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1st time and hopefully last

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    1st time and hopefully last

    Hi. Im 29,a single but involved mom and a secret heavy drinker. I usually have almost 2 bottles of wine a day. The people in my life are starting to make comments, and I almostwish they had sooner. If I didnt have my son, I would welcome rehab with open arms. Ive put on 25lbs this past year from my behavior, and I hate myself. I have the supplements, but not the other stuf yet. I know I have impulse control prolems. What do I do?:new:

    1st time and hopefully last

    Hi there, you are off to a great start. If you have the supps, does that mean you have read the book? I feel that is important! Good for you for trying to better yourself at such a young age! Keep reading and posting. Drinking lots of water is important as we get the alcohol out of our system.

    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      1st time and hopefully last

      Get a plan together. Read the book, take the supplements. Figure out when your trigger times are and plan to do something else at that time. Dont buy any alcohol and get rid of any in the house. Hopefully once you can get a few days AL free you will feel motivated to keep going. And most important of all jump on here and read the posts any time you feel you are weakening. This is a great support and you can do it.


        1st time and hopefully last


        Welcome and good luck, you have found a great place w/ great people, I wish you the best!!

        love and hugs,

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          1st time and hopefully last

          I would start practicing the word no and apply it to the moments when you feel like drinking. 2 bottles of wine I would hope takes you the better part of the night to drink so there are probably at least a couple opportunities for you to say no and try something else in it's place and hopefully can get a no or two in *before* your first sip.

          It can be real hard to be consistent throughout, but consistency with your approach is IMO what it really takes to make recovery work. Lots and lots of great ideas and support here, I hope to see you around and hear a lot about your journey!

          Is Addiction Really a Disease?
          Watch this and find out....


            1st time and hopefully last

            Hi luvmy2pups :welcome:

            Easier said than done, but if you try not buying the wine then once that witching hour begins when they are asleep you know you just have to get on with it as you are stuck in doors. This is when AF days work for me. If I have let my resolve weaken and bought wine on the way home from work then I know that there is no chance really come 8-9pm that I am just going to leave it in the fridge ... I used to be able to - but this past few months I can't.

            You have so much going for you, your age is a great bonus and hopefully you can bite this in the bum (!) before it really takes hold.

            I consistently managed to drink a bottle on nights I drink but these last few months have progressed onto needing to open a second and drink half of that too. That has alarm bells ringing for me. Also my AF days are becoming fewer (they were never great to start with tbh).

            I have 2 children I'm doing this for aswell. I want them to experience a full life. Ultimately I know it is me I'm doing it for. When I start in earnest I think the best way to say no for me is to watch my sleeping children. I don't feel like a great parent these days.

            Hugs for you tonight

            J x


              1st time and hopefully last

              I too have 2 kids and am learning not to drink, I was considering the irony that a 3yr old & 16mth old are my best teachers! I was never a great student though but it's time for me to go back to school & grow up properly. I'm glad you joined.


                1st time and hopefully last

                :welcome: :new: too.

                You can do it. It will be a lot easier at 29 than 49 to stop.


                  1st time and hopefully last

                  When I'm tired and step in the house and pour that first glass of wine--well can't stop till at least 3/4s of the bottle is gone and can easily polish off the whole thing. Today is Day 12 AF for me. Since stepping into the house is my trigger, I change my clothes at work, pick up the dog, and go take a long walk. By the time I go home and step into the house, I'm not quite so stressed from work and have more self-control. I've read that others on this site have benefited from going to exercise directly after work and not going home. From one newbie to another, welcome lovmy2pups.


                    1st time and hopefully last

                    :welcome: !

                    I am a mom of two kids. One who just turned 3 and the other turning 15. Our kids can be our biggest motivators.

                    Definitely rid of all alcohol in the home. Also, try to keep yourself busy during the time you would normally drink.

                    Drink lots of water, take your supplements, read the posts here, and post to your hearts content. Make sure you eat well too. I found eating small, healthy meals through out the day really helped me tons!

                    You may feel like absolute crap in the beginning during detox. You may have a hard time sleeping, become irritable and restless - but just know, this will pass. Ride it out and know it is perfectly normal. A lot of people start to drink again because they start to feel uncomfortable and sleep deprived. It really does get better after a few days.

                    Glad you found us. You will find a lot of support here! :l


                      1st time and hopefully last


                      Ditto to all the great advice that's already been given. For me the big things were having no alcohol in the house (I so would have caved otherwise), finding something different to do at wine o'clock and avoiding the usual triggers (eg cooking and watching tv were triggers for me as I used to do both with a glass of wine almost constantly by my side), and spending lots of time on this site.

                      For the first week or so all I did in the evenings was come on here and read, post, and play endless computer games. Gradually as the associations with alcohol reduced I've been able to add back my regular activities into my life, as well as take up some new ones. As BH said, with a few AF (alcohol free) days under their belt people often find the motivation to keep going. Speaking for myself, the feeling has been exhilarating - how wonderful to feel like I'm back in control of my own life.

                      Look forward to hearing more from you.

                      Wooflet x


                        1st time and hopefully last

                        Luv: All the suggestions above are great. I don't keep any alcohol in the house, because I would drink it. Maybe there will come a day when I can have it here for guests, but for now, I can't have it here. I come to MWO a lot & read & post. I also do active things:
                        -call people on the phone

                        Good luck to you. I must say that I haven't had so much success as I've had since I've come to MWO in Apr. '07. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          1st time and hopefully last

                          So much good advice has been given already, that there is really nothing for me to add.

                          But, welcome to the Board. You will find so much encouragement here, the people are all very lovely. All my best to you.


                            1st time and hopefully last


                            All the best to you Luv!
                            You've found a very helpful place and awesome support here.
                            Stick around awhile.

                            Love and Peace
                            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                              1st time and hopefully last

                              Hi Luvmy2pups

                              Lots of good advice here so far. AS for me, I could never stay sober if I had so much as one beer in the house. I would drink it and then go out and buy 12 more and maybe a bottle of wine for good measure. Gotta get it out of the house. For me that meant pouring it down the drain.

                              Come by here and post often and read the stories of others. I have learned a lot and hope it offers you the same. Can't agree with Florida more, lot easier to slay the beast at 29 than at 49. You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!:good job:

