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First time here

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    First time here


    Hi everyone around the world. How good to be getting out of my own head and onto a site I didn't know existed until a few hours ago. I have never posted a thread online so started out by replying to someone elses and then found I didn't come up in the newbie section.... So starting again!!

    Me? I am 40 this year though have been blessed with youthful looks and no one believes it when I tell them my age. I've got three brilliant kids, a 13 year old daughter, and nine and five year old sons. My marriage ended five years ago and my drinking began. Simple as that.

    I've been 'reaching out' for nothing but chardonnay ever since and along the way have scored a fabulous job, watched my kids thrive in their schools and friendships, bought a house and some land ... and totally withdrawn from so many of my own friends and soul-nourishing past-times (homeopathy - I was at homeopathy college for a year, writing - i'm a journalist and work in communications but before the wine I wrote creatively, horse-riding, gardening, tramping).

    Today I am 'reaching out' to you all. I have never been in a blog or thread or chatroom in my life and to find this incredible website and this huge family of people who know exactly what it means to live two different lives (self-disgust and unhapiness from drinking v the successful coping single Mum) is well ... it's just amazing.

    I have to get the My Way Out book. I send you all love and non-judgment. I think no one but us knows that we do our best not to drink and when we do it's the opposite to what we really want for our hearts and souls ... I know I want to be AF and recover the joy I once felt. :h:h


    First time here

    ... and a big HI and welcome from me!

    Look forward to seeing you around.


      First time here

      Hi OwnBestFriend,

      Welcome to the MWO community! I found this site nearly 2 months ago and it has been very helpful for me. I had been drinking very heavily for the past five years and felt I needed to stop. I work from home and had access to AL all day long and took great advantage of it. I am sure you can tell from my screen name how much I was drinking! I started and had a great 18 days of AF before I slipped for 7 days of heavy drinking and now I am back up to 13 days of AF.

      I would suggest you download the book, get on the supp's, order the cd's and dive into the entire program. I firmly believe that following the program will lead to controlling AL whether your goal is to go AF or Mod. You will also find a lot of great people on this site that are always willing to help.

      You might not get a big response to your thread as the weekends tend to be a little slower, but on Monday everything really gets busy around here. People posting their successes and slips while other people help with advice.

      Another bit of advice would be to get on the ODAT thread. Bessie typically starts it out in the UK and it makes its way around the world. Just watch out for some of the farm stories...they can get a little dicey!

      Talk to you soon...Case


        First time here

        Hello and welcome OBF!!!

        Today is your lucky day! This really is a great place. Lot's of us 40's somethings, with great lives, jobs, kids.... and great problems with alcohol! Look forward to seeing more posts and join us in chat once you get comfy navigating through the site.


        "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


          First time here

          How exciting. You're all actually out there!! And real people!! Awesome! YAAY!!



            First time here

            A quick :welcome: to you again, before I head to bed!


              First time here

              Thanks for welcome. Just getting dark here in NZ. I used to drink at night when kids in bed but I have a feeling this website will fill in a few evenings and because of my interest in homeopathy, I am very interested in the treatment and research and will be busy getting to grips with it all. Thanks and keep well!!



                First time here

                Own Best Friend - hello and welcome. Oh yes, you wanna bet we're real and we're out here - some of them are more out here than others!! :H:H ! I'm perfectly normal and rational and staid and sober. Well I am certainly a great deal more sober than I was before I found this site. It's a really amazing support system. I think you'll be fine here.

                Like Caseaday says, probably a good idea to get as much of the stuff as you think will work for you - I got the book and the supplements but have now tailored it to what suits me on a daily basis which is this site primarily, the main vitamin drink and the L-Glut for cravings. Everyone is different though.

                Looking forward to hearing the homeopathic angle from you too as I am sure lots of other will. There is a holistic section of the boards somewhere I think.

                Anyway, come on over to the ODAT thread if you think it might help. It's my lifeline and actually I own it now and am Queen to whom everyone must pay daily homage :H:H (Actually I just happen to be the first one up in the MWO world who is interested in starting it!) And there might be the occasional slightly dubious reference to pig sex but we blame Matthen for lowering the tone. If you think you've got good ageing genes, Matthen is 63 and looks 36!!! His mum is 90 and still a supermodel!! You're right, I'm getting carried away now. Anyway, welcome.

                Bessie xx


                  First time here

                  hello ownbestfriend, welcome to MWO, i'm another 40(+2) year old !! and also in the southern hemisphere... you going to love this site and more importantly you going to benefit from it... love cedar x


                    First time here

                    Hi OBF

                    I joined yesterday and I already feel at home. I know that this is a great support group and know that I am here for you. I know that sounds strange but as I mentioned earlier, I can tell that people here are supportive and non judgemental .

                    I wish you the best and most of all I wish you love

                    __________________________________________________ _

                    Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


                      First time here

                      Welcome to the best forum on the net for support with quiting or cutting down!
                      My Way Out has worked for me :l

                      Addiction Freedom My Web Site


                        First time here

                        Welcome from sunny California! Well, today its raining but thats allowed every once in awhile.
                        Been there, done that, same story, just different location.
                        I'm sure you'll end up loving this site. It has become a daily ritual for me, coffee, MWO! But it has helped me tremendously. There has not been one time when reaching for a glass of CALIFORNIAN chardonay that I don't have MWO members in my head. It can be REALLY annoying. But seriously, welcome.


                          First time here

                          FinallyRN...too bad it's raining in CA. Was looking forward to hearing about fun in the sun and some of your star sightings. Seen anyone new lately?


                            First time here

                            hi own--all I can say is that you're lucky to still have your job--I lost a very good one and the respect of countless people due to drinking. I have no kids but do have a boyfriend. I can only advise to find a non judgmental counselor--that has been helpful, although right now I conitnue to drink--which I struggle to control. My drink of choice is light beer, so maybe the effects aren't as strong as wine. I met with my counselor yesterday and was brutally honest about everything, but he assures me things will get better as long as I have the desire to. Luckily, I still have a part time job in my field which is thanks to a friend who believes in me. You will find others who support you also. Please treat yourself well--whether that is exercise, a spa bath, whatever. Eat well. So many of us are nutritionally deficient, which contributes to the problem. Good luck to you. Keep writing--it will help.


                              First time here


                              Own and all newbies!

                              Own, what struck me most about your post was all the wonderful things you'll have to do when you give up the drink. That would be exciting--to re explore things like they are new.

                              I have trouble staying away from this site long enough to do much--traded addictions! :H
                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

