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    Hello, It,s my second day AF. I have been watching this sight for a few days now and appears to be the best one for me. I have all the suplements and went to see a doctor today who prescribed adivan and campral. I will be ordering the book next week when I have the money. Hope this works as I am sick of drinking.


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    :welcome: You will meet lots of people here here who will cheer you on no matter what stage you are in! I am new also! God bless!


      First Post

      Me too Itstime. Stay on this site, post often, tell us about you and you most certainly will hear about us. Some wonderful things happen on MWO. For me, I am on day 12 (after many slips) and that is incredible for me. Good luck and God bless.


        First Post

        great job and welcome to mwo remember there is no miracal drug. you have to have the will to fight and keep on trying to do your best ..and it does get better
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          First Post

          Welcome! Lot's of great people here to help you along the journey when you need advice. You have found a great site!


            First Post

            Welcome Itstime! Good job on 2 days AF. I wish you many many more. This community is great. Keep coming back and do alot of reading.
            Waking up without a hangover is the best feeling!!!

            Love and Peace
            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


              First Post

              Glad you're here, itstime, and I wish you every success. I am on Day 12, and this site has given me support and motivation I haven't had before. Even though I don't really know any of these people, I feel like there is really someone out there who cares whether I succeed. And it makes such a difference that there are other people who have the same patterns I do--functional during the day, but out of control with the wine and night drinking. And the great thing is that if I have a slip, the people here will understand and know it is not because I am a bad person. I have felt so inadequate and like the drinking is because I have a defective, flawed personality. I judge myself so harshly, I need people in my life that truly understand. This site has given me that; thank you everyone.


                First Post

                thank you for the warm welcome

                This is so very difficult to do. I am now on day 3AF. The mornings sure do feel wonderful. The evenings seem endless. I never realized how long a day could be.



                  First Post

                  itstime, congrats on day 3, you are doing a great job and i agree, you found a great site.....even though i don't know many on the boards i feel like i have known them for a long time...keep up the good work and post and read and post and read................


                    First Post


                    :welcome::welcome:Itstime! you have found a great place, just hang around, you will meet others like you, who are more than willing to do anything possible to help you.................I know this first hand as everyone has always been here for me through good and bad................

                    Welcome again, and hope to get to know you better!!!


                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      First Post

                      Itstime...Here's a perspective for you...the reason that the evenings are so long right now is due to the fact you haven't replaced AL with another activity. It is really important to find new things to do EVERYDAY so you don't go crazy with boredom and start drinking! Go for a walk, garden, go to a movie, visit a friend, go bike riding, read a book, plan and cook a meal, surf the net, etc.........


                        First Post

                        I totally agree with Case. Since I have been sober (for 13) days now I have all sorts of useless stuff that keeps me enthralled at night, like playing with computer, etc.

                        Hey Case congrats on day 13 -- may you have many more!! And Froggie, I do hope you are now on 14, grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to hearing how its going. Love to all.


                          First Post

                          Hey Matten...have a great weekend! I know you will be free from the beast due to the antibuse but I will have to fight him off hard. Got to my lake cabin and ran for the AF beer to fight off the "just got to the lake - let's party trigger"!

                          Take care...

