound so enthusiastic, it spills out all over the page! I too had a hard time battling against drinking, but managed it. Had had a few naff days before so was determined not to give in. Its such a struggle.
      Anyway better get on and get the kids to school. Have a good day all, whether AF or mod or whatever your goal. This is such a good place to come to!
      Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
      Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
      For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


        ODAT - Thursday

        Hi Bessie, Kaddy and evie - Bessie :goodjob:good on you for staying strong its a real test when you have so many temptations around you, and i can imagine after a hard days work on the farm your al monster is telling you that you deserve a glass (or a bottle). I'm struggling :upset: today the good old PMT has hit 2 weeks early which causes massive cravings for me and not to mention mild instanity. I'm out of L-Glut and really have not put too much effort into my supps - i can say i have let me supps slip and feeling it right now. So plan for tomorrow is to get to the health food shop and get all the tools that help me. My plan for tonight is to listen to the CD and hopefully my inner genius will guide me in the right direction.
        Have a good AF day/afternoon/evening everyone!!!:l
        I am the author of my life.


          ODAT - Thursday

          Morning ODATers!

          Can relate to your temptations - I was at a social event last night and there was wine everywhere - and a vicar, of all people, was the one telling me "just one will be OK, come on you deserve it". Managed to stay clear though (but boy did I want it) and explained hubbie away, dont drink during the week, etc. Phew!

          Anyway today is Day 5 AF and I truly cannot remember this long since 1990 (which is when I started work with a company who had daily drinking as part of routine). That makes me sound so old!?! Yeah look in the mirror dear.........

          Son off to Cub Camp this weekend so need to dig out sleeping bags etc.

          Have a good day ODATs!



            ODAT - Thursday


            Good morning all!! Bessie, great job at getting through all the temptations yesterday!! Kudos to you!:goodjob:

            Kaddy, hey, top of the morning to ya!
            Evie...........good morning, you seem well!
            Looking, I feel for you as I am really struggling also...............hang in there.....:goodluck:

            Mad mummy, great for you on 5 days!!!:goodjob:

            Everyone else to come, have a great day, and I hope you meet your goals!!

            lots of love,:l:h

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              ODAT - Thursday

              Good Morning, ODATers,

              I just wanted to jump on quickly and say hi to all.

              Struggling, myself, but still AF. Emotional and irritable. But, they are just emotions and urges. They WILL pass. I know this.

              My triggers were being sick, going to the airport, sitting next to another alcoholic on the plane to Columbus who could not make the 50 minute flight from Cinncy to Columbus without a drink. (Been there done that!!) Felt the urge to slap the drink out of his hand or drink it. Not sure which. Rough days at work and at the end of the day driving to the hotel. It seems like every restaurant I go to here, EVERYONE is drinking beer or wine. Business men and women in groups all drinking. There I sit with my diet coke, tea, coffee, soda water with lime, whatever.

              But, hey, at least there I sit with my .... and no alcohol.

              Thank God the Antabuse lets me get over the struggle I am going through right now. I tested it once and that was enough.

              Nuff about moi. I hope all have a wonderful day and attain their goals today, whatever they may be.

              AF April 9, 2016


                ODAT - Thursday

                Morning Bessie and all ODATs! Bessie: I enjoyed your post this morning. You are so positive even in the throws of temptation. It's very encouraging. Getting over the sickness that I had on Tuesday and now feeling like a real human and ready to tackle whatever comes.

                Love and Peace
                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  Hi all ODAT'rs

                  :goodjob: Bessie, you always bring on a smile with your fun posts. Busy, busy so just a quick hello.



                    ODAT - Thursday

                    Hi Everyone: I'm doing well; however, this is precisely when I need to be vigilant. I've gone into a binge when things are going OK, & I'm sober for a while. Last night we went to a play & just the sight of the wh. wine caused a little tingle. I'll get over it. Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      i KEEP LOSING MY POST -- I AM TINY AND I HATE MY JOB!!!!


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        Wow, you guys are doing great! All that temptation and you fought if away!! I am very impressed. I try pretty hard to just stay away from temptation.

                        Angry and hurt feelings last evening--teenage son, then more conflict with hubby (who had a few under his belt when I got home). So I went to bed early and pretended to be asleep. Sometimes I just envy those that live alone! In the past i probably would have grabbed a beer and a smoke to cope. Just not an option anymore!

                        Major wind storm during the night. The shed that housed our camper is gone, need to go survey the damage some more before I call the insurance company. Pretty sure it's not insured--just a carport type thing, but still will cost over $6000.00 at least to replace! The wind is still blowing and it's raining a little. Not nice!

                        Hope everyone else is having a better day than I am so far!

                        I'm afraid this is going to be a bad summer storm-wise!
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          ODAT - Thursday

                          Hi Everyone...

                          The weather continues to get warmer here as we head into the weekend! Summer is finally breaking and the cold edge that is in the air is beginning to go away. I am heading into day 12 of AF and feeling pretty good. Have a few cravings during the late afternoon and have been fighting them off with tenacity and l-glut. I wish I could stop thinking about AL and AF and not drinking and temptation 24/7! From the time I wake up until the time I go to bed it seems that it is always on my mind. "got to win the battle, no AL". I hope some day that it goes away and I don't think about it any more!

                          LVT25...what is up with the weather down there? You guys seem to get pounded by storm after storm in the worst way! I don't remember it ever being so bad. Global warming? I hope the damage wasn't too bad!

                          Take care all...


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            Whoa! Everyone is on alert! Not a bad thing I guess but must be in the air. The winds are bringing the vibe from Bessie's farm to the east coast, then on to the west coast. Beware!!!!!! Al has transformed himself into a bag of wind! Sneaky bastard


                              ODAT - Thursday

                              caseaday;330502 wrote: Hi Everyone...

                              The weather continues to get warmer here as we head into the weekend! Summer is finally breaking and the cold edge that is in the air is beginning to go away. I am heading into day 12 of AF and feeling pretty good. Have a few cravings during the late afternoon and have been fighting them off with tenacity and l-glut. I wish I could stop thinking about AL and AF and not drinking and temptation 24/7! From the time I wake up until the time I go to bed it seems that it is always on my mind. "got to win the battle, no AL". I hope some day that it goes away and I don't think about it any more!

                              LVT25...what is up with the weather down there? You guys seem to get pounded by storm after storm in the worst way! I don't remember it ever being so bad. Global warming? I hope the damage wasn't too bad!

                              Take care all...
                              It will. It just takes time.

