Hi everyone around the world. How good to be getting out of my own head and onto a site I didn't know existed until a few hours ago. I have never posted a thread online so started out by replying to someone elses and then found I didn't come up in the newbie section.... So starting again!!
Me? I am 40 this year though have been blessed with youthful looks and no one believes it when I tell them my age. I've got three brilliant kids, a 13 year old daughter, and nine and five year old sons. My marriage ended five years ago and my drinking began. Simple as that.
I've been 'reaching out' for nothing but chardonnay ever since and along the way have scored a fabulous job, watched my kids thrive in their schools and friendships, bought a house and some land ... and totally withdrawn from so many of my own friends and soul-nourishing past-times (homeopathy - I was at homeopathy college for a year, writing - i'm a journalist and work in communications but before the wine I wrote creatively, horse-riding, gardening, tramping).
Today I am 'reaching out' to you all. I have never been in a blog or thread or chatroom in my life and to find this incredible website and this huge family of people who know exactly what it means to live two different lives (self-disgust and unhapiness from drinking v the successful coping single Mum) is well ... it's just amazing.
I have to get the My Way Out book. I send you all love and non-judgment. I think no one but us knows that we do our best not to drink and when we do it's the opposite to what we really want for our hearts and souls ... I know I want to be AF and recover the joy I once felt. :h:h